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Nature of Adjustments in Journal Voucher - Release 4.9x vs 5.1 (Uttar Pradesh)

Below is a brief description about the nature of adjustments in Tally.ERP 9 release 5.1, and how each adjustment corresponds to the adjustment flags available in previous releases. Journal vouchers for accounting adjustments can be recorded using the various nature of adjustments provided in 5.1.

VAT Adjustments - upto Release 4.93

Type of Duty/Tax (From 5.1)

Nature of Adjustment (From 5.1)

Additional Details (From 5.1)

Adjustment Against Compounding Scheme Liability


Increase of Tax Liability

Compounding Scheme Liability

Adjustment Against Tax Payable


Reducing Tax Liability

Adjusting with ITC

Adjustment Against TDS Liability


Reducing Tax Liability

Adjusting with TDS

Adjustment Towards CST


Decrease of Input Tax

Against CST

Adjustment Towards Refund Claim


Refund of Input Tax

Not Applicable

Adjustment Towards Refund Order


Refund of Input Tax

Refund Order

Compounding Scheme Liability


Increase of Tax Liability

Switch Over

Input Tax Credit Admitted On Capital Goods


Input Tax Credit Admitted On Capital Goods


Input Tax Credit Not Qualifying and Reversal


Reversal of Input Tax


Input Tax Credit on Opening Stock


Increasing Input Tax

Opening Stock

Tax on URD Purchase


Tax on URD Purchase


TDS Liability


Reducing Tax Liability

TDS Liability

To create a journal voucher for refund

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F7: Journal.

2.    Click J: Stat Adjustment to enable the required options in the Stat Adjustment Details screen.

3.    Debit the ledger grouped under Current Assets and enter the amount.

4.    Credit the VAT ledger. Enter the tax Rate, Addl. Tax and Assessable Value in the VAT Details screen.

5.    Credit the additional tax ledger. The journal voucher appears as shown below:

6.    Press Enter to save.