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TallyPrime now automatically fetches the distance between origin and destination pincodes, and prints it in the e-Way Bill. You no longer have to manually enter this distance. Download TallyPrime Release 5.1 now!

Altering TallyVault for a Company

You can change the current TallyVault password for a company.

To alter the TallyVault for an existing company

1.    Go to Gateway of Tally > Press F3: Company Info > Change TallyVault

2.    Repeat the entire process as described in Enabling TallyVault in Existing Company. The Change TallyVault screen has an additional field Current Password; enter the present password in this field. Enter the new password in the New Password field and repeat the same password in the Repeat New Password field.

3.    Accept to Change the TallyVault password.

4.    Tally.ERP 9 prompts the user with a message Created New Company