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TallyPrime now automatically fetches the distance between origin and destination pincodes, and prints it in the e-Way Bill. You no longer have to manually enter this distance. Download TallyPrime Release 5.1 now!

Resetting Tally.NET Password in Tally.Server 9

For better security, you can reset your Tally.NET password.

To reset the password

1. Click F5 : Reset Pwd from Tally.NET User Login or Reactivate License screen.

The Reset Password screen appears as shown below:

2. Enter the e-mail ID of the account administrator or site administrator. An e-mail containing the link to reset password is sent to the e-mail ID of the account administrator or site administrator.

3. Click the link in the e-mail to change the password.

The Change My Password screen appears as shown below:

4. Enter the password in the New Password field and in the Repeat field, to confirm.

5. Click Save t o save the new password.