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Release Notes for Tally.Server 9 Release 5.5.6

We discovered that if you install Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update, Tally.Server 9 may crash regardless of the Tally product version.

How to check if Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update is installed on your computer

1. Press Windows Key + R and type winver in the Run dialog box that appears.

2. Check if the version corresponds to the version shown in the screen below.

A lready upgraded to Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update? Download and install Release 5.5.6 to solve the problem!

Planning to move to Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update? We strongly recommend that you first move to Release 5.5.6 to prevent this situation.


1. I have a multi-user license, but I installed Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update only on one computer. What now?

You need to install Tally.ERP 9 Release 5.5.6 only on the computer that has Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update.

2. I have a multi-user license with Tally.Server 9. I installed Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update on the computer that has Tally.Server 9, but not on any other computer. What should I do?

You need to install Tally.Server 9 Release 5.5.6 only on the computer that has Tally.Server 9. If this computer has Tally.ERP 9, you will need to install Tally.ERP 9 Release 5.5.6 too.

3. I installed Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update and my Tally product is working as usual. I need not move to Release 5.5.6 right?

As mentioned earlier, your Tally product may crash due to the update. We strongly recommend that you move to Release 5.5.6 to prevent a crash at a later point.

4. I installed the Tally product and it has now gone into educational mode. What should I do?

Reactivate your Tally product license.

5. I installed Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update on the computer that has Tally.Developer 9. This computer has Tally.ERP 9 too. What should I install?

As mentioned earlier, your Tally product may crash due to the update. We strongly recommend that you move all Tally products on the computer to Release 5.5.6 to prevent a crash at a later point.

6. I already installed Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update and do not want to move to Release 5.5.6 at this time. Should I do anything?

We recommend that you rollback the Windows 10 Creators Update until you decide to upgrade to Release 5.5.6 or later versions. Note that Microsoft has a 10-day window within which you have to rollback. If you miss the 10-day window, you have to reinstall the previous version of Windows 10.

Contact your Microsoft Windows support provider for more information.

7. Is there any way to prevent this problem since I do not want to upgrade my Tally product?

You can prevent this problem by:

Using the Defer Upgrades option in Microsoft Windows Settings.

Choosing not to install Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update or later.

Contact your Microsoft Windows support provider for more information.