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Company View

This view displays the list of companies. For each company, number of Currently Logged in Users , number of times Reports have been Viewed , Printed , Exported and Edited will be displayed. Number of Entries (Transactions and Masters) Created , Altered and Deleted , and number of Imported Entries Created , Altered and Deleted will be displayed if the option Show Entries is enabled.

The Company View report of Tally.Server 9 is as shown below:

The companies that are currently online will appear in the colour Blue .

Offline companies will appear in Black.

If Tally.ERP 9 freezes for a particular user and remains frozen for ten minutes or longer, the Company open on their system will be displayed in Red ; the activity will be displayed as Long Hold , accompanied by the name of the user for whom the Long Hold has occurred. A Long Hold can happen when, say a report is being processed for voluminous company data.


Users A, B and C are accessing ABC Company in concurrence. Users B and C are recording voucher entries, while User A has opened the Day Book for the entire year, with the voucher count running to lakhs. Due to the huge amount of data that needs to get processed, User A's Tally.ERP 9 becomes non-responsive and remains that way for more than ten minutes; Users B and C continue recording voucher entries. In Tally.Server Monitor, ABC Company will be displayed in Red ; the activity will be displayed as Long Hold , accompanied by the field By: A , who is the user experiencing the Long Hold. This helps the Administrator identify problem areas and take the necessary action.

Detailed View

To view the details of Last Activities (User name, date and time) for all the companies, click F1 : Detailed or press Alt + F1 .

Note : To view last activity details of one or more companies, select the required companies and press Shift + Enter .

● To change the period of the report, click F2 : Period or press F2 .

● Click N : Sort Next Column or press Alt + N , to sort the Company View report by the next column. To sort by the previous column, click Ctrl+P : Sort Prev. Column or press Ctrl + P .

● To sort the report in descending order, click A : Descending or press Alt + A . This option will toggle between ascending and descending order.

● To move to User View , click F3 : By User or press F3 . To toggle back to Company View, use the same button - F3 : By Company .

● To toggle between viewing only the count/ time spent in accessing Reports and viewing the count/ time spent on Entries also, the option E : Show Entries / Hide Entries ( Ctrl + E ) can be used.

● To view the time spent in doing an operation, click F4 : By Time or press F4 . This option can be used to toggle between the number of times an operation is done by a user or the time spent.

● To load offline data - data that has been previously exported from Tally.Server Monitor, user can use the option F6 : Off-line Data

The Load Data screen appears as shown below:

● Give the Excel file name with the location in the Excel File Name field to load the offline data to Tally.Server Monitor.

Note : Only the Excel files that are exported using Export Data option is supported. Any other format is not supported.

● To manage Tally.Server 9, click S : Manage Server or press Alt + S . This will open Tally.Server Information screen

● If multiple Tally.Servers are being used, then to change from one server to another, press Alt + C or click C : Change Server .

● L : Login can be used to login is a different user.

User can also perform operations like

● Export

● Backup

● Restore

● Rewrite

● Disconnect Users

F12: Configuration

Administrators can customise the look of the report based on their requirements.

To configure this report, click F12: Configuration or press F12 . The Configuration screen will appear:

● Time format for Reports : Time spent in accessing reports can be viewed in H:M (Hours:Minutes) , H:M:S (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) , Hrs , Mins or Secs formats

● Interval for Auto Refresh (in minutes) : You can set the interval for Auto-refreshing the report. This time will be in minutes. By Default, it is set to 5 minutes . The minimum time that can be set is 0.10 minutes . To disable Auto Refresh, enter 0 (zero) in this field

● Either the Total value or the break-up of the operations can be viewed, by using Show Reports (Total) , Show Entries (Total) , Show Imported Entries (Total) and Show Breakup (which appears below each of these options)

● Sorting Method : By default, Default sorting method is selected. You can choose to sort based on one of these columns: Entries-Altered , Entries-Created , Entries-Deleted , Imported Entries-Altered , Imported Entries-Created , Imported Entries-Deleted , Reports-Edited , Reports-Exported , Reports-Printed , or Reports-Viewed.

● Sorting By : The Company Name can be sorted either in Ascending or Descending order, alphabetically. By default, Ascending order is selected.

● Configuration Path : By default, this will show the Installation directory path.

● Export File Location : Default path of exporting files can be set in this field. By default, Configuration Path is set as the export file location.

● Tally.Server Alerts using beeps : When this option is set to Yes, Tally.Server will beep for any exception messages.

You can drill down from any field:

Drill down from Company Name

Drill down from Reports Viewed/Printed/Exported/Edited

Drill down from Entries Created/Altered/Deleted

Drill down from Import Entries Created/Altered/Deleted

Drill down from Company Name

When you drill down from the Company Name , the following report will appear as shown below:

This report gives the details of all the users connected to that particular company. For each User, details of Current Activity , number of time Reports have been Viewed , Printed , Exported and Edited will be displayed. Number of Entries (Transactions and Masters) Created , Altered and Deleted , and number of Imported Entries Created , Altered and Deleted will be displayed if the option Show Entries is enabled.

Even in this report, the Administrator can drill down from Reports Viewed/Printed/Exported/Edited, Entries Created/Altered/Deleted, and Import Entries Created/Altered/Deleted .

Drill down from Reports Viewed/Printed/Exported/Edited

The report can be configured (from F12: Configuration ) as per requirement as shown below:

Drill down from Entries Created/Altered/Deleted

The report can be configured (from F12: Configuration ) as per requirement as shown below:

Drill down from ImportΒ Entries Created/Altered/Deleted

The report can be configured (from F12: Configuration ) as per requirement as shown below:

Drill down from Reports Viewed/Printed/Exported/Edited

When you drill down from Reports Viewed/Printed/Exported/Edited for a Company, the following report will appear as shown below:

This report will display the number of users accessing (Editing, Viewing, Printing, and Exporting) reports, against the report name, Number of times a report has been accessed (including User-wise break up), Time spent in the report (in Seconds).

The report can be configured ( F12 : Configuration ) as per requirement as shown below:

Click on F1 : Detailed or press Alt + F1 , to view the User-wise breakup for each company as shown below:

Drill down from Entries Created/Altered/Deleted

When you drill down from Entries Created/Altered/Deleted for a Company, the following report displays as shown below:

This report gives the details of Transactions and Masters Created , Altered and Deleted . User-wise break up the number of Transactions and Masters created, altered and deleted can be viewed in this report.

Click on F1 : Detailed or press Alt + F1 , to view the User-wise breakup for each company

The report can be configured ( F12: Configuration ) as per requirement,

Drill down from Imported Entries Created/Altered/Deleted

When you drill down from Imported Entries Created/Altered/Deleted for a Company, the following report will appear,

This report gives the details Imported Transactions and Masters Created , Altered and Deleted . User-wise break up the number of Transactions and Masters created, altered and deleted can be viewed in this report.

Click on F1 : Detailed or press Alt + F1 , to view the User-wise breakup for each Company as shown below:

The report can be configured ( F12: Configuration ) as per requirement as shown below: