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Disconnecting Users from Tally.Server 9

An administrator may require to disconnect the users from the companies in certain business day-to-day management scenarios, like for a scheduled installation of the new release of Tally.ERP 9.

Users that are accessing data from the Tally.Server can be disconnected from the Tally.Server Monitor . All users working on a company(s), or individual users working on multiple companies can be disconnected.

To Disconnect users

1. Select the required Companies or Users from Company View/User View using Spacebar .

2. Click U : Disconnect Users or press Alt + U .

3. Tally.Server will prompt the user for a confirmation.

4. Select Yes or press Enter to disconnect users.

In the Tally.ERP 9 client machine,

The user is warned with a message informing him to complete his task and close the company(s). The user is provided a few minutes for this.

The server waits and detects the closing of the company. No further steps need to be taken.

If the user continues to operate in the company(s) even after the provided time, the user is disconnected forcefully, as the Tally.ERP 9 client crashes/shuts down.