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Access Company Data from TallyPrime Server

To access company data from TallyPrime Server (data server), the administrator has to give only the Data Name to the users. Using this Data Name, all the data in the corresponding location can be accessed through the client machine. Data Security will be ensured, because users will know only the data name and not the actual location.

Access shared data

  1. Start TallyPrime.
  2. Press Alt+K (Company) > Alt+F3 (Select Company) > Select Tally Data Server.
  3. Select the required Data Location and press Enter.
  4. Select the required Company.

Create Company

  1. Press Alt+K (Company) > Create > Select Tally Data Server.
  2. Select the required Data Location and press Enter.

If you have not logged in to the TallyPrime Server, then you will be asked to enter your credentials.

  1. Enter your Tally.NET ID that is authorised to create companies in the Data Location.
  2. Create a new company in the selected Data Location.
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