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Connected services in TallyPrime enables you to access your Company data from anywhere, remotely administer different sites linked to your account, and also manage your requests for technical support.

With the Connected services in TallyPrime, you can have your business data at your fingertips, even when you are attending a business meeting, out on a trip or working from home. In addition to that, it will enable your employees also to use TallyPrime to work from home or during a business travel.


  • Check outstanding payments or order status while you are out on the field, at your customer’s office or factory.
  • Record orders on the move.
  • Use Synchronisation in TallyPrime to exchange data between branches or consolidate data from different branches.

And more!

Connect to External Sites

Stay connected to external sites directly from TallyPrime with:

  • An active Tally.NET ID
  • An active TSS

and avail a host of activities suited to your business needs.


Decentralisation of books to multiple branches is no more difficult!

Having business at multiple locations? Synchronise business data across locations and get consolidated information at one location by using the synchronization feature of TallyPrime.

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