Table of Contents



Excise for Manufacturers in TallyPrime

You can click the following links for more information about excise for manufacturers.

  1. Getting Started with Excise
  2. Defining Duty Rates
  3. Hierarchy for considering duty rates
  4. Masters
    1. Excise Classification and Excise Duty Classification
    2. Excise Book and Serial Number
    3. Party Ledger
    4. Duty Ledger
    5. Income and Expense Ledger
    6. Purchase and Sales Ledger
    7. Stock Group
    8. Stock Item
    9. Tax Units
    10. Excise Unit or Godown
    11. Configuring Masters
  5. Transactions
    1. Excise Purchase Transactions
    2. Manufacture of Finished Goods
    3. Sale of Excisable Goods
    4. Excise Sales of Jewellery Goods
    5. Excise Sales with CST
    6. MRP Sales
    7. Sales Inclusive of Tax
    8. Excise Supplementary Invoice
    9. Inter unit Transfer
    10. Sales to SEZs
    11. Accounting Direct Exports
    12. Sale to 100% EoUs
  6. Adjustment Entries
    1. Recording Excise Adjustments
    2. Adjustment Towards Duty Liability
    3. Adjustment Towards Miscellaneous Payment
    4. Adjustment Towards Other Payments (Arrears)
    5. Adjustment Towards Removal As Such (Capital Goods)
    6. Adjustment Towards Removal As Such (Inputs)
    7. Adjustment Towards Rule 10A
    8. Adjustment Towards Rule 6
    9. Availment of CENVAT Credit (Capital Goods)
    10. Availment of CENVAT Credit (Inputs)
    11. Availment of Credit Under Rule 12BB
  7. Excise Duty Payment
  8. Reports
    1. Excise Forms
      1. Form ER 1
      2. Form ER 3
      3. Form ER 8
      4. Form ER8 – Jewel
      5. Return Transactions – Form ER 8
      6. Challan Reconciliation
    2. Form ARE
      1. Form ARE-1
      2. Form ARE-2
      3. Form ARE-3
    3. Excise Registers
      1. Daily Stock Register
      2. Rule 16 Register
      3. PLA Register
    4. CENVAT Registers
      1. RG 23A Part 1
      2. RG 23A Part 2
      3. Annexure 10
    5. Export Reports
      1. CT-1 Outstandings Report
      2. CT-3 Outstandings Report
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