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Establish Connection with Axis Bank Accounts from TallyPrime

With Connected Banking, you can establish connection with Axis Bank accounts and TallyPrime. This allows you get bank statement and bank balance and perform other online banking activities.

All you need to do is log in to Connected Banking with your Tally.NET ID and password. Once a Connected Banking session is established, you can start connecting your bank accounts to TallyPrime.

Connect Your Axis Bank Accounts 

With an active Connected Banking session, you can connect your Axis Bank Accounts. You can then complete the connection process on the Axis bank portal.

Connect Your Axis Bank Accounts | Single User

  1. In TallyPrime, press Alt+Z (Exchange) > All Banking Options > Bank Connections.
    If you have not logged in to Connected Banking already, then you will need to log in.
  2. Press F6 (New Connection).
  3. Select Axis Bank.
    A connection ID gets generation.
  4. Press C (Connect) in the Connect to Bank screen.
    Connect Your Axis Bank Accounts to TallyPrime
    Consequently, you get redirected to the bank portal.
  5. Log in to the Axis Bank portal.
    1. Enter the Login Id and Password.
      Log In to Axis Bank Portal
    2. Click Proceed.
    3. Enter the OTP received on your mobile number and click Submit.
      Axis Bank OTP for Login
  6. Read and accept the terms and conditions.
    1. After reading, check on I have read the Terms & Conditions.
    2. Click Proceed.
      Terms and Conditions - Axis Bank Portal
      Your bank accounts get linked to TallyPrime. 
      Connection with Axis Bank Successful
  7. Switch to TallyPrime and in the in the Connect to Bank screen, press S (Refresh Status).
    Refresh Status to Connect with Axis Bank
    The status of the connection with the bank is Connected. The screen also displays the validity and the linked account numbers.
    Bank Connections with Linked Axis Bank Accounts

Connect Your Axis Bank Accounts | Multi-User

If there are more than one users of the bank account, then you will need to approve the users on the portal. 

  1. In TallyPrime, press Alt+Z (Exchange) > All Banking Options > Bank Connections.
    If you have not logged in to Connected Banking already, then you will need to log in.
  2. Press F6 (New Connection).
  3. Select Axis Bank.
    A connection ID gets generation.
  4. Press C (Connect) in the Connect to Bank screen.
    Connect Your Axis Bank Accounts to TallyPrime
    Consequently, you get redirected to the bank portal.
  5. Log in to the Axis Bank portal.
    1. Enter the Login Id and Password.
      Log In to Axis Bank Portal
    2. Click Proceed.
    3. Enter the OTP received on your mobile number and click Submit.
      Axis Bank OTP for Login
  6. Once you log in to the portal, select Profile and Approver and click Proceed.
    Select Approver Profile on Axis Bank Portal
  7. Read and accept the terms and conditions.
    1. After reading, check on I have read the Terms & Conditions.
    2. Click Proceed.
      Terms and Conditions - Axis Bank Portal
      Your bank accounts get linked to TallyPrime.
      Connection with Axis Bank Successful
  8. Switch to TallyPrime and in the in the Reconnect to Bank screen, press S (Refresh Status).
    Refresh Status to Connect with Axis Bank
    The status of the connection with the bank is Connected. The screen also displays the validity and the linked account numbers.
    Bank Connections with Linked Axis Bank Accounts

Reconnect Your Axis Bank Accounts

You can reconnect to the bank using an existing Connection ID in the following scenarios:

  • The connection is still in progress.
  • The connection has expired in the following scenarios:
    • The connection has crossed its validity.
    • Mobile number has been changed.
  1. Select the connection, and press Enter or press F7 (Manage Connection).
  2. In the Manage Connection screen, press F6 (Reconnect to Bank). 
  3. Press C (Connect) in the Reconnect to Bank screen.
    Reconnect to Axis Bank
    Consequently, you get redirected to the bank portal.
    You can then follow the steps to Connect Your Axis Bank Accounts | Single User or Connect Your Axis Bank Account | Multi-User, as applicable.
    In case of reconnecting your bank accounts after the connection is expired, even if you are not the approver, you will not need an approval to connect your bank accounts.
    However, if the connection is in progress, then you will need to follow the entire process for connecting your bank accounts along with the approval.
  4. Switch to TallyPrime and in the in the Connect to Bank screen, press S (Refresh Status).
    Refresh Status After Reconnecting to Bank

    The status of the connection with the bank is Connected. The screen also displays the validity and the updated account numbers.
    Manage Connection - Axis Bank

Disconnect Bank Accounts

One or more bank accounts belonging to a bank might be dormant. You might not want to use the bank accounts through Connected Banking. When you do not want to use bank accounts of a specific bank, you can disconnect from the bank.

  1. Select the connection, and press Enter or press F7 (Manage Connection).
  2. In the Manage Connection screen, press Alt+F6 (Disconnect).
  3. In the Disconnect from Bank screen, press D (Disconnect).
    Disconnect from Axis Bank
  4. Press Y to confirm.
  5. Enter the OTP received on the mobile number, which is registered with the Bank.
    Disconnect from Axis Bank with an OTP
    The bank account gets disconnected.
    Manage Connection Report Without Bank Accounts
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