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TallyPrime Cloud Access – FAQ

Some of the commonly asked questions about TallyPrime Cloud Access are answered here.

No, you are not allowed to install any third-party application in TallyPrime Cloud Access. The Virtual Computer runs on a Linux-based Operating System and TallyPrime can run only on a highly secured WINE layer. Therefore, installing any third-party application in the TallyPrime Cloud Access environment is not allowed.

However, you can have these applications in your local Windows computer. The new Sync with Local Applications feature in the Virtual Computer Connection Client allows you to integrate third-party applications using HTTP or ODBC method from your local Windows computer to the Virtual Computer.

Most of the third-party applications are deployed only on servers running in local systems and the same is applicable for TallyPrime Cloud Access.
Therefore, in the current release, you can provide permission to sync with local applications to only a single user. For another user to access sync with local applications, you will need to first disable the permission from the existing user. To know more, refer to this.

No, you can use the Sync with Local Applications feature only if Virtual Computer Connection Client 1.2 or above is installed in the Virtual Computer.

Yes, you can start Sync with Local Applications in the VCC Client and continue using the Virtual Computer in the browser.

No, currently Sync with Local Applications feature is free for one user. However, in the future release, minimal cost might be added in the billing for additional users.

No, only users who want to use the new Sync with Local Applications feature need to update the VCC Client to the latest 1.2 version.

For UAE:  VCC Client 2.0 version has Sync feature inherently. Download from this

Yes, you can run both these instances of TallyPrime but in a different ODBC port. For example, if TallyPrime is running on port 9000 in the Virtual Computer, any port other than 9000 should be used in the local Windows computer.

To change the ODBC port in TallyPrime:

  1. Open TallyPrime.
  2. Click F1Help > Settings > Connectivity.
  3. In the Connectivity Settings screen,
    Client/Server Configuration- TallyPrime acts as: Both/Server
    Enable ODBC: Yes
    Port: 9001

Yes, the Company needs to be open in the Virtual Machine for the sync to happen.

No, you cannot enter a Virtual Computer name because a dedicated IP address is assigned to the Virtual Computer when the sync feature is enabled.
Hence, it is recommended to use ‘localhost’ because when a request is sent to the ‘localhost’, the system automatically forwards it to the Virtual Computer.

No, it is recommended that you use ‘localhost’ or ‘’ as the Computer Name/IP address for sync because a dedicated IP address is assigned to the Virtual Machine when the Sync with Local Applications feature is enabled.

It will be the same experience as in TallyPrime on the local Windows system. The performance/speed depends on the size of the Data being integrated.

If a user is logged in to the VCC Client 1.2 and the sync permission is enabled, the user will have to re-login for the changes to take effect in VCC Client.

In UAE, if a user is logged in to the VCC Client 2.0 and the sync permission is enabled, the user will have to re-login for the changes to take effect in VCC Client 

The Started (Yellow) state of Sync with Local Apps indicates that the sync is established but TallyPrime is not running in the Virtual Computer, or the ODBC Port is not configured in Tally. To resolve this, you can:

  1. Make sure that TallyPrime is running in the Virtual Computer.
    If TallyPrime is running,

    1. Check the ODBC connectivity from Help (F1) > Settings > Connectivity > Client/Server configuration.
    2. Set TallyPrime acts as to Both/Server when it is serving the data to other applications. When TallyPrime is getting data from other applications, the option should be set as Client.
    3. Set Enable ODBC as Yes.
    4. Check if the Port Number is valid under Settings > Sync Connectivity Information.
  2. In some cases, Linux-based operating system may block the Port Number for some time. Try closing TallyPrime and restarting it again after a few minutes.
  3. If you are still facing the issue, refresh the Sync Connectivity in your Virtual Computer from Start Icon > Help > Troubleshooting > Refresh Sync Connectivity.

The Sync with Local Apps can be in the Error (Red) state because:

  • The Virtual Computer is not started.
  • The Virtual Computer is getting started, restarted or shutdown.
  • There is a connectivity issue between your local Windows system and the Virtual Computer.
  • There is a sync connectivity error in the Virtual Computer.
  • There are internet connectivity issues.
  • There are other technical issues.

You can resolve this by,

  1. Click the Error button.
    This will automatically refresh or restart the sync based on the error status.
  2. In the Virtual Computer, refresh sync connectivity from Start Icon > Help > Troubleshooting > Refresh Sync Connectivity.
  1. Install the latest Virtual Computer Connection Client 1.2 in the system with the static IP address.
  2. Identify the local IP address using the Command Prompt.
    1. Open the Command Prompt.
    2. Type ‘ipconfig’.
      This will list all your local system IP addresses.
    3. Copy the IP4 address of ethernet adapter.
  3. Update the IP address in the Sync Connectivity Information.
    1. In the Virtual Computer Connection Client, click Settings >Sync Connectivity Information.
    2. Click the edit icon beside Computer Name/IP address for sync.
    3. Enter the IP4 address and save the changes.
  4. Start the Sync with local apps.

No. You can access the uploaded data by using the TallyPrime application on the virtual computer itself. TallyPrime facilitates data sharing and license usage across computers in a common LAN environment.

Currently, you can install the client only on a desktop or laptop having a Windows operating system.

TallyPrime Cloud Access can be installed on any computer having Windows Vista and later. The virtual computer runs on Linux operating system.

The support for number of users depends on the plan that you have purchased. The plans range from 1 user pack to 16 user pack.

The current release is enabled with Linux OS only. The Virtual Computer Connection has been designed such that all necessary software is compatible with Linux OS. Thus, you cannot install any other software apart from Linux OS, on your Virtual Computer.

WINE is an open-source compatibility layer that allows you to run Windows application on Linux OS.

No, it is the same application supporting all the features of TallyPrime, as per your needs. The Virtual Computer Connection supports TallyPrime Release 2.0 onwards.

No, you cannot access the Virtual Computer Connection on the browser as both share some common keyboard shortcuts.

Currently, Virtual Computer Connection is enabled only with TallyPrime Cloud Access.

Yes, whether you have a perpetual or rental TallyPrime license, you can surrender it on the local system and reactivate the same on TallyPrime Cloud Access. However, note that concurrent use of the same license in different environments is not supported.

To access TallyPrime Cloud Access, you need a valid TallyPrime license. However, having a valid TSS will enable you to experience the latest product updates.

Using your license on the virtual computer has no impact on your TSS. As long as you have a valid TSS, you will continue to seamlessly enjoy all the services tagged to your TSS.

Yes, you can use the support extension files. The TallyPrime application runs on Linux OS and WINE environment in Virtual Computer Connection. This environment supports TCP and TDL-based customisation in the current release. However, third-party executables (.exe) and DLL (.dll) developed using languages (.NET, Java, C++, and so on) are not supported in this environment.

Under a single virtual office, each virtual computer can have one license activated. However, you cannot activate multiple licenses on a single virtual computer. For example, under one virtual office four users can activate four different licenses, one on each computer.

To know more about deploying TallyPrime Server License on Virtual Computer Connection, refer to the topic Activate Multi-Site License for TallyPrime Server.

To resolve this,

  1. Close the connection for all users and restart the Virtual Office.  
  2. Re-activate the license. 

Refer to the topic TallyPrime Turned into Educational Mode for more information.

Yes, you can surrender your license on the Virtual Computer and reactivate it on your local computer.  Refer to the Reactivate License section for more information.

No, these offices are not interconnected. Therefore, you cannot use the same license in both offices. In this case, you can purchase two separate TallyPrime licenses use them, one for each virtual office.

Yes, you can activate or reactivate your international license in TallyPrime that is available on the virtual computer.

TVU is applicable in this environment and therefore it is compliant with all the latest guidelines for TVU.

TallyPrime Cloud Access supports TallyPrime Release 2.0 and later versions. 

For UAE, it supports TallyPrime release 5.0 and later versions.  

Yes, your existing data from the earlier releases of the product can be easily migrated to TallyPrime Cloud Access.
Once you upload the data to your virtual computer, you can:

  • Open TallyPrime on your virtual computer, select the company data, and migrate.
    Alternatively, migrate the company data using the Help menu in TallyPrime.

    1. Press F1 (Help) > Troubleshooting > Migrate.
    2. Select the company data to migrate > press Enter.

Yes. as an administrator or owner if you restart the virtual office, all computers under that office will be restarted. Users already working on their respective virtual computers will be impacted.

The Troubleshooting feature is available for all users. Any troubleshooting activity that you perform is applicable to only the respective virtual computer.

No, you will need to upload the data files to your virtual computer. Refer to the Virtual Computer topic for more details.

Currently, you can have only one TallyPrime release installed in the virtual computer.

The current release does not support such flexibilities. However, you can download the files using the Storage option on the virtual computer.

Your company data must be available on the virtual computer so that you can select the company for loading.

No, TallyPrime will not be updated automatically on the virtual computer. You can manually update to the newer releases of TallyPrime from the Computer & User Management portal.

Once you connect to the virtual computer, it automatically detects the printers connected to your local computer and facilitates printing from the virtual computer. You do not have to do any specific setup for the printer.

No, you will be able to choose all the applicable File Formats for reports and vouchers while using the Export or E-mail feature in TallyPrime from the virtual computer.

No, currently the Virtual Computer Connection does not support MS Office suite.

  • Shared Data – Keep files that you want to share with other users associated with the same virtual office.
  • My File – Keep files for your own reference. Other user will not have access to this folder.

No, you cannot create any new folder under D:\ or on the Desktop of the virtual computer.  However, you can create sub-folders under Shared Data, My Applications and My Files.

No, you cannot restrict or stop the automatic backup process.  Automatic backup is set to ensure that the latest copy of the data is always safely available. The backup data includes:

  • The data stored under Shared data
  • Files stored under Your files
  • TallyPrime application configuration files

No, you cannot stop the automatic backup process.  Automatic backup is facilitated to ensure your latest data is safe and can be accessed wherever you need. You can continue to take manual backup as per your needs. In case the overall backed up data crosses the storage limit, the oldest data gets deleted automatically.

If you have the administrator role, you can take backup of all the data on the virtual computer. Users without administrative rights cannot take backup on the virtual computer.

No, in the current release, as an admin user, you can take backup of the entire data, and not for selected users.

  • Company Data Backup: You can backup your company data using the Backup feature in TallyPrime. The backup gets stored in a compressed file format in a specific folder. You can restore the data again using the Restore feature in TallyPrime.
  • Computer Data Backup: In Virtual Computer Connection, you can backup entire data of the virtual computer. It includes data folder, backup files, files exported or imported using TallyPrime, and so on. On backup, each data folder of the virtual computer is saved in zip format and is password protected. You can download these files to your local computer and unzip them using the password provided while downloading the data.

Yes, you can add as many users as you want. However, there can be four concurrent users accessing the virtual computer at any given point.
In case you need more users to be able to login at the same time, we recommend you upgrade your plan.

Deleting a user permanently deleted the details of the user including the data associated with the user. Therefore, ensure that you delete a user from your account, only if you are sure enough.
If you have by mistake deleted a user, as an administrator, you can refer to the latest backup files to get the user-specific data.

If you are the owner of the virtual office, you can add as many users as you want as the administrator.

If you are an administrator, you can update TallyPrime for all computers in one go or for only the selected ones.

Yes, if you are an administrator, you will have the flexibility to update to a later or previous TallyPrime release, starting Release 2.0.

No, currently there is no option to notify users when the administrator updates TallyPrime to any release.

Yes, updating TallyPrime application using the Computer & User Management portal will automatically restart all virtual computer to update the application.

No, you can reset only your own password, irrespective of your user role.

Once you are added as a user, you can use your existing Tally.NET ID and password, along with the newly received Secure PIN, to login to the Virtual Computer Connection client.

To login to the Virtual Computer Connection client, you will require a Secure PIN in addition to your Tally.NET credentials. You will receive a one-time Secure PIN on the e-mail ID registered with the plan. This PIN expires in 8 hours. On your first login, the client prompts you to change your Secure PIN, which can used for all subsequent logins.

When you reset or change you Secure PIN, you will receive a new one-time Secure PIN on the same registered e-mail ID.

No, you can use only numbers while setting up your Secure PIN.

Your data remains encrypted and safe on the virtual computer. Once you login successfully, you will be able to access your data.

As you start downloading the data from the virtual computer, they are folder-wise stored in password-protected zip files. You can use the password from the portal to while unzipping the files in your local computer.

No, you cannot use the same password to unzip the downloaded backup files.  The password for the zipped backup files differs with every download.

To access the virtual computer and the Computer & User Management portal, you will require to enter your login credentials – Tally.NET ID, Tally.NET Password, and Secure PIN.
The Tally.NET ID and Tally.NET Password are validated by Tally Solutions. The Secure PIN is validated by AWS, along with the combination of Tally.NET ID and Password.

This multi-layer authentication ensure authorised login to the virtual environment.

The recommended browsers are:

  • Chrome
  • Safari

Install the latest version of the browsers for the best experience.

No. This will not reduce the usage cost since you have temporarily disconnected your Virtual Computer from DCV.
When you reconnect to the Virtual Computer, it remains in the same state of operation where you left it.

Yes, you can increase your backup storage to store more backup data. For more information, contact your Tally Partner.

To toggle between the applications on the local computer and those on the Virtual Computer:

  • Using browser: Press Alt+Tab.
  • Using VCC client: Press Ctrl+Alt+Tab > Enter.

Yes, you can download a file from the Virtual Computer to the local computer at the desired location.

  1. Go to Chrome Settings > Advanced > Downloads. 
  2. Enable the option Ask where to save each file before downloading.

Once you enable this setting, the next time you download files from the Virtual Computer, they will be downloaded to the location you specify.

No, you cannot use the client and browser simultaneously to access the Virtual Computer.

Currently, auto-backups are performed when the system is started.

When you access the Virtual Computer via a web browser, it will allow you to print only in PDF format.
However, when you click Print, it will give you a preview of the print and let you select the desired printer from the printer window.

  1. Press Ctrl+P to print the voucher.
    Alternatively, press Alt+P (Print) > press Enter on Current.
  2. Press (Print) to print the invoice.
    The print preview of the invoice will be displayed in the browser.
  3. Select the required printer from the Destination field and click Print.

It will use the printer that you have selected from the list of installed printers on your local system to print the invoice.

No, currently Mobile/Tablet devices are not supported for accessing the Virtual Computer.

Enable the Clipboard settings in the browser.

For Chrome browser:

  1. Go to Chrome Settings > Privacy and security > Site Settings > Additional permissions > Clipboard.
  2. Enable Sites can ask to see text and images on your clipboard option.

Once you enable the Clipboard settings in the browser, you will be able to copy and paste text from any local application to the Virtual Computer.

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