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TallyHelp Videos in Tamil

This page collates all the how-to videos for TallyPrime and its features in Tamil language. The TallyHelp videos in Tamil are enlisted based on the categories and modules so that you can identify and navigate to the relevant video, based on your query.

You may watch these videos with audio in English or Hindi.

Latest Videos

Basics of TallyPrime



Related Topic


How to Get Started with TallyPrime | A Quick Start | Tamil


Steps to install TallyPrime, activate the license, create a Company, record the first transaction, and a quick look at reports.

How to Start Using TallyPrime


How to Install TallyPrime | Tamil


TallyPrime installation scenarios and the steps to repair data or reinstall, if needed.

How to Start Using TallyPrime

Licensing in TallyPrime 



Related Topic

How to Use Existing Tally.ERP 9 License & TallyPrime | Tamil

Steps to use the existing Tally.ERP 9 license for TallyPrime and use both products in parallel.

How to Start Using TallyPrime


Quick Operations in TallyPrime



Related Topic


How to Navigate using Go To in TallyPrime | Tamil


Steps to use Go To feature with scenarios.

Get Familiar with TallyPrime Features


How to Use More Details in TallyPrime | Tamil


Explains the need for configurations in TallyPrime and showcases the difference between F12 & More Details


Get Familiar with TallyPrime Features

Data Management in TallyPrime



Related Topic

How to Configure your Data in Multi User TallyPrime | Tamil

Steps to store and access TallyPrime data at different locations.

Manage Your Company Data – An Overview


How to Migrate your Data to TallyPrime | Tamil

Steps to migrate from Tally.ERP 9 to TallyPrime for single user and multi-user editions.

Migrate Company Data

Dashboard in TallyPrime



Related Topic

This video demonstrates how to access Dashboard in TallyPrime.

Dashboard provides you with the overview of your business health, as you can gather key insights of your business on a single screen and make decisions accordingly.

It is very simple to navigate and with multiple tiles in the Dashboard, you can easily scroll across it.

Use Dashboard in TallyPrime to Analyse Business Information and Data Trends

This video demonstrates the various features of Dashboard in TallyPrime.

Dashboard comes with the facilities to add, configure, and remove tiles.

You can also expand any tile to focus on it.

Use Dashboard in TallyPrime to Analyse Business Information and Data Trends

This video demonstrates the process of restricting or disallowing users from accessing the Dashboard or tiles, based on their user roles.

In your business, you might be having a variety of users performing different tasks. You can easily restrict users from accessing the Dashboard or tile.

Moreover, you can allow users from accessing the Dashboard, while disallowing them from specific tile, as needed.

Use Dashboard in TallyPrime to Analyse Business Information and Data Trends

Excel Import in TallyPrime



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This video demonstrates the process of importing masters and transactions into TallyPrime using the Sample Excel File.

With a few basic steps, you will see how to download the Sample Excel File provided by TallyPrime.

After the download, you can fill the Sample Excel Files with details of masters or transactions and import that data into TallyPrime.

How to Import Data into TallyPrime

This video demonstrates how you can easily import data into TallyPrime using Mapping Templates. You have the flexibility of creating and customizing your own template to import data from your Excel file into TallyPrime.

While creating a Mapping Template, you will have to map the column headers in your Excel file to the corresponding fields in TallyPrime. Once you’ve created your Mapping Template and mapped the necessary fields, you can proceed with importing your Masters or Transactions into TallyPrime.

This way, you can seamlessly import the data entered in your Excel files into TallyPrime in just a few simple steps. 

How to Import Data into TallyPrime

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