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Scenario: Due to lockdown during Pandemic, I want to access my TallyPrime license from home and start working with my company data. How do I do?

The following are the few common scenarios or frequently asked questions (FAQ). Refer to the questions and the solution based on your scenario.

You can continue to use RDP or other virtual platforms to access the office computer.

By default, TallyPrime supports one TUV user for a single-user license, and 10 TVU users for a multi-user license, without any additional cost.

Based on the number of users, you can configure TVU to access your license and company data.

Once you set up TVU, you will not require to reactive the license separately on your personal laptop or computer. Using TVU capabilities, you can access your license and data centrally.

Scenario: I have activated the TallyPrime license on my office computer. I am not able to use my office computer. Can I use the same license on my laptop or computer at home?

  1. Install TallyPrime on your laptop or computer at home.
  2. Reactivate your existing license once TallyPrime is installed.
    During reactivation, your license will be auto-surrendered from your office computer and activated on the laptop/computer at home.
    To know how to reactivate the license, click here.
  3. Restore the company data.
    To know how to restore company data & configure the data path, click here.

Note: If you have a multi-user license, if you reactivate the license on one computer, you can access the license on another computer. Users located in different locations cannot access license and data centrally unless they have a virtual set-up.
To know how to configure the Tally license for virtual usage, click here.

Configure remote access for accessing the company data. This requires an internet connection in your and the remote user’s computer.

To know how to configure the remote access, click here.

Note: To use the Remote Access feature in TallyPrime, you need to have an active TSS (Tally Software Subscription Service).

You can access the license remotely only if the virtual set-up like Windows RDP, Cloud set-up, or any other virtual set-up exists. You can host the office computer with license and data virtually on the virtual set-up so that the virtual users can access the system and work from anywhere.
To know more about accessing the license remotely, click here.

If no virtual set-up exists, you must share data via the Remote Access feature. To know how to configure Remote Access, in TallyPrime, click here.

By default, 10 remote users can access the data from anywhere for a multi-user License with the existing TVU policy and Remote Access usage policy.

Note: To use the Remote Access feature in TallyPrime, you need to have an active TSS (Tally Software Subscription Service).

You need to provide Reports on Browser access to your Tally.NET e-mail IDs. To know how to configure for Reports on Browser, click here. This will enable remote users to access and view the reports available in your company data.

Note: To use the Reports on Browser feature in TallyPrime, you need to have an active TSS (Tally Software Subscription Service).

You can purchase a Rental license. Click here to purchase a Rental license.

After you have purchased the Rental license, activate the Rental license.

To know how to activate your Rental license, click here.

No. A multi-site license is created to associate multiple licenses of TallyPrime, TallyPrime Developer, or TallyPrime Server to a primary account.

Yes, you can host the desktop or application and data on a Cloud platform to access it remotely. Our licensing policy supports the access of licenses and data anywhere anytime.

Click here to know more.

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