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Manage Tally Plug-Ins

When your business requires specific services beyond the standard TallyPrime features, you can use Tally Plug-Ins, such as Tally Capital, which will be available to customers of TallyCapital partners. You can use this for checking your credit report, getting loan eligibility details, and applying for a business loan, in just a few steps, whenever your business needs one.

Such plug-ins developed by Tally Solutions extend the capabilities of TallyPrime application without impacting the existing features. Starting TallyPrime Release 5.0, Tally Plug-Ins will be available as an integral part of the application, enabling you to manage them as per your business needs.

Using the Plug-In Management screen, you can view the number of plug-ins deployed, check the status of each plug-in, understand the reason for any errors in the plug-ins, and so on. TallyCapital – the first ever Tally Plug-In – will help you to check your credit report, get loan eligibility details, and apply for a business loan, in just a few steps, whenever your business needs one.   

Do not need Tally plug-ins? No worries! You can opt out of the plug-in right from your the Tally Plug-In Management report. Reach out to your Tally Partner anytime to opt for the plug-in again.

Tally Plug-In Management | View Tally Plug-Ins

Manage your Tally Plug-Ins anytime you want to check what plug-ins are available and accessible to you. 

View Tally Plug-In Details

  1. To open the Tally Plug-In Management report, press F1 (Help) > Tally Plug-Ins.

    You can view the number of Plug-Ins from F1 (Help) > About > Tally Plug-Ins.

    The Plug-In Management report provides a list of all plug-ins.

  2. To view the description of a plug-in, select a plug-in and press Shift+Enter.

View Status of Tally Plug-Ins

The Tally Plug-In Management report lists the plug-ins along with their deployment statuses, as follows: 

  • Loaded: The plug-in is successfully deployed and loaded in TallyPrime. You can explore and experience the features specific to the plug-in. 
  • Restart Required: The plug-in is successfully deployed. To load it, TallyPrime requires a restart.
  • Downloading: The plug-in in the process for download for deployment to complete.
  • Error: Plug-ins that are loaded but could not be used or accessed due to errors.
    • To see the error description, select the plug-in and press Shift+Enter.

    • To repair the plug-in, select the plug-in > press Enter > and press R (Repair).

      If you’re unable to see this feature, reach out to your Tally Partner. In Release 5.0, you can experience the TallyCapital plug-in to check your credit score, check your loan eligibility, and apply for a business loan whenever you need one.

You can also view a quick summary of the number of Tally Plug-ins and their statuses from the About page. 

  • Press F1 (Help) > About Tally Plug-Ins.
    You will see the count of plug-ins against each status, as follows.

Opt-In and Opt-Out Options for Tally Plug-Ins

Using Tally Plug-Ins is completely a choice depending on your business requirements. Although Tally Plug-Ins comes integrated with TallyPrime Release 5.0, you can opt out of the plug-ins anytime you need.

  1. Press F1 (Help) > Tally Plug-Ins.
  2. In the Tally Plug-In Management report, select the plug-in and press Enter.
  3. In the subscreen for the selected plug-in, press O (Opt Out).

    Note: Press K (Know More) to view the details about the selected plug-in in a browser.

    The message screen displays the result of proceeding with the Opt-Out option, and prompts you to confirm.
  4. Press Y or Enter to confirm.

    The Tally Plug-Ins gets delinked successfully from your license account. You will also receive a confirmation e-mail with a link that you can use anytime to opt for the plug-in. In case you want to re-deploy the plug-in to access its features in TallyPrime, you contact your Tally Partner. 


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