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Account Excise Duty Opening Balance

Excise Duty Opening Balance can be recorded in TallyPrime through Excise Duty Opening Balance Journal voucher. The Excise Duty opening balance entry can be recorded on any day of the Financial Year.

To record Excise Duty opening balance

  1. Gateway of Tally > Create > type or select Excise Opening Balance.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) >type or select Create Master > type or select Excise Opening Balance.
  2. Enter the Date on which the Excise Opening Balance is accounted for.
  3. Select Basic Excise Duty ledger under Particulars.
  4. Enter the excise duty opening amount in the Amount field. The completed Excise Opening Balance journal voucher appears as shown below:
  5. Press Enter to save.

The excise opening balance will not affect the current period excise computation but will appear in PLA Register. In case, PLA opening balance is also recorded, the net value is displayed in PLA Register.

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