HomeTallyPrimeIndia Compliance & TaxationEdit Log in TallyPrime - FAQ


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Find answers to all the frequently asked questions or FAQ about Edit Log in TallyPrime – a feature available from Release 2.1 onwards.

Products with Edit Log and Installation

In Release 2.1, you have an option to choose from two products – TallyPrime Release 2.1 and TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1. This section answers questions regarding the two products and the installation process.

You can also refer to our Edit Log page to know more about how to use this feature in TallyPrime

Audit trail is intended to ensure that all the activities related to your transactions and masters are logged and available for viewing, according to MCA notification for businesses. Considering this aspect, the Edit Log feature in TallyPrime has been designed with the necessary controls in place, by default, to eliminate any scope of tampering the trail of your transactions.

Edit Log is a view-only (display) report that maintains track of all activities with your vouchers and masters, like creation, alteration, deletion and so on, without the need for any additional controls to restrict the access. The design principle applied in building the Edit Log feature makes the log of your data more reliable, secure, and completely tamper-proof, in compliance with the MCA requirements. This means, at any given point a user can ONLY view the Edit Log report to understand the trail of activities.

The underlying design principle of Edit Log enables you to view the logs and compare with its previous version, thereby providing more specific insights on the updates done to the vouchers and masters. Additionally, if a user attempts to open the Edit Log using a TallyPrime non-Edit Log version, a log gets created keeping a track of this activity. This helps auditors to check if any user had opened the Edit Log in any other non-Edit Log version of TallyPrime. Such inbuilt controls designed in TallyPrime makes the Edit Log data much more reliable and tamper-proof.

Moreover, if you would not want any user to view or create Edit Log as per your business need or policy, TallyPrime already has the robust and powerful Security feature at the company level to restrict creation or alteration of vouchers, as needed.

As per the Audit Trail compliance requirement by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), the MCA-compliant businesses should have an accounting software that keeps a trail of transactions. Furthermore, there should not be an option to disable the feature that keeps a trail of transactions.

To help MCA-compliant business adhere to this requirement, Tally Solutions has introduced TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1, which will also have its successor releases.

On the other hand, TallyPrime Release 2.1 also has the Edit Log feature to keep a trail of transactions, but you have a facility to enable or disable the feature, as needed.

Yes, you can use the same license to use TallyPrime and TallyPrime Edit Log.

Yes, TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 and its successors will be available on AWS.
Moreover, you have a choice to use TallyPrime or TallyPrime and TallyPrime Edit Log (both the products) on AWS.

Yes, TallyPrime Server will work for both the products, if you have upgraded to TallyPrime Server Release 2.1.

This happens only in Windows 11. The operating system (OS) has some issues due to which the TallyPrime icon is not getting updated to the TallyPrime Edit Log icon. This may get resolved on another Windows update.

Alternatively, you can install a new TallyPrime Edit Log application instead of updating an older release. In this case, the TallyPrime Edit Log icon will be displayed.

It is not possible to disable the Edit Log feature in TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 or its successors. As per MCA’s Audit Trail compliance required, it is mandatory that the accounting software should keep a trail of all activities in transactions throughout the financial year. Moreover, there should be no option to disable Edit Log.
If your business does not fall into the purview of the Audit Trail compliance requirement, then you can opt TallyPrime Release 2.1 in which you have an option to enable the Edit Log feature and keep a trail of activities in transactions, ledgers, stock item, and groups for internal control purpose. TallyPrime Release 2.1 provides you with the flexibility to disable the Edit Log feature.

Yes, if you need to track all the activities in transactions and matters in your business permanently, then you can continue using TallyPrime Edit Log. The Edit Log feature remains permanently activated, thereby helping you to inculcate a much better internal control over the Company data.

If you do not need Audit Trail or the compliance is not applicable to your business, then you do not need to move to the previous release. You can switch to TallyPrime Release 2.1 in which the Edit Log feature is provided as an optional facility. To move to TallyPrime Release 2.1, follow the steps given below:

  1. Take backup of your data.
    To know how to take backup of your data, refer to the Backup Company Data section in the Backup and Restore Company Data topic.
  2. Download and install TallyPrime Release 2.1, if you have not done that already.
  3. Open the data in TallyPrime Release 2.1 and disable the Edit Log feature from the Company alteration screen.
    To know how to enable Edit Log, refer to the Edit Log While Altering Company section in the Set Up Your Company topic.
  4. If any Voucher Type had Method of voucher numbering as Automatic, then it will change to Automatic (Manual Override). Change the Method of voucher number to Automatic, if needed.
  5. If you want to erase the complete Edit Log data captured so far, then you can repair the data with the Edit Log feature disabled in TallyPrime Release 2.1.
    To know how to repair Company data, refer to the Repair Company Data in TallyPrime | Rewrite topic.

Data Management in TallyPrime with Edit Log

While the process of data management such as migration, split, repair, and import, remains the same, you may be having some general questions to ask on data management, as Edit Log reports of the transactions and masters will be part of the data in TallyPrime with Edit Log. This section answers the questions on data management in TallyPrime with Edit Log.

Yes, there will be a marginal increase in the size of data, as the product will keep a log of all the transactions, ledgers, stock items, and groups for each modification.

As such, there will be no impact on the performance due to the increase in data size caused by the Edit Log data.
However, you will observe a marginal impact while performing the following activities:

  • Saving the voucher: The time taken for this activity will increase as the Edit Log will be created for this activity.
  • Report generation: It will not have any impact on performance due to the Edit Log data in transactions and masters.

The Edit Log data cannot be exchanged via sync or import. Logs are created only for transactions or masters in a particular Company data.
You may have synchronised or imported transactions or masters to TallyPrime from another software. As TallyPrime will not have control on the external data exchange, the product will not be able produce Edit Log reliable for you. However, the Edit log data will be available in the origin data where data is synced.
However, the exchange of data will be marked as Created due to Sync or Created due to Import, as applicable
After successful exchange of data, you can rest assured that TallyPrime will start creating logs for all the activities henceforth performed.

No, TallyPrime Edit Log and TallyPrime are different products. So, you will not be able to access the same data simultaneous. If you try to do it, then the product will ask you migrate the data to make it compatible with the product you are using.

If your business falls under the purview of Audit Trail compliance requirement by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), then we recommend you to use TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 only. This will ensure that your business is MCA-compliant throughout the financial year.

Yes, the Edit Logs of the the transactions and masters will be remain intact after taking a backup and restoring the data. So, if you want to take a backup of a Company data and then restore it in a new system, you can do so without worrying about the loss of the Edit Log data.

Yes, after spitting the data, the Edit Log data will remain intact in both the Companies for the respective transactions and masters. Moreover, the activity of data-split will be recorded in the Activities Affecting Edit Log report under Company.

No, it is not possible to remove or delete the Edit Log data of transactions and masters in the TallyPrime Edit Log product.

However, in TallyPrime Release 2.1, you can disable Edit Log if you do not want TallyPrime to create logs for the activities in transactions and masters.

Therefore, you can remove or erase the Edit Log data from TallyPrime Release 2.1 by repairing the data after disabling the Edit Log feature.

The Edit Log data is stored in the respective transactions and masters, and there is no separate file for the same.

When it comes to TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 and TallyPrime Release 2.1 and its successors, the following table captures the scenarios in which data migration will be required:

TallyPrime Release 2.0.1 or lower versions TallyPrime Release 2.1 and TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 or their successors
TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 or its successors TallyPrime Release 2.1 or its successors
TallyPrime Release 2.1 TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 or its successors

To know more about the migration scenarios, refer to Migrate Data to TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 or Later Versions.

The product stores Edit Log for each master in the file where the information about the master is available. At the time of loading a Company, the product loads all the masters and reads all the information in the file where masters are stored. From now onwards, the product will also read the Edit Log information before the Company is completely loaded. So, the loading of a Company takes more time if the number of masters is more.

Import and synchronisation of transactions can impact the voucher number of other vouchers when the method of voucher numbering is Automatic or Multi-user Auto. In TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 or TallyPrime Release 2.1 with Edit Log enabled, these actions create logs for the vouchers in which the voucher number has changed as a result of the activity.

When the data belonging to TallyPrime Release 2.0.1 or earlier is loaded in TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1, the method of voucher number is changed to Automatic (Manual Override) if it is Automatic or Multi-user Auto. However, the earlier voucher numbers will remain intact when the method of voucher numbering is changed.

This message appears when the Company that you are trying to access can only be accessed in TallyPrime Release 2.1 onwards.

This message appears when the Company that you are trying to access can only be accessed in TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 onwards.

This message appears when there is a voucher with the same number on the server system. In order to prevent vouchers with same number, you can perform either of the two activities provided below:

  1. Rename existing or create a different Voucher Type. This will ensure that the source and the destination do not have overlapping voucher numbers for the respective voucher type.
  2. Set the Method of voucher numbering to Automatic for the Voucher Type. For instance, if the error has occurred for a Sales Voucher, then you can set the Method of voucher number to Automatic for Sales Voucher Type. This ensures that no two vouchers have the same number.
    Please note that this will result in modification of voucher number of the affected vouchers. Henceforth, Edit Log will get created in the affected voucher.

During the corruption, if the transaction or master is lost, then the Edit Log for that transaction or master will be lost too. This is because Edit Log is associated with its corresponding transaction or master.

Post-migration to TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1, the data will not be compatible to the previous TallyPrime releases, as the version of data will change in the Edit Log release.
However, if you want to use the data in a previous TallyPrime release, then you will need to repair the newer version data in TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 and then load it in the release in which you want to use it.
To know how to do it, refer to Repair Newer Version Data to Open in Earlier Release.

Yes, you can do so for the Method of voucher number as Automatic (Manual Override).

In the Restart Numbering table available in the Advanced Configuration screen of the Voucher Type, add each date at which the voucher number has to restart.

For example, you can maintain two years of Company data.

In FY 21-22, you create a sales voucher with voucher number as 1.

In FY 22-23, you want to create a sales voucher with voucher number as 1, as you want to restart the numbering in the new financial year.

TallyPrime allows you to create the voucher the same number if the date on which the voucher number should restart is configured accordingly in the Advanced Configuration screen of the respective Voucher Type.

Edit Log Under Company

While the products with Edit Log do not track the changes made in the Company, you can track the activities at the Company level that affect the logs for transactions and masters. This section covers answers to the questions you may have about Activities Affecting Edit Log under Company.

Yes, even if you have not enabled the Security feature, you can use the Edit Log feature. We recommend you to enable security and use the Edit Log feature so that you can monitor the activities in transactions and the users who perform the activity, thereby building a stronger process for internal check of your Company data in your organisation.

No, both the features are different and meant for different purposes. However, you can use both the features at the same time in a Company data.

The changes in the Company will not be tracked. However, if there are any activities at the Company level such as data migration, data split, and other such activities that may impact the logs of transactions and masters in the Company data, then the Activities Affecting Edit Log report under Company will record the same. To view the report, press Alt+K (Company) > Edit Log and press Enter.

By default, all the users that have access to view or alter transactions and masters will have access to viewing Edit Log. However, you can restrict users from viewing Edit Log by disallowing display access for vouchers using Security Controls.
To know how to, watch the video How to View Edit Log for Transactions and Masters in TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1.

In TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1, there is no option to enable or disable the Edit Log feature. However, in TallyPrime Release 2.1, you have an option to enable or disable the Edit Log feature. The admin user, who has the rights to alter the Company master will be able to enable or disable the Edit Log feature.

TallyPrime retains the Edit Logs for transactions and masters, even after the Edit Log feature is disabled. Disabling the Edit Log feature stops TallyPrime from keeping a log of the future activities in transactions and masters, until the feature is enabled again.

The Activities Affecting Edit Log report under Company will help you keep a track of activities such as data migration, repair, and split. Furthermore, in TallyPrime Release 2.1, it also keeps a track of enabling and disabling the Edit Log feature in the product.
To know more, refer to Activities Affecting Edit Log.

Edit Log for Transactions and Masters

This section contains answers to all the FAQ on Edit Log for transactions and masters.

Any user with an access rights alter vouchers and masters can access Edit Log. This flexibility is available to all users by default. If you want to control access to Edit Log, you can do so by setting the required user access to the existing security control for masters and vouchers. For example, the following are a few ways to set user access to control access to Edit Log:

  • Restrict users from making back-dated voucher entries, and altering masters and transactions.
  • Allow users with only create access for masters and transaction. For more details on user access, refer to User Roles and Security.

Edit Log can be viewed for all the transactions, irrespective of their Voucher Types. However, it is important to note that Edit Log is supported only for Ledgers, Stock Items, and Groups, as activities only in these masters can impact your Company’s financial statements.

No, currently, you can view Edit Log for transactions and masters only TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 or TallyPrime Release 2.1 installed in your computer.

Currently, our prime focus was meeting the compliance requirement by the MCA. The Edit Log feature ensures that the logs are captured in the transaction and masters.
However, you can easily identify:

  1. Altered and deleted transactions by applying filter in Day Book or Ledger Vouchers reports using Basis of Values. Thereafter, you can drill down to a specific transaction and view Edit Log.
    To know more, refer to View Altered and Deleted Vouchers in Day Book.
  2. Altered and deleted masters by applying filter in Chart of Accounts using Basis of Values. Thereafter, you can drill down to a specific master and view Edit Log.
    To know more, refer to View Altered Masters in Chart of Accounts.While the product does not have a single report in which you can find all the information related to Edit Log currently, we will closely monitor the feedback from the customers and market and enhance the reports based on the same.

Yes, you can build customised reports using the Edit Log data. However, you cannot modify the Edit Log report for transactions and masters.

Yes, you can view:

  1. Deleted transactions in Day Book and Ledger Vouchers reports:
    Press Ctrl+B (Basis of Values), press Enter on Include Deleted Vouchers, and press Ctrl+A to save the setting.
    To know more, refer to View Altered and Deleted Vouchers in Day Book.
  2. Delete masters in Chart of Accounts:
    Press Ctrl+B (Basis of Values), press Enter on Include Deleted Ledgers/Stock Items/Groups, and press Ctrl+A to save the setting.
    To know more, refer to View Altered Masters in Chart of Accounts.

TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 and TallyPrime Release 2.1 does not support the facility to print the Edit Log report for a transaction or master.

Print or Export of the Edit Log information for transaction and master is not allowed, as there are chances that these values may get compromised after Print or Export – activities that TallyPrime will not be able to control.

However, we will closely monitor the feedback received f
rom the market and consider enhancing the feature with a facility to print in our next releases.

Change in voucher number is also considered as a change in the Company data and your books. Edit Log ensures that such changes are captured in the Edit Log versions.

Yes, you can view Edit Log for the delete transactions and masters. You will be able to open the Edit Log report and access the information available in earlier logs for those transactions and masters.
You can easily identify:

  1. Deleted transactions by applying filter in Day Book or Ledger Vouchers reports using Basis of Values. Thereafter, you can drill down to a specific transaction and the Edit Log report for the transaction will appear.
    To know more, refer to View Altered and Deleted Vouchers in Day Book.
  2. Deleted masters by applying filter in Chart of Accounts using Basis of Values. Thereafter, you can drill down to a specific master and the Edit Log report for the master will appear.
    To know more, refer to View Altered Masters in Chart of Accounts.

Yes, modifications in the customised fields will be captured as alterations in the Edit Log report. Moreover, the TDL names for fields uploaded during customisation will be reflected in the Edit Log report.

The post-dated and regular vouchers have a regular impact on the financial reports in your Company data. However, the vouchers marked as Optional and Cancelled do not impact the financial reports. Therefore, they are marked as Status: Optional and Status: Cancelled in the Edit Log report.

The deleted transactions do not have any information stored and do not impact your financial reports in any way. Therefore, creating a duplicate transaction will result into a blank transaction. Therefore, the facility has been removed. Moreover, the experience will be consistent for duplicate, insert, and add too.

The Edit Log report keeps a track of all the activities performed in a transaction or master. The activities majorly includes Created, Altered, Altered due to voucher renumbering, Resaved (No Changes), and Deleted. Moreover, other activities that affect Edit Log such as data migration, split, repair, and others are also logged in the Activities Affecting Edit Log report under Company.
If you are using TallyPrime Release 2.1, then activities such as enabling and disabling of the Edit Log feature will also be logged in Activities Affecting Edit Log report under Company.
To know more, refer to Activities Logged Under Company and Activities Logged in Edit Log for Transactions and Masters.

Though resaving without making any changes do not impact your Company data, it will give you an idea about the number of times the transaction or master was opened and resaved by the users without making any changes.
As resaving is an activity of re-accepting the data as is, and there is an update to the disk. Therefore, to be true to the update, the Resaved (No changes) activity is shown in the Edit Log report along with the Username and Date & Time of the action.

You may have used the Company data in TallyPrime Release 2.1 or its successors where you may have enabled or disabled Edit Log as per your requirement.

The report Activities Affecting Edit Log under Company captures all the activities that may affect the logs of transactions and masters.

Therefore, irrespective of the product, you will view such activities that might have affected the logs of transactions and masters.

No, there is no such setting in the product. The changes in ledgers, stock items, and groups have a tangible impact on your Company’s financial report. So, it is necessary to keep a log of activities in those masters.

There may be two scenarios:

  1. You may have recorded some transactions when the Edit Log was disabled in TallyPrime Release 2.1. Thereafter, when you enable Edit Log and view Edit Log for those transactions, no data will be displayed.
  2. You may also have recorded some transactions in TallyPrime Release 2.0.1 or an earlier release. Thereafter, you migrate the data to TallyPrime Edit Log Release 2.1 or TallyPrime Release 2.1 and Edit Log is enabled in the product. When you view Edit Log for such transactions, no data will be displayed.

The product does not capture Edit Log for the Company master, as the requirement is not a part of the Audit Trail compliance requirement. We will further confirm the requirement by analysing the feedback received from the market and enhance the product.

When the Method of voucher number is Automatic (Manual Override), the voucher number is displayed as the next available number when there is no voucher number stored in the voucher. This is to let you know that the displayed number will be saved in two cases:

  1. The voucher is reaccepted.
  2. The Optional voucher is made Regular.

Thereafter, the rest of the vouchers with no voucher number display the next available number. This continues until a number is stored in all the vouchers for a specific voucher type.

Yes, right from the moment you migrate your data to TallyPrime Edit Log or enable Edit Log feature in TallyPrime, the product will start capturing each activity in a transaction, irrespective of its voucher date.

You may make changes in a transaction dated:

  • 31-March-2022 or earlier
  • 1-April-2022 or later

Edit Log will get captured in both types of transaction.

If the voucher date of a transaction dated 1-April-2022 or later is changed to 31-March-2022 or earlier, then also activities will get logged in the transaction.

This makes the Edit Log data reliable, as the feature is applicable to all transactions, irrespective of the voucher date.

Yes, the Edit Log feature is applicable to all the voucher types, including Optional and non-accounting vouchers such as Inventory and Order vouchers.

This ensures that the Edit Log data is correct and holistic and meets the statutory requirements such as Audit Trail, mandated by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) implemented in India.

Differences Between Edit Log Versions

You may be having some questions on the drill-down report provided for the Edit Log questions. This section answers the FAQ on the Differences Between Edit Log Versions report.

Whenever you modify a particular field in a transaction or master, the associated values in the screen or the entire hierarchy will be affected. The hierarchical display of information shows the impact of change in a field value on the entire hierarchy as a whole.

Yes, change in the order or sequence of ledgers and stock items will also be considered as an act of alteration and will be displayed in the Differences Between Edit Log Versions report. For instance, you can change the sequence of your stock items or GST ledgers in the transaction. Such changes will be reflected in the Differences Between Edit Log Versions report.

To know more about the report, view Differences Between Edit Log Versions.

Whenever you change a field value, certain internal fields get modified by the system to support the respective functionality, and therefore, such values are also displayed in the Differences Between Edit Log Versions report.
To hide such values from the report, press F12 and set Show internal fields updated by the application to No.

A few changes need modifications in configurations in order to support the related functionalities. In such cases, when you change a particular value, the configuration required for the functionality also gets modified.

If you change the Voucher Type during alteration, then an Edit Log will be created for the voucher and the Differences Between Edit Log Versions report will display the fields affected due to change in Voucher Type.
When you change the Voucher Type, the order of the data will change in the voucher, which will be accordingly displayed in the Differences Between Edit Log Versions report.

If you change the mode of a voucher during alteration, then an Edit Log will be created for the voucher and the Differences Between Edit Log Versions report will display the fields affected due to change in mode of the voucher. This typically consists of the change in the positioning of ledgers, which is displayed in the report.

Transactions and masters internally have all the field values, irrespective of the status of the configuration or feature – enabled or disabled. So, the report displays all the values.

You can compare a particular version with its pervious version. You can press + and keys on the keyboard to move between the versions.

Transactions and masters contain all the fields internally, irrespective of the country or the status of configuration – enabled or disabled. So, the Differences Between Edit Log Versions report shows all the fields.

As a result of resaving or reaccepting, a few internal fields may get updated by the application.
Press F12 and set Show internal fields modified by the application to Yes and press Ctrl+A to save the setting. The Differences Between Edit Log Versions report will start displaying those fields.

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