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Record Advance Payments Under GST in TallyPrime

In your business, there may be situations in which you need to make an advance payment to your suppliers to avail certainĀ servicesĀ from them. This is because, many a times, suppliers need an advance payment to handle their manufacturing expenditure or investment on the resources required for theĀ services. As perĀ Section 12 to 14 of the CGST Act, 2017, suppliers are liable to payĀ GST on the advance payments receivedĀ from their customers.

If theĀ servicesĀ supplied by the suppliers fall under theĀ reverse charge mechanism or RCM, then you will need to pay GST on advance payments made to the suppliers. Moreover, you need to pay GSTĀ  in the month entered in the voucher date on which the payment is made to the supplier.

So, if the purchase orderĀ is of INR 10 lakhs issued for the supply ofĀ servicesĀ in the month ofĀ Jul-22, andĀ you have madeĀ an advance payment of INR 1 lakh in the month of May-22, then you will need to pay GST for:

  • INR 1 lakh in the May-22 return period.
  • The rest of the sum (9 lakh), as per the voucher date on which the party receives the payment from you.

All-new advance payments experienceĀ in TallyPrime Release 3.0

TallyPrime Release 3.0 onwards, you can account for advances paid for the purchase of RCM services underĀ GST,Ā using payment vouchers with automatic computation of tax liability. Subsequently, the voucher will reflect in theĀ 3.1 Tax on Outward and Reverse Charge Inward SuppliesĀ section ofĀ GSTR-3BĀ in TallyPrime with the period and the type of tax to be paid as per the place of supply.

Flexibility to follow journal voucher approach

You can also record advance payments using journal voucher, if you follow the practice in your business.Ā 

Adjustment of advance paid in purchase vouchers

If you have certain unadjusted advance amount,Ā then TallyPrime Release 3.0 and onwards, you have a facility to specify the amount so that you can easily adjust the same in your purchase vouchers.

Refund of advance paid

In case ofĀ refunds, you can create a Debit Note and the liability against the advance amount paid gets reversed automatically.Ā However, you have the flexibility to reverse the liability using a journal voucher.

In this topic, you will understand the procedures to account for the GST advances paid in TallyPrime, setting off the advances paid in a purchase voucher, and how to record the refund of an advance paid.

Reverse charge liability on purchase from unregistered dealers, which was suspended till 30.09.2019, has been withdrawn. The Government would be specifying the category of Registered Dealer, for whom reverse charge mechanism would be applicable on purchases made from unregistered dealers.

Set Up TallyPrime to Account for GST Advance Payments

You will need to set up TallyPrime to record advance payments made to suppliers for the RCMĀ servicesĀ provided by them. The setup enables you to view the advance payments that can be be set off in the purchase vouchers while you are recording the vouchers.

If you do not want toĀ set off the GST advancesĀ paid inĀ purchase transactions, then you do not need to set up TallyPrime for the same. In that case, you can follow the procedure provided underĀ Account forĀ Advance Payments Under GST for TallyPrime Release 2.1 or earlier.

  1. PressĀ F11Ā (Company Features) >Ā Set/Alter Company GST Rate and Other Details:Ā YesĀ and pressĀ Enter.
    Set or Alter GST Rate and Other Details to Yes in TallyPrime
    TheĀ GST Rate and Other DetailsĀ screen appears.
  2. Show GST Advances for adjustments in transaction:Ā Yes.
    AnĀ InformationĀ screen appears.
    Information Screen While Enabling Advance Adjustment in Voucher in TallyPrime
    If you have paid some advance amount to a supplier that you are yet to adjustĀ in the purchase vouchers, then you can specify the same usingĀ GST Advances ā€“ Opening Balance.
    To know how to do it, refer to theĀ Provide Opening Balance for Unadjusted Advances Paid to SuppliersĀ section.
  3. Enter theĀ Applicable fromĀ date.
    Show GST Advances for Adjustments in Transactions in TallyPrime
    You will be able to set off GST advance payments in purchase vouchers right from theĀ Applicable fromĀ date.
    For example, if you enter 1-Apr-22, then you can adjust advances in purchase vouchersĀ from 1-Apr-22.

    It is necessary to enter a date that falls after the Return period in which you had reported the GST liabilities using journal vouchers. This ensures that yourĀ GST Returns until that period remainĀ unaffected.
    For instance, if you hadĀ reportedĀ theĀ GST liabilitiesĀ using journal vouchers until 31-Mar-22, then theĀ Applicable fromĀ date must be set to 1-Apr-22 or later.
    This ensures that the GST Returns of 31-Mar-22 and earlier remain unaffected and theĀ journal vouchersĀ are retained in the GST Returns.
    In this case, if theĀ Applicable fromĀ date isĀ setĀ to 31-Mar-22 or earlier, then TallyPrime startsĀ reporting the GST liabilitiesĀ in theĀ GST ReturnsĀ based on the Advance Payments, thereby replacing the journal vouchers with Advance Payments.

To know how to adjustĀ advance amounts in purchase vouchers, refer to theĀ Adjust GST Advances PaidĀ section.

If you have multiple registrations, then the configurationĀ will get implemented for all the GST registrations.

Raise Tax Liability for Advances PaidĀ 

There may be some advances for which you have recorded the payment vouchers, but you are yet to raise the tax liability in TallyPrime.Ā You can raise the tax liability for such vouchers by recording a journal voucher.Ā 

  1. PressĀ Alt+GĀ (Go To) >Ā Create VoucherĀ > pressĀ F7Ā (Journal).
  2. Provide the stat adjustment details.
    1. PressĀ Alt+JĀ (Stat Adjustment).
      TheĀ Stat AdjustmentĀ DetailsĀ screen appears.
    2. Type of duty/tax:Ā GST.
    3. Nature of adjustment:Ā Increase of Tax Liability.
    4. Additional Details:Ā Advances Paid under Reverse Charge.
      Stat Adjustment Details Screen in TallyPrime - Advance Paid Under Reverse Charge
  3. UnderĀ By, select the ledger forĀ tax on AdvanceĀ grouped underĀ Direct Expenses,Ā and enter theĀ Amount.
  4. UnderĀ To, select the SGST and CGST orĀ IGST ledgers, as applicable, and enter theĀ AmountĀ against each ledger.
  5. Provide other necessary details, as needed, andĀ pressĀ Ctrl+AĀ to save.
    A sample journal voucher recorded to raise the tax liabilityĀ appears as shown below:
    Journal Voucher Recorded to Raise the Tax Liability for Advance Paid Under Reverse Charge in TallyPrime

The journal voucher for the tax paidĀ on the advance paymentĀ appears under theĀ Not Relevant for This ReturnĀ section of GSTR-3B. Journal Voucher to Raise the Tax Liability in GSTR-3B of TallyPrime

Provide Opening Balance for Unadjusted GST Advances

You may have paid some advance amount to a supplier thatĀ you are yet to adjust in purchase voucher.Ā 

TallyPrime Release 3.0, you can specify the unadjusted amount as opening balance using the GST Advances – Opening Balance feature.

  1. PressĀ Alt+GĀ (Go To) > type or selectĀ GST Advances – Opening BalanceĀ and pressĀ Enter.
    TheĀ List of Unadjusted GST AdvancesĀ screen appears.
  2. SelectĀ Create Opening Balance (Advance Payment)Ā and pressĀ Enter.
    TheĀ Opening Balance (Advance Payment) CreationĀ screen appears.

    If you are using the multiple GST registrations feature, then you will need to select the GST registration.
    UnderĀ GST Registration, select theĀ Registration NameĀ for which you want to provide the opening balance for theĀ advance payments.Select GST Registration While ProvidingOpening Balance for Advance Payments in TallyPrime

  3. Provide the party details.
    1. SelectĀ Party NameĀ fromĀ List of Ledger Accounts.
    2. Place of Supply: The place at which the party avails the services.
    3. Supply attracts Reverse Charge:Ā Yes.
  4. Provide the details of advances paid.
    1. Date of GST Advances: TheĀ date on which you had paid the advance to the party.

      The date should be before the Applicable fromĀ date that you entered while enablingĀ Show GST Advances for adjustments in transactionĀ underĀ F11.

    2. Taxability:Ā Taxable.
    3. GST Rate: TheĀ tax rate applicable to the service.
    4. Unadjusted Advance Amount: TheĀ amount paid to the supplierĀ on the date,Ā which is still unadjusted.
    5. Taxable AmountĀ andĀ IGSTĀ orĀ CGSTĀ &Ā SGSTĀ get calculated based on the specifiedĀ GST RateĀ andĀ Place of Supply.
      You can add multiple unadjusted advances paid in this screen.
      A sampleĀ Opening Balance (Advance Paid) CreationĀ screenĀ appears as shown below:
      Opening Balance for Advances Paid in TallyPrime
  5. As always, pressĀ Ctrl+AĀ to save.

Subsequently, you can set off the opening balance by selecting the amountĀ while recording purchase vouchers for your party.

Record Advance Payments in TallyPrime

Once you set up TallyPrime to account for advances paid under GST to suppliers, you can record GST advance payments.

  1. PressĀ Alt+GĀ (Go To) >Ā Create VoucherĀ > pressĀ F5Ā (Payment).
  2. Specify the stat adjustment details.
    1. PressĀ Alt+JĀ (Stat Adjustment).
      TheĀ Stat Adjustment for: GSTĀ screen appears.
    2. Nature of Payment: Advance Payment Under Reverse Charge.
      Select Nature of Payment While Creating Voucher for Advance Payment in TallyPrime
  3. UnderĀ Account, select the cash or bank account fromĀ List of Ledger Accounts.
  4. UnderĀ Particulars, select the party.Ā 
    TheĀ Advance Payment DetailsĀ screen appears.
  5. Specify the advance payment details.
    1. Particulars: Select the purchase ledger, as applicable.
    2. Advance Amount: Enter the advance amount paid to the vendor.
    3. Taxable Value:Ā TallyPrime considers the taxable value, based on the tax details entered in the ledger.
      Advance Payment Details in TallyPrime

      In case of advance payments for the receipt of RCM services, the payment amount will be equal to the taxable value.

    4. As always, pressĀ Ctrl+AĀ Ā to save theĀ Advance Payment DetailsĀ screen.
  6. Provide other necessary details, as needed, andĀ pressĀ Ctrl+AĀ to save.
    A sample advance payment voucherĀ appears as shown below:
    Advance Paid Under GST in TallyPrime

Once you record anĀ advance that is paid to a supplier, the voucher will be included in return and you can view it in GSTR-3B of TallyPrime.

InĀ GSTR-3B – Voucher Register, the voucher appears asĀ Advance Payments (Included in Returns).

  1. PressĀ Alt+GĀ (Go To), type or selectĀ GSTR-3BĀ and pressĀ Enter.
    Alternatively,Ā Gateway of TallyĀ > Display More ReportsĀ >Ā GST ReportsĀ >Ā GSTR-3BĀ and pressĀ Enter.
  2. Drill down on theĀ Included in ReturnĀ rowĀ to view the voucher.

Advance Payment Under GST in GSTR-3B of TallyPrime

Adjust GST Advances Paid

Once youĀ record the GST advance payment or enter the unadjusted advance as opening balance, you can set off the amount paid as advances while recording the purchase voucher. TallyPrime Release 3.0 onwards, you have theĀ facilityĀ to set off the advances paid.

In this section

Set off GST advances paid in purchase

In TallyPrime Release 3.0 or later releases, you can select the advance amount corresponding to the purchase voucher and set it off while recording the purchase voucher. TallyPrime automatically calculates the amount to be reflected inĀ the returns.

If you are following the process of recording Journal vouchers to set off advances, then you can do so to keep your books of accounts updated.Ā 

  1. Ensure that you haveĀ recordedĀ Advance Payments in TallyPrimeĀ orĀ providedĀ Opening Balance for Unadjusted GST Advances Paid, as applicable.
  2. PressĀ Alt+GĀ (Go To) >Ā Create VoucherĀ > pressĀ F9Ā (Purchase).
    Alternatively,Ā Gateway of TallyĀ >Ā VouchersĀ > pressĀ F9Ā (Purchase).
  3. Select the party and provide the details in theĀ Dispatch DetailsĀ andĀ Party DetailsĀ screens.
    In theĀ Party DetailsĀ screen,Ā PlaceĀ of SupplyĀ isĀ the place at which the the services are going to be availed.
  4. Select the ledger created for purchase ofĀ services, and enter theĀ Amount.Ā 
  5. PressĀ EnterĀ on the totalĀ Amount, provide the Bill-wise Details for the party, and pressĀ Ctrl+AĀ to save.
    TheĀ Details of Advance Amount to be AdjustedĀ screen appears.
  6. Provide the details of advance amount that needs to be set off in the the purchase voucher.
    1. Select the advance amount against which you are creating the purchase voucher and pressĀ Enter.Ā 
      Details of Advance Amount to be Adjusted in TallyPrime

      1. The advances pending for adjustment will be displayed based on theĀ Applicable fromĀ date that you have entered under theĀ Show GST Advances for adjustments in transactionĀ in theĀ F11Ā features. If you have entered 1-Apr-2022 as the date, then the advance payment amount recorded in the month of March-2021 will not be displayed.Ā 
      2. This screen will display the advance amount only if the Advance Payment voucher created for the same is in theĀ Included in ReturnĀ section of GSTR-1.
      If the purchase voucher is uncertain due to mismatch of information or a missing piece of information, then even though you have set off the advance amount, TallyPrime considers it as unadjusted, until you resolve the voucher.

    2. Change theĀ Amount, if needed.
    3. PressĀ EnterĀ onĀ Show More, if you want to view more advance amounts pending for adjustment.
    4. PressĀ Ctrl+AĀ to accept the screen.
  7. Provide other necessary details, as needed, andĀ pressĀ Ctrl+AĀ to save.
    A sample purchase voucherĀ for adjustment of the GST advance appears as shown below:
    Purchase Voucher to Set Off the Advance Paid in TallyPrime

The amount of advance set off in the purchase voucher gets deducted from the unadjusted advance amount.Ā 

If the amount in theĀ purchase voucher is lesser thanĀ the advance amount, then the differential advance amount appears as unadjusted, untilĀ you adjust the entire balance amount while making purchase entries.Ā However, if there is a case of purchase return, then you need to record a Credit Note for the party so that the amount starts appearing as unadjusted to set off in theĀ purchase voucher.Ā 

To know how to record a Debit Note for purchase returnĀ of an advance amount, refer to theĀ Record Refund of Advances PaidĀ section.

Auto Adjust GST Advances paid during voucher creation

You can set up TallyPrime to automatically adjust the advances paid at the time of recording a purchase voucher. In such a case, you will not need to select the amount of advance paid to set off. On the other hand, TallyPrime will match the amount of advance paid with the GSTĀ rateĀ and place of supply mentioned in the advance payment voucherĀ and the party ledger respectively, andĀ set off the amount automatically, based on First In, First Out (FIFO) system.Ā 

  1. While recording a purchase voucher, pressĀ F12Ā (Configure).
  2. Auto-adjust GST Advance during voucher creation:Ā Yes.
    Auto Adjust GST Advances in Purchase Voucher During Voucher Creation in TallyPrime
  3. PressĀ Ctrl+AĀ to save theĀ configuration, as always.

Henceforth, while recording purchase vouchers, you will not get theĀ Details of Advance Amount to be AdjustedĀ screen to set off amounts corresponding to the advances paid, as TallyPrime will automatically do so.

TallyPrime identifies the unadjusted advance amount paid to the supplier and adjusts it in the purchase voucher, based on the voucher amount.

Add purchase returns amount to GST Advances for adjustment

For reasons such as reduction in the duration of services or cancellation of purchase order, there may be purchase returns.

For instance, you may have provided advance to an advocate for legal services. Thereafter, you had to cancel it or reduce the duration of services. In such a case, you will get a purchase return from the vendor for which you will need to record a Debit Note.

TallyPrime Release 3.0 onwards, you haveĀ theĀ facility to add theĀ purchase return amountĀ to the GST advances so that you can set it off in the future vouchers.Ā 

While recording a Debit Note for the purchase return:

  1. PressĀ F12Ā (Configure) >Ā Add Returns Amount to GST Advance for adjustments:Ā Yes, and pressĀ Ctrl+AĀ to save.
    Add Returns Amount to GST Advance for Adjustments in TallyPrime
  2. Provide GST details:Ā Yes.
    TheĀ Additional DetailsĀ screen appears.
  3. Provide the details regarding the Debit Note.
    1. Reason of Issuing Note:Ā 01-Sales Return.
    2. Supplier’s Debit/Credit Note No.: The number on the credit note issued by the supplier.
    3. Date: The date on which credit note was issued by the supplier.
      Additional Details in Debit Note for Sales Return in TallyPrime
    4. PressĀ Ctrl+AĀ to accept the screen.
      TheĀ Bill-wise Details for:Ā the ledgerĀ screen appears.
  4. PressĀ EnterĀ on the totalĀ Amount.
    TheĀ Details of Advance Payments to Update Advance AmountĀ screen appears.
  5. Select the advance amount from theĀ Advance Amount Pending for AdjustmentĀ list.
    You can choose to set off more than one advance amount, as per the total amount in the voucher.
    Once you choose an advance amount, it gets added to the reference and starts appearing as pending for adjustment when you create a purchase voucher.Ā Moreover, you can also pressĀ EnterĀ onĀ Show Zero ValuedĀ and select a reference to which the value has to be added even though that reference does not have any value for adjustment. This is useful when the advance is fully adjusted. So, the reference becomes Zero Valued. When a purchase return takes place and you choose the Zero Valued reference, the amountĀ of purchase return gets added to the advance amount Pending for Adjustment, which you can set off when you create aĀ purchase voucher for the party.
    Details of Advance Payments to Update Unadjusted Advance Amount in TallyPrime
  6. Provide other necessary details, as needed,Ā pressĀ Ctrl+AĀ to save.
    A sample Debit Note recorded for the purchase returnsĀ appears as shown below:
    Debit Note for Purchase Returns in TallyPrime

Once you record the Debit Note for a particular amount against a purchase return, the total unadjusted advance in the next purchase voucher you create will increase by the amount for which the Debit Note is created.

Record Refund Received from Supplier Against Advance PaymentsĀ 

It is possibleĀ that you had paid an advance toĀ a party for an order. However, later on, you cancelled the order. So, you will be receiving a refund from the supplier. It may also happen that you will receive a refund of a certain part of theĀ advance paidĀ because the service order is cancelled or you availed the services for a shorter duration compared to the original order, or other reasons.

You can account for the refund amount received from the supplier using aĀ receipt voucherĀ in TallyPrime.Ā 

For instance, consider that the amount paid to the supplier as on date is as per the screen shown below:Ā 

Advance Amount Paid for Which Refund is Availed in TallyPrime

Now, consider that you received a refund of INR 35,000Ā for cancellation of the purchase or any other reason.

  1. PressĀ Alt+GĀ (Go To) >Ā Create VoucherĀ > pressĀ F6Ā (Receipt).
  2. Specify the stat adjustment details.
    1. PressĀ Alt+JĀ (Stat Adjustment).
      TheĀ Stat Adjustment DetailsĀ screen appears.
    2. Nature of Payment:Ā Refund of Advance Payment.
      Stat Adjustment Details for Receipt of Refund Against Advance Paid in TallyPrime
  3. UnderĀ Particulars, select the Party fromĀ List ofĀ Ledger Accounts.
    TheĀ Refund DetailsĀ screen appears.
  4. Provide the details of the refund.
    1. Ledger: Service ledger applicable to the corresponding advance payment.
    2. Refund Amount: Enter the amount that you received as a refund from the customer.
    3. PressĀ Ctrl+AĀ to save theĀ Refund DetailsĀ screen.
  5. Provide other necessary details, as needed, andĀ pressĀ Ctrl+AĀ to save.
    A sample receipt voucher created for the refund of advance appears as shown below:
    Receipt of Refund Against Advance Paid in TallyPrime

If you are using TallyPrime Release 2.1 or earlier releases, then you will need to follow the Journal Voucher approach to account for advance payments under GST. Click

Account forĀ Advance Payments Under GST for TallyPrime Release 2.1 or earlier

You can record advance payments in TallyPrime for payments made to:

Record advance payment to registered dealers

  1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F5 (Payment).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F5 (Payment).
  2. Press Alt+J (Nature of Payment) > select Advance payment under reverse charge to mark the voucher for advance payment.
  3. In Account field, select the bank from which the payment will be made.
  4. Select the Party Ledger enabled for bill-wise details.
    As always, press Alt+C, to create a master on the fly. Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Master > type or select Stock Items > press Enter.
  5. In the Advance Payment Details screen, press F12 (Configure) and set the option:
    • Allow to provide rate of stock items to Yes, to enter/alter the slab rate of the stock item.
    • Allow to provide quantity for calculation of cess on quantity to Yes, to enter the cess rate and cess rate per unit.
    • Allow modification of tax details to Yes, to override the GST and cess rates in the voucher.

      In the Advance Payment Details screen:
      All the stock items or ledgers are displayed when the party is an unregistered dealer.
      Only stock items or ledgers which attract reverse charge (Is reverse charge applicable is set to Yes in stock item master) are displayed when the party is a regular dealer.
      To select a ledger, you can press Alt+L (Show Ledgers).

  6. Select the Stock Item or Ledger Name (enabled for GST), and enter the Advance Amount.

    The Advance Amount appears as the Taxable Value , and the tax amount is calculated on this. The tax values shown in the Advance Payment Details is the amount on which you need to generate the liability in a journal voucher if the purchase invoice is not recorded within the return period.
    The tax type appears as integrated tax or central tax and state tax, based on the state selected for the party ledger.
  7. Accept the Advance Payment Details screen.
  8. Select the type of reference as Advance and enter the reference details in the Bill-wise Details screen.
  9. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.
  1. Press Alt+P (Print) in the payment voucher. To print the State Name, Code, and Place of Supply in the voucher, press F12 (Configure) and set the options as given below:
    • Show State Name & State Code to Yes.
    • Show Place of Supply to Yes.
    • Set Print GST Advance Payment to Yes, as shown below:
  2. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save. The printed receipt voucher with the GST details appears as shown below:

    The advance payment voucher is captured in GSTR-2 as shown below:

Record advance payment to unregistered dealers

  1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F5 (Payment).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F5 (Payment).
  2. Press Alt+J (Nature of Payment) > select Advance payment under reverse charge to mark the voucher for advance payment.
  3. In Account field, select the bank to which the payment will be made.
  4. Select the Party ledger enabled for bill-wise details.
  5. In the Advance Payment Details screen all stock items/ledgers are displayed when the party is an unregistered dealer.
  6. To select a ledger, press Alt+L (Show Ledgers).
    • Press F12 (Configure) and set the option:
      • Allow to provide rate of stock items to Yes, to enter/alter the slab rate of the stock item.
      • Allow to provide quantity for calculation of cess on quantity to Yes, to enter the cess rate, and cess rate per unit.
      • Allow modification of tax details to Yes, to override the GST and cess rates in the voucher.
  7. Select the Stock Item (goods enabled for GST) or Ledger Name (services enabled for GST), and enter the Advance Amount.

    The Advance Amount appears as the Taxable Value , and the tax amount is calculated on this. The tax values shown in the Advance Payment Details is the amount on which you need to generate the liability in a journal voucher.
    The tax type appears as integrated tax, or central tax and state tax, based on the state selected for the party ledger.
  8. Press Ctrl+A to save the Advance Payment Details screen.
  9. Select the type of reference as Advance and enter the reference details in the Bill-wise Details screen.
  10. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

Raise Tax Liability for Advance Payments

You can raise liability on the advance amount paid to:

Record tax liability on advances to registered dealers

  1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F7 (Journal).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F7 (Journal).
  2. Press Alt+J (Stat Adjustment).
  3. Select the options as shown below.
    • Select Type of duty/tax as GST.
    • Select Nature of adjustment as Increase of Tax Liability.
    • Select Additional Details as Advances Paid under Reverse Charge.
  4. Debit the expense ledger or ledger grouped under Current Assets and credit the GST ledgers for the tax on advance.
  5. Set the option Provide GST Details to Yes and select the party details. The journal voucher appears as shown below:
  6. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

The tax liability raised on the advance amount appears in GSTR-2 as shown below:

Record tax liability on advances to unregistered dealers

  1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F7 (Journal).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F7 (Journal).
  2. Press Alt+J (Stat Adjustment).
  3. Select the options as shown below:
    • Select Type of duty/tax as GST.
    • Select Nature of adjustment as Increase of Tax Liability.
    • Select Additional Details as Advances Paid under Reverse Charge.
  4. Debit the expense ledger, or ledger grouped under Current Assets and credit the GST ledgers for the tax on advance.
  5. Enable the option Provide GST Details to Yes and select the party ledger and select Registration type as Unregistered.
  6. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

The tax liability raised on the advance amount appears in GSTR-2 as shown below:

Record Purchase by Adjusting the Advance Payment

You can record purchases against advance amount paid to:

Record purchases from registered dealers

Record a purchase invoice by adjusting the bill reference as shown below:

The invoice appears in GSTR-2 report under:

  • B2B Invoices if the party is a registered dealer.
  • B2BUR Invoices if the party is an unregistered dealer.

Record purchases from unregistered dealers

Record a purchase invoice by adjusting the bill reference as shown below:

Raise Tax Liability and Claim Tax Credit on the Purchase Value

In a single voucher, you can raise liability and claim tax credit on the purchase made from:

Record tax liability for purchases from registered dealers

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statutory Reports > GST Reports > GSTR-3b.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select GSTR-3b > and press Enter.
  2. Press Enter on Reverse Charge Inward Supplies. You can raise the tax liability for the amount shown in this report.
  3. Press Alt+J (Stat Adjustment), select the:
    • Type of duty/tax – GST.
    • Nature of Adjustment – Increase of Tax Liability & Input Tax Credit.
    • Additional Details – Purchase under reverse charge.
  4. Debit the tax ledgers to increase the tax credit, and credit the same ledgers to raise the liability, in a single voucher.
  5. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

The GSTR-2 report appears as shown below:

Record tax liability for purchase of goods from Unregistered dealers

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statutory Reports > GST Reports > GSTR-3b.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select GSTR-3b > and press Enter.
  2. Press Enter on URD Purchases. You can raise the tax liability and claim tax credit for the amount shown in this report.
  3. Press Alt+J (Stat Adjustment), select the:
    • Type of duty/tax – GST.
    • Nature of Adjustment – Increase of Tax Liability & Input Tax Credit.
    • Additional Details – Purchase from Unregistered dealer.
  4. Debit the tax ledger and credit the tax ledgers.
  5. Enable the option Provide GST Details to Yes.
  6. Select the Type of Input.
  7. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

The GSTR-2 report appears as shown below:

Record tax liability for purchase of services from Unregistered dealers

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statutory Reports > GST Reports > GSTR-3b.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select GSTR-3b > and press Enter.
  2. Press Enter on Reverse Charge Inward Supplies. You can raise the tax liability and tax credit for the amount shown in this report.
  3. Press Alt+J (Stat Adjustment), select the:
    • Type of duty/tax – GST.
    • Nature of Adjustment – Increase of Tax Liability & Input Tax Credit.
    • Additional Details – Purchase under reverse charge.
  4. Debit and credit the tax ledgers.
  5. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

Reverse Tax Liability of Advance Payments

You can reverse the tax liability on advance payments made to:

Reverse tax liability on advances from registered dealers

  1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F7 (Journal).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F7 (Journal).
  2. Press Alt+J (Stat Adjustment), select the:
    • Type of duty/tax – GST.
    • Nature of Adjustment – Decrease of Tax Liability.
    • Additional Details – Purchase against Advance Payment.
  3. Debit the GST ledgers and credit the expenses/current asset ledger.
  4. Set the option Provide GST Details to Yes and select the party ledger.
  5. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

The transaction details appear in GSTR-2 as shown below:

Reverse tax liability on advances from unregistered dealers

Record a journal voucher by debiting the GST ledgers and crediting the expenses/current asset ledger as shown below:

The GSTR-2 report appears as shown:

Record Tax Payment Under Reverse Charge

You can pay tax under reverse charge on purchases made from:

Record tax payment for purchases from registered dealers

  1. 1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F5 (Payment).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F5 (Payment).
  2. Press Ctrl+F (Autofill) and select Stat Payment and enter the required details.
    • Tax Type – GST
    • Payment Type – Set the type of payment as Recipient Liability.
    • Period From – Mention the Period From and To.
  3. In the Account field, select the bank from which the payment will be made.
  4. Select the central and state tax ledgers.
  5. Provide GST details: Enable this option to enter the bank details.
    If the bank details are not available, you can enter them later in the Challan Reconciliation report.
  6. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

Record tax payment for purchases from unregistered dealers

  1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F5 (Payment).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F5 (Payment).
  2. Press Ctrl+F (Autofill) and select Stat Payment and enter the required details.
    • Tax Type – GST
    • Payment Type – Set the type of payment as Recipient Liability.
    • Period From – Mention the Period From and To.
  3. In the Account field, select the bank from which the payment will be made.
  4. Select the central and state tax ledgers.
  5. Provide GST details: Enable this option to enter the bank details. If the bank details are not available, you can enter them later in the Challan Reconciliation report.
  6. In the Bank Allocations screen, select the ledgers, enter the amount and provide the payment details.
  7. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

Record Refund Voucher

If the advance payment transaction is cancelled fully or partially, you can record it in a receipt voucher by marking it as a refund voucher.

You can record refund voucher on purchases made from:

Record refund voucher for purchases from registered dealers

  1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F6 (Receipt).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F6 (Receipt).
  2. Press Alt+J (Stat Adjustment)> select Refund of Advance Payment.
  3. Select the bank Account.
    As always, press Alt+C, to create a master on the fly. Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Master > type or select Stock Items > press Enter.
  4. Select the party ledger enabled for bill-wise details. In the Refund Details section, the list of stock items are displayed for selection. To select a ledger, press Alt+L (Show Ledgers) > F12 (Configure) and set the option:
    • Allow to provide rate of stock items to Yes, to enter/alter the slab rate of the stock item.
    • Allow to provide quantity for calculation of cess on quantity to Yes, to enter the cess rate and cess rate per unit.
    • Allow modification of tax details to Yes, to override the GST and cess rates in the voucher.
  5. Select the Stock Item or Ledger Name (enabled for GST).
  6. Enter the Refund Amount which is inclusive of GST. The break-up of GST amount gets auto calculated for Central Tax, State Tax, and Cess, if applicable. The Refund Details section appears as shown below:

    The Advance Amount appears as the Taxable Value, and the tax amount is calculated on this. The tax values shown in the Advance Payment Details is the amount on which you need to decrease the liability in a journal voucher.
  7. Press Ctrl+A to accept and return to payment voucher.
  8. Select the type of reference as Agst Ref and select the reference details in the Bill-wise Details screen.
  9. Set Provide GST details to Yes, and enter the Receipt No. and Date of the advance payment.
  10. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.
  11. Press Alt+P (Print) and select configure and set Print Refund Voucher to Yes, as shown below:

The printed refund voucher appears as shown below:

Record refund voucher for purchases from unregistered dealers

  1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F6 (Receipt).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F6 (Receipt).
  2. Press Alt+J (Stat Adjustment)> select Refund of Advance Payment.
  3. Select the bank Account.
    As always, press Alt+C, to create a master on the fly. Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Master > type or select Stock Items > press Enter.
  4. Select the party ledger enabled for bill-wise details. In the Refund Details section, the list of stock items are displayed for selection. To select a ledger, press Alt+L (Show Ledgers) > F12 (Configure) and set the option:
    • Allow to provide rate of stock items to Yes, to enter/alter the slab rate of the stock item.
    • Allow to provide quantity for calculation of cess on quantity to Yes, to enter the cess rate and cess rate per unit.
    • Allow modification of tax details to Yes, to override the GST and cess rates in the voucher.
  5. Select the Stock Item (goods enabled for GST) or Ledger Name (services enabled for GST).
  6. Enter the Refund Amount which is inclusive of GST. The break-up of GST amount gets auto calculated for Central Tax , State Tax , and Cess , if applicable. The Refund Details section appears as shown below:

    The Advance Amount appears as the Taxable Value, and the tax amount is calculated on this. The tax values shown in the Advance Payment Details is the amount on which you need to decrease the liability in a journal voucher.
  7. Press Ctrl+A to accept and return to payment voucher.
  8. Select the type of reference as Agst Ref and select the reference details in the Bill-wise Details screen.
  9. Set Provide GST details to Yes, and enter the Receipt No. and Date of the advance payment.
  10. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.
  11. Press Alt+P (Print) and select configure and set Print Refund Voucher to Yes, as shown below:

The printed refund voucher appears as shown below:

Cancel the Liability to the Extent of Refund

You can decrease the liability to the extent of refund voucher recorded for:

Cancel the liability of refund to registered dealers

  1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F7 (Journal).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F7 (Journal).
  2. Press Alt+J (Stat Adjustment) , select the options as shown below:
    • Type of duty/tax – GST.
    • Nature of Adjustment – Decrease of Tax Liability.
    • Additional Details – Cancellation of Advance Payment under Reverse Charge.
  3. Debit the GST ledgers and credit the expense ledger, or ledger grouped under Current Assets.
  4. Enable the option Provide GST Details and enter the transaction details.
  5. Press Enter.
  6. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

Cancel the liability of refund to unregistered dealers

  1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F7 (Journal).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F7 (Journal).
  2. Press Alt+J (Stat Adjustment), select the options as shown below:
    • Type of duty/tax – GST.
    • Nature of Adjustment – Decrease of Tax Liability.
    • Additional Details – Cancellation of Advance Payment under Reverse Charge.
  3. Debit the GST ledgers and credit the expense ledger, or ledger grouped under Current Assets.
  4. Enable the option Provide GST Details and enter the transaction details. select Registration type as Unregistered.
  5. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

The GSTR-2 report will display only the difference amount on shown below:

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