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Release Notes for TallyPrime & TallyPrime Edit Log Release 3.0.1

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TallyPrime Release 3.0.1 comes with stellar enhancements in your overall e-Invoicing and GST return filing experience.

The e-Invoice report will help you resolve many more issues in a quick and easy manner, which will lead to minimum rejections on the portal. And on the GST front, there are improvements in export and HSN/SAC that will make your experience even happier. 

If you are using customisations in TallyPrime, then it would be best to contact your partner before upgrading to the latest release. 
If you are working in a multi-user setup, then first upgrade on the server and then on the client.



The e-Invoicing feature comes with the following enhancements that will remarkably improve your e-Invoicing experience.

Easy correction of e-Invoicing details

You can now find out with greater ease if there are any issues or missing details for generating e-Invoices.

The e-Invoice report will help you make the necessary corrections right here in TallyPrime, and prevent rejections on the e-Invoice portal.

Accordingly, you can now easily resolve the following issues from Uncertain Transactions:

  • Missing or invalid State for Consignee (Ship To) & Dispatch From
  • Mismatch between State and Pincode
  • Mismatch between HSN and Type of supply
  • Invoice numbers starting with zero

Refer to the e-Invoice Reports section of the e-Invoice – FAQ topic for more information.

e-Invoicing with Billed Quantity & Actual Quantity

You can now seamlessly handle e-Invoicing with Billed Quantity and Actual Quantity.

There won’t be any issues in e-Invoice generation even when the Billed Quantity exceeds the Actual Quantity in your transactions.

e-Invoicing for foreign parties

Generating e-Invoices for foreign parties is a lot smoother now. 

There won’t be any issues in e-Invoice generation, even when you are providing a service to a party located out of India and billing a local or interstate party.

Dispatch From details in e-invoice

The Dispatch From details will now be displayed with better clarity, while recording e-Invoice transactions.

You have to enable the Provide Dispatch From details option only once, after which you can easily view and update the details in subsequent transactions. 

e-Way Bill along with e-Invoice

The generation of e-Way Bill along with e-Invoice is now easier.

You can seamlessly generate e-Way Bill for credit notes and for transactions below the threshold limit

e-Invoicing without UoM

Handling UoMs in e-Invoicing is a lot smoother now.

You can seamlessly generate e-Invoices for goods and services, even when UoM is not used.  

Party GSTIN/UIN is the same as Company GSTIN/UIN

Is your party GSTIN/UIN the same as your company GSTIN/UIN? No problem! Now you can seamlessly upload such transactions on the portal. 

You only have to go to Uncertain Transactions and accept the relevant transactions in the Party GSTIN/UIN is the same as Company GSTIN/UIN section. Your transactions will be ready for upload.

Refer to the e-Invoice Reports section of the e-Invoice – FAQ topic for more information.



The GST module comes with the following improvements that will enhance your return filing experience. 

Accept As Is for blank HSN/SAC

If the annual turnover of your business is less than 5 crores, then HSN/SAC details are optional. Accordingly, TallyPrime provides you with the awesome flexibility to accept such transactions (from Uncertain Transactions), and consider them as included.


Filing GSTR-3B using JSON is a lot smoother now.

The GSTR-3B JSON exported from TallyPrime will now contain the details of all the sections and transactions. Even the zero-valued sections will be seamlessly exported, so that you can update the values on the portal, as needed.

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