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Add TallyPrime EXE, Ports, IP Addresses, URLs, and Hostnames to Windows Proxy or Firewall Exceptions List

To ensure that TallyPrime functions seamlessly on your computer you need to whitelist the program files and relevant ports. For this, add TallyPrime EXE and ports to the Firewall Exceptions list. You can follow similar steps in Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Similarly, when you work in a secured network environment Proxy or Windows Firewall will restrict requests and responses from certain IP addresses or hostnames. To overcome this, whitelist these IP addresses, URLs, and hostnames by adding them to Windows Proxy or Firewall Exceptions list. As a result, you can bypass Proxy or Firewall when accessing these addresses.

To seamlessly enjoy Tally Software Services (TSS) and other services like e-Way Bill, e-Invoice, banking, Tally product licenses, TallyShop, customer portal, and so on, list the required URLs as exceptions in the Windows Proxy and Firewall. Thereafter, Proxy or Firewall will not block the services from such URLs, and will allow requests and responses from such servers.

Add TallyPrime EXE to Windows Firewall Exceptions List

  1. Go to Control Panel > Windows Defender Firewall > Advanced settings.
    The Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security on Local Computer screen appears. 
  2. Define Inbound Rules.
    1. Click Inbound Rules
    2. Under Actions > Inbound Rules, click New Rule.
      The Rule Type screen appears. 
    3. Select Program and click Next.
      The Program screen appears.
      Select Tallyprime EXE for Windows Firewall Exception
    4. Select This program path.
    5. Click Browse to specify the program file on your computer.
    6. Click Next.
      The Action screen is displayed to specify the action for the rule. 
    7. Select Allow the connection and click Next.
      The Profile screen is displayed to specify the profile for which this rule applies. 
      Firewall Exceptions Profile
    8. Select the required options, and click Next.
      The Name screen appears.
      Name for Firewall Exception Rule
    9. Enter the Name and the Description (optional), if required.
    10. Click Finish.
      The Inbound Rules list will display the new rule created, as shown below.
      Tallyprime EXE in Firewall Exceptions Rule
  3. Similarly, select Outbound Rules and define the rules.

Hereafter, the specified TallyPrime program files will be excluded from screening by Windows firewall.

Add Ports to Windows Firewall Exceptions List

  1. Go to Control Panel > Windows Defender Firewall > Advanced settings.
    The Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security on Local Computer screen appears. 
  2. Define Inbound Rules.
    1. Click Inbound Rules
    2. Under Actions > Inbound Rules, click New Rule.
      The Rule Type screen appears.
    3. Select Port and click Next.
      The Protocol and Ports screen appears.
      Firewall Exceptions Protocols and Ports
    4. Under Does this rule apply to TCP or UDP?, select TCP.
    5. Under Does this rule apply to all local ports or specific local ports?, select Specific local ports.
    6. Enter the port number that you want to exclude and click Next.
      The Action screen appears.
    7. Select Allow the connection and click Next.
      The Profile screen appears.
      Port Firewall Exceptions Profile
    8. Select the required options and click Next.
      The Name screen appears.
      Name for Ports in Firewall Exceptions Rule
    9. Enter the Name and the Description (optional), if required.
    10. Click Finish.
      The Inbound Rules list will display the new rule created, as shown below.
      Name for Port in Firewall Exceptions Rule
  3. Similarly, select Outbound Rules and define the rules. 

Hereafter, the specified ports will be excluded from screening by Windows firewall.

Add TallyPrime Data Extensions in Antivirus Exceptions List

If you are using antivirus software, it could lead to potential interference with your TallyPrime company data due to safety protocols. This interference may cause performance issues and interruptions within TallyPrime data as the antivirus scans these files. To overcome this issue, you can configure your antivirus software to exclude specific file types or folders related to TallyPrime. Antivirus programs often have settings that allow you to create exceptions or exclusions. 

The entire process involves,

  1. Identifying and locating your TallyPrime data extensions that are to be excluded from the antivirus scan
  2. Adding the TallyPrime data extensions to the exceptions list of the antivirus
  1. Locate and note the TallyPrime company data extensions.
    1. Gateway of Tally > F1 (Help) > About and press Enter.
      About screen opens.
      Under Data Information you can see Location of Company data.
      TallyPrime Company Data Path

    2. Note down the company data location path.
    3. Open this path on your local desktop and identify the .1800 and .TSF data extensions located in the data folder that are to be added to the antivirus exceptions list.
      TSF Files TallyPrime
  2. Add TallyPrime company data extensions to the antivirus exceptions list.

    1. Open your antivirus software and look for settings or options related to “Exclusions,” “Exceptions,” or “Allow List.”
      This feature is usually found within the settings or configuration menu.

    2. Add TallyPrime company data extensions to the exceptions list.
      Within the exclusions or exceptions settings, there should be an option to add files or folders to be excluded from scanning.
      Specify the data extensions ( .1800 and tsf files) used by TallyPrime via the company data location path noted earlier.

  3. After adding the necessary company data extensions, save the changes in your antivirus settings.
    Some antivirus software might require a system restart for the changes to take effect.

The steps may vary based on the software. It is recommended to refer to your antivirus software’s documentation or support resources for precise instructions tailored to the version you’re using, as the steps may vary between different antivirus programs.

Exclude TallyPrime Program and Ports from Third-Party Firewall

In case you are using third-party tools for network security, then you have to add the program files and ports to the Firewall Exceptions list. Refer to their official site for the required procedures.

Add IP Addresses, URLs, and Hostnames to Windows Proxy or Firewall Exceptions List

Adding IP addresses, URLs, and hostnames to Windows Proxy or Firewall Exceptions will help in resolving potential issues in:

  • Connecting company to Tally.NET
  • Opening TallyShop
  • Connectivity for synchronisation
  • Product update (Capsule download)
  • Activation or reactivation of license

You may add either the URL or the IP address in the Proxy or Firewall Exceptions list. In case you need to add the IP address, you can find the IP address using the URL.

List of IP Addresses, URLs, Hostnames, and Ports for Different Services

Whitelist the following URLs or hostnames and IP addresses in your Firewall or Proxy settings to seamlessly avail the services provided by Tally. For that, you have to identify the required IP addresses or URLs for the services you need and add them to Windows Proxy or Firewall Exceptions.

Tally Servers – Firewall Exceptions

URL Services
*.tallysolutions.com e-Way Bill, e-Invoice, License Service, TSS Renewal, TallyShop, Tally Reports in Browser, Customer Portal on Tally Website
*.tallyenterprise.com Synchronisation, Remote Access, Banking Services, Capsules for Product Update, TCS, TDS, Banking, and so on

If your firewall does not allow you to use wildcards like * in the Exceptions list, then you can add the specific URLs listed in the tables below. You just need to add the URLs for the services that you want to avail.

Tally Servers – Proxy Exceptions

URL Port Services
*.tallysolutions.com 80 License Service, TSS Renewal, TallyShop
*.tallysolutions.com 443 e-Way Bill, e-Invoice, Tally Reports in Browser, Customer Portal on Tally Website
*.tallysolutions.com 9009 Tally Reports in Browser
*.tallyenterprise.com 80 Synchronisation, Remote Access, Capsules for Product Update, TCS, TDS, Banking, and so on
*.tallyenterprise.com 9050 Synchronisation, Remote Access

In case your network policies do not allow you to use wildcards like * in the Exceptions list, then you can add the specific URLs listed in the tables below. You just need to add the URLs for the services that you want to avail.

e-Way Bill Services

URL IP Address Port


(Applicable to TallyPrime Release 2.0 onwards)
Multiple IP addresses 443

e-Invoice Services

URL IP Address Port
einvoice.tallysolutions.com Multiple IP addresses 443


(To use e-Invoice sandbox services)

Multiple IP addresses 443

License Service, TSS Renewal, and TallyShop

URL IP Address Port
experts.tallysolutions.com Multiple IP addresses 80
licensing.tallysolutions.com Multiple IP addresses 80

Tally Reports in Browser

URL IP Address Port
browser.tallysolutions.com Multiple IP addresses 9009 and 443
tallysolutions.com Multiple IP addresses 443
browser1.tallysolutions.com 9009 and 443
browser2.tallysolutions.com 9009 and 443
browser3.tallysolutions.com 9009 and 443

Customer Portal on Tally Website

URL IP Address Port
customer.tallysolutions.com Multiple IP addresses 443
iam.tallysolutions.com Multiple IP addresses 443

Synchronisation and Remote Access

URL IP Address Port
tallynet.tallyenterprise.com 80
tallynet.tallyenterprise.com 80
trb001.tallyenterprise.com 80
trb002.tallyenterprise.com 80
trb003.tallyenterprise.com 9050
trb004.tallyenterprise.com 80
trb005.tallyenterprise.com 80
trb006.tallyenterprise.com 80
trb007.tallyenterprise.com 80
trb008.tallyenterprise.com 80
trb009.tallyenterprise.com  9050

Capsules for Product Update, TCS, TDS, Banking, and so on

URL IP Address Port
tallynet.tallyenterprise.com 80
tallynet.tallyenterprise.com 80
cds001.tallyenterprise.com 80
cds002.tallyenterprise.com 80

Banking Services

URL IP Address Port
tallynet.tallyenterprise.com 80
tallynet.tallyenterprise.com 80
bis001.tallyenterprise.com 80
bis002.tallyenterprise.com 80

Find IP Address Using URL

You may add either the URL or the IP address in the Proxy or Firewall Exceptions list. In case you need to add the IP address, you can find it using the URL.

For example, you can find the IP address for e-Way Bill or e-Invoice services using the following procedure. However, this procedure does not apply to the e-Invoice demo URL used for sandbox services.

  1. Open Command Prompt.
    Either search for Command Prompt or enter cmd in the Windows search bar and select Command Prompt.
    If you do not see the Windows search bar, click the Start button at the bottom-left corner of your desktop.
  2. In the Command Prompt window, enter nslookup ewaybill.tallysolutions.com or nslookup einvoice.tallysolutions.com.Find IP Address
    Address – Refers to the IP address of your computer.
    Addresses – Refers to the IP address of the URL provided.

Add Tally Server URLs to Windows Proxy Exceptions

  1. Go to Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections.
  2. Click LAN Settings > Use proxy server for your LAN > Advanced.
  3. Specify the proxy address to use.
  4. Under the Exceptions section, type *.tallysolutions.com:80; *.tallysolutions.com:443; *.tallysolutions.com:9009; *.tallyenterprise.com:80; *.tallyenterprise.com:9050;, as shown below.
    Add IP Addresses/URLs/Hostnames to Windows Proxy Exceptions
  5. Click OK.
  6. On the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings screen, click OK.
  7. On the Internet Properties screen, click OK.
    Hereafter, the Proxy will allow requests and responses from all Tally servers under tallysolutions.com and tallyenterprise.com.

You can follow the same steps to add specific URLs for the services that you want to avail. Refer to the List of URLs, IP Addresses, and Ports for Different Services for the complete list.

Add IP Addresses or URLs in Third-Party Firewall Exceptions

In case you are using third-party tools for network security, then you have to add the required IP addresses, URLs, and hostnames to the Firewall Exceptions. Refer to their official sites for the required procedures.

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