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Save View – FAQ

This topic lists some frequently asked questions (FAQ) on the Save View feature in TallyPrime Release 2.0.

Save View of Reports

  1. What is the use of the Save View feature in TallyPrime Release 2.0?
    Save View in TallyPrime Release 2.0 enables you to save any view of a report for future reference. You can save your preferred configurations/settings for a report, and refer to by directly opening it anytime with the latest data. The Save View feature ensures that you do not have to configure the report for the same details, unless you need to add any additional details of the report. 
  2. What happens when I save a view for This Company vs All Companies?
    Save view for  – select All Companies or This Company
    • All Companies (On This Computer) – Selecting this option saves the view of the report in the respective TallyPrime Application folder. This will allow you to access the view (whenever the company is loaded) from any company that you may have created, as long as you are using TallyPrime Release 2.0 from the same application folder.
    • This Company – Selecting this option saves the view of the report in the respective company folder – at the company level. This will enable other users of that company, including your customers, accountant, data entry operator, and others, to access the view seamlessly, when you share the company data with them.
  3. What is the Save with the master selected to open the report option used for?
    Certain reports in TallyPrime open for a selected master. Setting this option to Yes for such reports will enable you to open the saved view instantly, without you having to select the master again. Also, any transactions that was made by referring to the same masters get automatically reflected when you open this saved view.
    For example, you can save your Stock Summary report for a selected stock group, configure the report as needed and save the view with the Save with the master selected to open the report option set to Yes.  Next time you open the view, the saved view opens directly without you having to select the stock group separately. For more information refer to the Save View topic.
  4. What is Save with the selected period option used for?
    You can save the view of a report for a specific period so that every time the view is opened, it opens with the latest data available for that period. Say, the Auditor for your company wants to audit the Balance Sheet from 1-5-2021 to 15-5-2021 for the next one week. In the Balance Sheet, you can set the period and save the view. Next time when you open that view of your Balance Sheet, it would display the updated details for the set period.
    For more information, refer to the Save View topic.
  5. While saving a view, when I set the view as default, the option Save with the master selected to open the report is greyed out. Why?
    Certain reports open on selection of a particular master, even if you save view of such reports as default. On the other hand, saving a view with master will not prompt you to select the master next time you open the report. To avoid this conflict, the option Save with the master selected to open the report is greyed out when you set the view as default.
  6. I have removed a few line entries from my report using Ctrl+R. Can I save removal of the lines in the view for that report?
    Removing a line from a report is an instant need for analysis of the report details, and is not a persistent change. Saving such a change will make the data incorrect when the report is opened the next time, making the data unreliable. Therefore, using save view does not save the removal of the line from a report.
  7. Can I save the print, export, and e-mail configurations for a report using Save View?
    No. Configurations specific to Print, E-mail, and Export specific configurations – Header Information, Company Details, and Printer/E-mail/Export Settings – cannot be saved for a report. We will consider this in our future roadmap. However, you can save report details with required F12 (Configure) and the same will be retained while printing, e-mailing, and exporting the saved view.
  8. Why am I not able to save a view of a columnar report with multiple companies or a report from a group company?
    A group company is a nominal company and does not have data of its own. You use a group company to view a consolidated report of different companies. Similarly, in case of a columnar report involving multiple companies, you will not be operating on any specific company.
    In such cases, you cannot save the view under This Company. However you can save the views of such consolidated and comparative reports by selecting All Companies (This Computer).
  9. Why is the option Set this as default view for the report not supported in drill-down only reports?
    All the reports that are accessible from either Gateway of Tally or Go To can be saved and set as the default view. However, if any report that is a result of drill down from a default report and is not accessible from Gateway of Tally or Go To, such reports cannot be saved as the default view.
    For example, when you drill down from the Profit & Loss A/c > Closing Stock, you will view the Stock Group Summary report. You can save this summary report and set it as the default view. Next time you access this report directly, the saved view of the Stock Group Summary report opens.
    However, if you drill down from Profit & Loss A/c > Opening Stock, you can save the Opening Stock Summary report using the Save View feature. This report is not available from Go To or Gateway of Tally. Therefore, for this report, there is no option under Save View to set this report as default.
  10. How many reports can I save in TallyPrime?
    You can save any number of views of a report in TallyPrime Release 2.0.
  11. What is the best way of using Save View so that the saved views can be used post re-installation or data repair?
    The Save View feature enables you to save views of reports based on your business needs.
    • When you want to save the view in the current TallyPrime application folder for your reference, you can save the view under All Companies (On This Computer).
    • When you want to save a view at the company level so that users across different computers can also access the view, save the view under This Company.
      As long as your data is retained, the saved views will be available post re-installation or data repair. 
  12. Will I be able to save my customised reports?
    If you have customised or configured an existing report, you can save a view of the report. However, if it a new report customised to meet your specific requirements, you may reach out to your partner and get the Save View feature added for that report.
  13. I had saved views of my reports, but my data is corrupted. Will I be able to retrieve the saved views?
    Views saved under All Companies cannot be retrieved on data corruption. If you had saved views under This Company, you may be able to retrieve the views after a successful data rewrite, depending on the level of data corruption. 
  14. What is the Show Original View option in Change View used for?
    Saved views provide details as per the configurations you had enabled/disabled. However, while you are referring to a saved view, you may need to see the main or original report. Switching to the original is just a step away. From Change View of a report, simply select Show Original View > press Enter. The original report with the default settings will be displayed instantly.

Delete Saved Views

  1. Can I delete unwanted views of a report? How?
    Yes, you can! To know how to delete views, refer to the Manage Saved Views section.
  2. Can I select multiple saved views and delete?
    No, you cannot select multiple views for deletion. Using the Change View option in a report, you can select and delete one view at a time. If you want to delete all the views saved for This Company or All Companies:
    • F1 (Help) > TroubleshootingDelete Views Saved for All Companies (to delete views of all companies).
    • F1 (Help) > TroubleshootingDelete Views Saved for This Company (delete views of a particular company).
  3. Can I undo deletion of saved views?
    No, saved views once deleted cannot be retrieved or undone.

Access Saved View

  1. Where can I find the saved views in TallyPrime?
    You can access the saved views from the following:
    • To see all the saved views: press Alt+G (Go To).
    • To see the views saved for a particular report: from the report, press Ctrl+H (Change View).
  2. Why am I not finding all my saved views using the Go To feature?
    In TallyPrime, some reports are available only through drill-down from a specific line or entry of their parent report. These reports also carry the settings done for the parent report. Such drill-down reports and their saved views will not be available from Go To.
  3. Can I copy a view from one folder to another folder and use it?
    You can copy a view saved using All Companies, from one folder to another and use it. However, it is not recommended as you may accidentally replace existing views with the same name. You cannot copy views saved for This Company and paste elsewhere, as it is similar to any other data file created under the company folder, which cannot be copied from one folder to the other.
  4. When opening a saved view that has details of multiple companies, is it necessary to load all the companies?
    Yes, it is necessary to load all the companies.
    • All companies loaded: If you have loaded all that companies that were part of the saved view, you will be able to see all the details that were saved.
    • One or more companies not loaded: In this case, you will be able to open the view with details of only the companies that are loaded.
    • None of the companies are loaded: TallyPrime will display an error message asking you to load the companies to open the saved view.
  5. Can I restrict a user from saving or deleting a view for a particular company?
    Yes, you can! All views saved using This Company will by default be accessible to other users. You can restrict the users from saving or deleting the views by setting up their User Roles. Refer to User Access to Saved Views section.
    If you have already restricted a user from viewing a parent report (say, Balance Sheet, or P&L Statement) by setting the security options, the user cannot access the views saved for that report.
  6. Will all the saved views be stored when I take a backup of the company?
    All views saved using the This Company option will be stored in the company data backup.
  7. Can I access the saved view in TRiB?
    The Save View feature is closely related to saving configurations, which is not part of Tally Reports in Browser (TRiB) currently. Saving views of reports can be supported only when Tally Reports in Browser is enabled with F12 configurations and other right buttons supported in TallyPrime. This will be considered as part of our future roadmap. 
  8. How will the saved views work when I split the company data? Will I be able to get all the views in the child companies?
    In the child companies, you will be able to access the views that were saved by selecting the option This Company.
  9. Can I access and create saved views using Remote Access?
    If you are accessing company data using Remote Access feature, you can access views that are saved using the All Companies option. Similarly, you can also save views of reports under All Companies.
    Saving the view under This Company is, however, not supported currently as the remote access capabilities allow you to only create masters and transaction data in general. The flexibility to save views under This Company will be considered as part of our future roadmap. 
  10. Can I save or access a view in educational mode?
    Yes, you can save views of reports while using the educational mode of TallyPrime Release 2.0.
    If you had saved a view of a report in the licensed version and are trying to open the same in educational mode, the view will open based on the date behavior of educational mode of TallyPrime. Say, the date of last voucher entry is 25-Apr. You saved a view of the Day Book with the period set to 10-Apr to 15-Apr. When you open the same view in educational mode of TallyPrime, the view will open with the date from 1-Apr to 25-Apr.
  11. Can I export and import the saved views?
    TallyPrime enables you to import or export masters and transactions only, and not reports. The same applies to saved views of reports. You cannot export and import views saved for reports.
  12. Can I synchronise saved views?
    Using TallyPrime, you can synchronise masters and transactions only, and not reports. The same applies to the saved views of reports and therefore you cannot synchronise them. This will be considered as part of our future roadmap.
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