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View Subscriber Contribution Details in TallyPrime (Payroll)

Subscriber refers to any person, who is a citizen of India and contributes to the National Pension Scheme (NPS). Each subscriber is identified by a unique Permanent Retirement Account Number (PR Account Number).

Such subscribers (employees) may contribute towards Tier-I and Tier-II accounts of NPS. Apart from this, an employer also contributes a certain percentage of salary towards Tier-I account of NPS.

The Subscriber Contribution Details report of TallyPrime displays the details of employer’s contributionĀ to NPS Tier I-A/c and employees’ contribution to NPS Tier-1 & Tier-II accounts.

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Payroll Reports > Statutory Reports > National Pension Scheme > Subscriber Contribution Details.
    Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statutory Reports > Payroll Reports > National Pension Scheme > Subscriber Contribution Details.
    Alternatively, Alt+G (Go To) > type or select NPS Subscriber Contribution Details > and press Enter.
  2. In the Employee Filters screen:
    • In the Name of Employee / Group, select the required Employee Group from the List of Employees / Groups.
    • The Subscriber Contribution Details screen appears as shown:


Configuration options in Subscriber Contribution Details report

  • Press F12 (Configure) button from the Subscriber Contribution Details report to configure the view of the report.
    • Show Employer’s Contribution: This option is enabled, by default. Disabling this option will not display the employer’s contribution towards NPS Tier-I A/c in the report.
    • Show Employee’s Contribution: This option is enabled, by default. Disabling this option will not display the employee’s contribution towards NPS Tier-I A/c and Tier – II A/c in the report.
    • Show Employee Number: Set this option to Yes to display the Employee Number as mentioned in the Employee master.
    • Show Pay Month: Set this option to Yes to display the month for which such NPS contribution
      is made.
    • Show Pay Year: Set this option to Yes to display the year for which such NPS contribution is made.
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