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Stock Query in TallyPrime

The Stock Query report in TallyPrime provides complete information pertaining to a particular stock item. The details include Alias, Part No., Stock Group, Stock Category, available Closing Quantity & Balance, Cost Price, Std. Selling Price, Costing Method and Market Valuation Method, and so on. You can view this report in browser.

View Stock Query report in TallyPrime

The Stock Query report in TallyPrime is broadly categorized into four sections:

  • Purchases – displays the party name, actual and billed quantity, rate at which it was purchased, voucher date, discount, amount, and transaction of the last purchase.
  • Sales – displays the party name, actual and billed quantity, rate at which it was sold, voucher date, discount, amount, and transaction of the last sale.
  • Godown/Batch-wise Details – displays the name of each godown with corresponding batches and quantity details.
  • Items of the same category – displays the list of items grouped under the same category.
  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statements of Inventory > Stock Query.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select Stock Query > and press Enter.
  2. Select the item from List of Stock Items. The Stock Query report appears.
    View Stock Query Report
  • Press F2 (Period) to change the period.
  • Press F3 (Company) to change the company.
  • Press F4 (Stock Item) to select another item and view the report.
  • Press F7 (Hide Reorders) to hide the re-order status of the selected stock item. You can view the closing stock, order details, re-order level defined, shortfall, minimum reorder quantity, and the number of items to be ordered.
  • Press Alt+F7 (Hide Stat Info) to hide the GST details for the selected stock item. You can use this as a toggle button to show or hide the details.
  • Press Ctrl+F7 (Top Buyers/Sellers) to view the Top Buyers / Sellers report listing the parties that have mostly sold or bought the selected stock item, based on value or quantity.
    View Top Buyers or Sellers for an Item
  • Ctrl+B (Basis of Values)
    You can configure the values in your report for that instance, based on different business needs.
    In Stock Query, you can display the Nett rate. Press Ctrl+B (Basis of Values) > set Show Nett Rate as Yes. Press Esc to view the default values.

  • Ctrl+H (Change View)
    You can display the details of a report in different views with additional details or for a specific period. You can also view other reports related to the current report.
    To view the Monthly Summary, press Ctrl+H (Change View) > type or select Monthly Summary> press Enter. Press Esc to view the default report.

  • Ctrl+J (Exception Reports)
    You can view the exceptions related to the data displayed in the current report by pressing Ctrl+J (Exception Reports), without closing the report.
    To view the Purchase Order, press Ctrl+J (Exception Reports) > type or select Purchase Order > and press Enter. Press Esc to view the default report.

  • Press F12 (Configure) from Stock Query report to configure your report as per your business needs.

    • Show Vertical Stock Query – Enable it to display the stock query report in the vertical form.
    • Show aliases of the Stock Item Name – Enable it to view the alias for the item entered in the stock item master.
    • Show Descriptions for Stock Items – Enable it to view the description entered in the stock item master.
    • Show Stat info – View the GST details for the selected stock item.
    • Show Reorders – Show the re-order status of the selected stock item. You can view the closing stock, order details, re-order level defined, shortfall, minimum reorder quantity, and the number of items to be ordered.
    • Show Actual and Billed Quantities – Enable it to view the breakup of actual and billed quantity. This option appears only when Use separate Actual and Billed Quantity columns in invoiceis enabled in your company features.
    • Show all Godown/Batches including zero balance – Enable it to view the details of godowns/batches that have zero balance for the selected stock item.
    • Show Stock Items of the same Stock Group – Enable it to view all stock items under the same stock group.
    • Number of last transactions to show – Enter the number of transactions to be displayed.

For a company located in Kerala, if the option Kerala Flood Cess applicable is enabled in Company GST Details screen, the Rate of KFC (%) column will appear with the cess defined in the stock item master.

Display the Net Rate of a Stock Item

The default Stock Query report is as follows:


To view the Nett Rate of a stock item, press Ctrl+B (Basis of Value) > ensure Set Nett Rate is Yes.

Note: You need to select the option Appropriate by Qty or Appropriate by Value under Method of appropriation in purchase invoice in the ledger master to appropriate the discount to the stock item.

The Stock Query report with the nett rate of the stock item appears as shown below:

View Transaction Details from Stock Query | Voucher Display

  1. Select a purchase or sales transaction from Stock Query report and press Enter.
  2. The Voucher Display appears. Press Alt+F5 (Detailed) to view the transaction details.
    The purchase transaction appears as shown:
    View Voucher Display from Stock Query
    The sales transaction appears as shown:
    View Voucher Display for Sales from Stock Query
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