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Access Dashboard in TallyPrime


Use Dashboard in TallyPrime | add, configure, expand, and remove Tile


Compare Gross Profit Trend for financial years using Dashboard

Restrict users from accessing Dashboard or Tiles


Viewing daily receipts & payments to manage balances with Dashboard

Identify Stock Items with no movement using Dashboard

Identify top ledgers using Dashboard

Identify top Stock Groups with highest sales using Dashboard

Compare sales in Groups using Dashboard

Compare sales in Cost Centres using Dashboard

Identify top Cost Centres using Dashboard



Access Notifications report

TallyPrime 5.0 introduces the Notifications report. This video demonstrates the process of efficiently managing notifications in TallyPrime Release 5.0. You will learn how to access the Notifications report, respond directly to a notification from the report, and customize the notifications indicator. The Notifications report in TallyPrime 5.0 encompasses both application-level updates and company-specific alerts, ensuring comprehensive coverage for users.

View outstandings report for a period

Use transactions accepted as valid report (for India only)

View the About report

Apply Filters to reports in TallyPrime to find informationquickly

Save views, set/alter default views & delete views for reports

Save views for reports with specific masters, period, or companies

Restrict users from saving report views in the company

View TallyPrime reports in browser



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