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Record Excise Sales of Jewellery Goods (Excise for Manufacturer)

You can record sale of jewellery for excise as per Rule 8 of the Articles  of Jewellery Rules, 2016, in TallyPrime.

To record excise sales transaction for jewellery goods

  1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F8 (Sales).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) >type or select Create Voucher > press F8 (Sales).
  2. Press Ctrl+H (Change Mode) > select Excise Invoice.
  3. Enter Supplier invoice no., if required.
  4. Select the required Tax Unit. The Excise Book Name and the Rule 8 Serial No are captured by default.
  5. Select the party ledger in the field Party’s A/c Name.
  6. Select a sales ledger where Set/Alter excise details is not enabled.
  7. Select the required stock items whose excise rates are specified either at the stock group level, or at the stock item level. Enter Quantity and Rate for each stock item.
  8. Select the required excise duty ledger, as shown below:
  9. Press Enter to save.

Generating Rule 8 Invoice

You can print the excise sales invoice to generate the Rule 8 invoice.

To generate the rule 8 invoice

  1. Press Ctrl+P (Print Current)
  2. Press C (Configure) > type or select Number of copies under Printer Settings
  3. Specify the Number of Copies and select the Type of Copy.
    Note: When more than one copy of the invoice is printed, the copy title will be:
    First copy: Original for Buyer
    Second Copy: Duplicate for Assessee
    Third Copy and later: Not for CENVAT
  4. Press Enter to select, and return to the Voucher Printing screen, as shown below:
  5. Press Enter to print.
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