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Day Book in TallyPrime

Day Book in TallyPrime is an account book in which a day’s entries or transactions are captured. TallyPrime stays true to the traditional Day Book used by businesses for manual bookkeeping while bringing in a host of powerful features like viewing the profitability of sales, inserting a voucher right from the report into the books, viewing only a particular type of transactions, and so on.

In any business, it is important to have a daily report of your business to gauge the performance in terms of sales, purchases, profitability, and much more. You may also want to view a particular type of voucher recorded in a day or even a type of accounting entry to analyse the course of your business.

All such requirements are covered in the Day Book report of TallyPrime. But most importantly this report not only lets the user view but also perform some important actions to update the books directly.

What if while going through your Day Book report you come across a voucher that was added by mistake or you find a voucher with errors? Well, do not worry as you can select multiple transactions at once and cancel, delete, or remove the entries from the Day Book. Similarly, you can verify your transactions, and account for any missing entries by adding, inserting, or duplicating entries.

View Day Book in TallyPrime

Day Book in TallyPrime hosts a powerful pack of features that will make your life easy while working around transactions recorded in a day or any period. The best part about this report in TallyPrime is that it maintains the originality of the traditional Day Book used by businesses for manual bookkeeping and at the same time provides so many features to tailor the experience as required. Right from altering vouchers to duplicating them, and changing the view of the report to checking profit, Day Book in TallyPrime delivers all. And to know more about the experience of using reports in TallyPrime, refer to Working with Reports in TallyPrime.

In this section

View Day Book

Visit the Day Book in TallyPrime to see all your transactions that were recorded on a particular day or a period. By default, this day is set to the Current Date displayed in Gateway of Tally.

  1. Press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select Day Book > press Enter.
    Alternatively, Gateway of Tally > Day Book.
    Day Book in TallyPrime
  2. Press Alt+F5 (Detailed) for a detailed format of the report. You can see the break-up of the invoices with details such as additional charges, tax components, and so on.
    Day Book in Detailed View in TallyPrime

If you want to view more details of the transactions such as narration and cost centre, press F12 (Configure) and enable the configurations as required.
Day Book Configuration in TallyPrime

View Bank-related information in Day Book

TallyPrime Release 6.0 onwards, you can also view the additional bank details and reconciliation status. 

  1. Press F12 (Configure).
  2. Format of ReportDetailed
  3. Show Mode of Payment/ReceiptYes.
  4. Show additional bank details and statusYes.
    Configure Day Book to View Bank-Related Information

Similarly, you can view the same information in the Voucher Register.

  1. Press F4 (Voucher Type) > select the payment or receipt voucher type and press Enter.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select Voucher Register > select the voucher type and press Enter.
  2. Press F12 (Configure).
  3. Format of ReportDetailed
  4. Show Mode of Payment/ReceiptYes.
  5. Show additional bank details and statusYes.
    Configure Day Book to View Bank-Related Information

View Day Book by Type of Transaction

In the Day Book in TallyPrime, you can see not only the transactions of the day or a period but also a single kind of transaction. For example, you may want to see all the Receipts. You can easily change the view of the Day Book to see all the Receipts recorded for the day or a particular period.

  • Day Book > F4 (Voucher Type), and select the Debit Note voucher type.
    Day Book by Transaction Type in TallyPrime

You can also see the Total amount from your debit notes.
Similarly, you can see all the Purchase or Sales or any voucher recorded in a day or a period.

Hide a transaction

Did you know that you can temporarily hide entries from the Day Book, without deleting it from your books?
Let us assume that you want to view the transactions for November 2022 without the purchase entries with voucher number 4 against Sheetal Enterprise because you want to prioritize and plan payments to other parties right now. 

On the Day Book report,

  1. Press F4 (Voucher Type) > Purchase.
    You can view all the purchase transactions of the day.
  2. Select the entry against Sheetal Enterprise, and press Ctrl+R (Remove Line) to remove.
    Hide a Transaction in Day Book in TallyPrime

The entry against Sheetal Enterprise with voucher number 4 is now hidden from view.
Hidden Transaction in Day Book in TallyPrime

Restore a removed/hidden transaction

  • To restore the last entry that was hidden, press Ctrl+U. Similarly, you can keep pressing Ctrl+U to undo and the entries will be restored in the order in which they were hidden.
  • To restore all the hidden entries at once, press Alt+U.

View profitability

If you are viewing the Day Book for Sales voucher type, press F7 (Show Profit) to see the Gross Profit against the Transaction Value and Cost. You can use F7 (Hide Profit) to hide the profit-related details.

View Optional/Cancelled/Post-dated Vouchers | Exception Reports

You can view the exceptions related to the data displayed in the current report by pressing Ctrl+(Exception Reports), without closing the report. The Exception Reports available in the Day Book in TallyPrime are of Optional Vouchers, Cancelled Vouchers, and Post-Dated Vouchers.

  • To view the List of Optional Vouchers for Day Book, press Ctrl+(Exception Reports) > type or select Optional Vouchers > and press Enter.
  • Press Esc to view the default report.

Stripe View in Day Book

You can enable Stripe View for Day Book through F12 configuration. After doing so, you can view the report with stripes, ensuring a neat representation of data with maximum readability. In case, you wish to enable Stripes for all the reports, including Day Book, you can enable it at the application level

To enable Stripe View only for Day Book:

  • Open Day Book > press F12 (Configure) > set Enable Stripe View to Yes.

Once you have enabled Stripe View for Day Book, you can view the report, as shown below:


Similarly, you can enable Stripe View and Print, Export, as well as Share the reports and vouchers with your parties for better readability.

To know more, refer to the Stripe View section in the Working with Reports in TallyPrime topic.

Find a Transaction Within Your Day Book

If your business has hundreds or thousands of transactions, it can get difficult if you are trying to find a particular transaction. Here is how the Day Book in TallyPrime will help you find it easily.

Let us assume that you have made an import of goods from the USA but you are unable to find more details about this. You feel that you might have added a note in the narration of the transaction.

No problem! You can use the Apply Filter feature to locate this transaction.

Before using the Apply Filter feature, press Alt+F2 and clear the From and To dates. Now you can see all your transactions till date.

  1. Open Day Book and press Ctrl+F (Apply Filter).
  2. On the Basic Filter screen, enter the specific information you are looking for in the Look For field. For example, let us say you are looking for a voucher with the word USA in its narration.

    You can see the following transaction in the Day Book.

    Now, you can Press Enter to open the transaction, and check the required details.

On the Basic Filter screen, you can also press F6 (Multi-Filter) and F7 (Advanced Filter) to explore more filter options. To learn more about report filters, you can refer to the Apply Filter in Reports | Basic Filter, Multi-Filter, Advanced Filter topic.

View Day Book by Type of Voucher Entries

You can also configure the Day Book in TallyPrime for the type of voucher entries you want to view. This will come in handy when you want to check your accounting transactions or inventory transactions separately.

  1. In Day Book, press Ctrl+B (Basis of Values).
    The Basis of Values sub-screen appears.
    Basis of Values in TallyPrime
  2. Select Type of Voucher entries and press Enter.
    The Report Details screen appears.
  3. Select from the Type of Voucher entries.
    • Accounting Entries Only: It displays Day Book for only accounting vouchers such as Sales, Purchase, Payment, Debit Note, Credit Note, and others. 
    • All Vouchers: It displays Day Book for all the vouchers, irrespective of the type of voucher. 
    • Inventory Entries Only: It displays Day Book for only inventory vouchers such as Journal Vouchers for stock items, Delivery Note, Physical Stock Voucher, and others.
  4. Press Ctrl+A to save the setting.

You will be able to view Day Book by the type of voucher entries selected. For example, if you have selected Accounting Entries Only then the Day Book will appear as shown in the image below.
Accounting Entries in Day Book in TallyPrime

Add, Insert, or Duplicate a Transaction

While dealing with transactions in your business, there are possibilities of missing an entry or of a situation where you will need to make an entry while going through your Day Book report. In some business cases, a particular transaction like a monthly EMI might get repeated frequently or some regular transactions like the counter sale of an item have to be duplicated for faster and accurate data entry. Also, in certain scenarios, a voucher has to be inserted in the exact sequence of voucher number of the voucher type for proper sequencing. Day Book in TallyPrime takes care of all these situations. You can add a transaction in the Day Book as and when required, you can also insert a transaction at an exact position, and duplicate any transaction. Moreover, all this can be done while maintaining the proper sequence in the chronology of the voucher number.

Also, when you add, insert, delete, or duplicate transactions then it becomes vital to adjust the numbers of vouchers that comes after the new voucher is created for the proper sequencing of transactions in the books. To do so, all you have to do is set the voucher numbering method to automatic in TallyPrime. In the case of Edit Log being enabled, all such automatic alterations in the voucher number are recorded and an edit log is created in all such vouchers that are impacted.

In this section

Add a transaction

Day Book in TallyPrime provides you the flexibility to directly add a voucher from the report screen to account for an entry. For example, let us assume that you make a purchase from one of your parties (Akshaya Traders WB) of Rs 80,000 on Dec 5, 2022.

Now you can add a purchase entry directly and hand over the payment.

  • Open Day Book and press Alt+A (Add Vch) to add a new transaction.
  • Enter the necessary details and save the transaction.

Now you can see the entry for Rs 80,000 against Akshaya Traders WB in the Day Book.
Add a Transaction in Day Book in TallyPrime

If the voucher numbering is set to automatic and you add a voucher, it gets added to the last position of that voucher type for the selected date and all the remaining vouchers of that particular type are renumbered. For example, if there are 5 sales vouchers in your books and you add one, then a sales voucher gets added at the last position with voucher number 6 and the existing sales voucher with numbers from 6 recorded in the subsequent dates will be renumbered accordingly.

Insert a transaction

If you want to add a transaction in the exact chronological order of the voucher type for the proper sequencing of the voucher number, then you can insert it directly in the Day Book.

Let us take a scenario where you discover that three entries of the same amount had been passed on the same day. You think that one of them might be a duplicate, so you delete it.

However, your data entry operator points out that it was a unique entry.

Now, how can you retrieve the original entry with the same voucher number and position? Easy. You can insert this entry. The voucher number and position will be restored.

Select the entry above which you want to insert the transaction,

  • Press Alt+(Insert Vch).
  • Enter the relevant details and save the transaction.

Insert a Transaction in Day Book in TallyPrime

Now you will be able to see both the entries on the specified date in the Day Book, with the original voucher numbers and amounts.

If you insert a voucher between two vouchers with the method of voucher numbering set to automatic, then all the existing vouchers of that particular type recorded on all subsequent days are renumbered. For example, if you insert a sales voucher between sales voucher numbers 2 and 3, then the inserted voucher will attain voucher number 3 and the existing voucher number 3 will be listed as voucher number 4 for the proper sequencing of the voucher numbers. Consequently, all the existing sales vouchers recorded on all subsequent days will be renumbered.

Duplicate a transaction

You can duplicate a voucher in the Day Book in TallyPrime to easily account for a recurring transaction. Let us take a scenario where your business has a deal with Akshaya Traders WB to purchase a consignment for two consecutive months.

You have passed a purchase entry for November. Now you can easily repeat this transaction for the next month.

 Select the existing entry and,

  1. Press Alt+2 (Duplicate Vch).
  2. On the Accounting Voucher Creation (Duplication) screen, press F12 (Configure) and set Use default Bill-wise details for Bill Allocation to No.
  3. Update all the relevant voucher details like invoice number, party details, ledger, item details and so on, as required.
  4. On the Bill-Wise Details for form, select the Type of Ref as New Ref and change the reference number to the new voucher number or as required.
    Bill Wise Details in TallyPrime
  5. Enter the Narration, if any. As always, press Ctrl+A to save the voucher.

You can see the Purchase voucher recorded against Akshaya Enterprise WB for December.
Duplicate a Transaction in Day Book in TallyPrime

If the voucher numbering is set to automatic and you duplicate a voucher without changing the date then the new voucher will take the next available voucher number of that particular voucher type of that day. And, if the date of the duplicated voucher is changed then the duplicated voucher will take the last voucher number of that particular voucher type of the new date.

Delete or Cancel a Transaction

In some cases, a transaction gets recorded unintentionally and has to be deleted to avoid any error in the values in the books of accounts. Also, in case of order cancellation, the voucher recorded against it has to be cancelled. Day Book in TallyPrime provides all the flexibility to handle these uncertainties regarding unwanted transactions and maintain your books as you want. You can easily delete, and cancel entries at your fingertips using TallyPrime.

In this section

Delete a transaction

Let us take a scenario where you discover that two vouchers have been recorded for the same transaction and you want to delete one of the entries.

In the Day Book, you can easily delete vouchers if required. Let us take a scenario where you discover that the same transaction was recorded twice against Khanna Exporters, probably by two different data entry operators.
Delete a Transaction in Day Book

  • Select the entry which you want to delete, and press Alt+D to delete it from your books.

Cancel a transaction

What do you do when an order is canceled but a sales voucher has already been passed? Simple! You can just cancel the corresponding voucher, instead of deleting it. The benefit is that voucher numbering will not be affected, as the same voucher number will be available for reuse. It will be assigned in your books to the canceled voucher list.

Let us take a scenario where you place an order with Akshaya Traders WB and you record a corresponding purchase entry. However, a representative from the sales department of Akshaya Traders WB calls your office and cancels the order at the last minute due to a shortage of supply.

Now, how do you cancel the transaction?

  • Select the relevant entry in the Day Book and press Alt+X to cancel.

You can see that the entry has been cancelled, with the original voucher number intact.
Cancelled Transaction in Day Book in TallyPrime

When you cancel a voucher with the voucher numbering method set to automatic, the voucher number gets retained. It can be used later to create a voucher with the same number for proper sequencing in the chronological order of the voucher numbers.

View Altered and Deleted Vouchers in Day Book When Using Edit Log

There can be a situation when your auditor or you want to view altered vouchers. In TallyPrime Edit Log and TallyPrime Release 2.1 or later with Edit Log enabled, you can view altered and deleted vouchers in Day Book and other Ledger Vouchers reports.

  1. In Day Book, press Ctrl+B (Basis of Values).
    The Basis of Values sub-screen appears.
  2. Select Show Report for which will be set to All Vouchers (Altered & Non-Altered) by default and press Enter.
    The Report Details screen appears.
  3. Press Enter on Altered Vouchers.
    Consequently, the option Include Deleted Vouchers will also be set to Yes. This will include the vouchers that you have deleted in TallyPrime with Edit Log enabled. Press Enter to set it as No, if you do not want to view the deleted vouchers.
    Basis of Values in TallyPrime
  4. Press Ctrl+A to save the setting. The list of altered vouchers will appear, as shown below.
    Altered Vouchers in Day Book in TallyPrime
    Similarly, you can view Day Book with only non-altered vouchers.

You can view the Edit Log of any of these vouchers by opening it and pressing Ctrl+(Related Reports) > Edit Log.
Edit Log in TallyPrime

If you select Non-Altered Vouchers, then the report will open for vouchers that are never altered in TallyPrime. Consequently, the option Include Deleted Vouchers will be set to No. You cannot set it to Yes, if you are viewing the report for Non-Altered Vouchers, as deletion is also a form of alteration.


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