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Border, Style and Color Related Attributes


The definition Border determines the type of lines required in a border which can be used by a Part, Line or a Field; which means that this definition can define customized borders for the user. But, it is ideal to use predefined borders, which are part of default TDL, instead of user defined ones, since almost all possible border combinations are already defined in the Default TDL.

Top, Bottom, Left and Right

The Top, Bottom, Left and Right attributes in a Border Definition are used to add appropriate lines which constitute the Border defined. The permissible values for these attributes are:

  • Thin/Thick : This specifies whether the Line should be thin or thick.
  • Flush : The border includes the spaces on the Top, Bottom, Left or Right.
  • Full Length : This ignores the space given at the Top, Bottom, Left or Right and prints the border for the whole length.
  • Double : It forces double line to be printed. In its absence, single line is assumed.


[Border : <Border Name>]

Top        : <Values separated by a comma>

Bottom  : <Values separated by a comma>

Left       : <Values separated by a comma>

Right     : <Values separated by a comma>



[Border : Thin Bottom Right Double]

Bottom : Thin, Flush, Full Length

Right  : Thin, Double

[Field : Total Field]

Set as : $Total

Border : Thin Bottom Right Double


The Color attribute of the Border definition is used to specify the Color required for the border in Display mode. In a Border definition, the attribute Color requires two values to be specified, viz. First value for a Black and White Monitor, and the second for a Color monitor.


[Border : <Border Name>]

Color     : <Color Name – B&W, Color Name – Color>


[Border : Top Bottom Colored]

Color  : “Deep Grey, LeafGreen”

[Field : Total Field]

Set AS : $Total

Border : Top Bottom Colored


This attribute is used to specify the Color required for the border during printing.


[Border : <Border Name>]

PrintFG : <Color Name>


[Border : Top Bottom Colored]

Print FG : “Leaf Green”

[Field : Total Field]

Set as   : $Total

Border   : Top Bottom Colored


The definition Style can be used in the Field definition only. This definition determines the appearance of the text being displayed/printed, by using a corresponding font scheme, i.e., Bold, Italic, Point Size, Font Name, etc. The Style attribute in Field Definition is used to format the appearance of the text appearing within the Field, both in Display and Print mode, provided the Print Style attribute is not used within the current Field. The Print Style attribute is used in Field, if the Style required while displaying is different from the Style required while printing.


[Style : <Style Name>]

Font     : <Font Name>

Height : <required Font Height in Point Size>

Bold    : <Logical Formula>

Italic   : <Logical Formula>


It is a generic Font name supported by the Operating System. A Font is system dependent and we do not have any control over them. One can only select the required fonts from those available.


[Style : Normal]

Font   : if $$IsWindows then “Arial” else “Helvetica”

Height : @@NormalSize

[Style : Normal Bold]

Use  : Normal

Bold : Yes

[Field : Party Name]

Set as      : $PartyLedgerName

Style       : Normal

Print Style : Normal Bold


This attribute should be specified without any measurement since it is always measured in terms of points. It can have value as a fraction, or as a formula that returns a number. One can also grow or shrink the Height by a multiplication factor or percentage.


[Style: Normal Large]

Use    : Normal

Height : Grow 25%


The attribute Bold can only take logical values/formula. In other words, it can take either a YES or NO. It signifies that the field using this Style should be printed in Bold.


[Style : Normal Bold Large]

Use  : Normal Large

Bold : Yes


The attribute Italic can only take logical values/formula. In other words, it can be set to either YES or NO. It signifies that the Field using this Style should be printed in Italics.


[Style : Normal Large Italics]

Use : Normal Large

Italic : Yes


The definition Color is useful to determine the Foreground and Background Color for a Form, Part, Field or Border, in Display as well as in Print Mode. A Color specification can be done by specifying the RGB Values (the combination of Red, Green and Blue – each value should range from 0 to 255).


[Color : <Color Name>]

RGB : <Red>, <Green>, <Blue>


This is the second way of specifying color. One can specify the RGB value from a palette of 256 colors to obtain the required color, i.e., the values Red, Green and Blue can each range from 0 to 255. This gives the user the option to select from the wide range of 24 bit colors.


[Color : Pale Leaf Green]

RGB : 169, 211, 211

[Field : Party Name]

Set as   : $PartyLedgerName

Color    : Pale Leaf Green

Print FG : Pale Leaf Green

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