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Apply Filter in Reports – FAQ

This page lists the frequently asked questions (FAQ) related to the Filter feature in Reports introduced in TallyPrime Release 3.0.

Experience how to use the Filter feature in reports. 

TallyPrime Release 3.0 supports the following modes of Filter for reports.

  • Basic Filter: This is the default mode for applying filters in a report. In this filter mode, you can simply provide the text to to filter the report, without worrying about the field where the text appears or any condition.
  • Multi-Filter: You can add more than one set of conditions for Filter. You can apply filter matching multiple sets of conditions or one of the given conditions, depending on your needs.
  • Advanced Filter: User can shift to multi-filter using the right button F7 from the Filter form. The core difference between Multi-Filter and Advance-Filter is user can apply filter using hierarchical fields.

TallyPrime Release 3.0 provides different filter modes to filter reports as per your business needs. Considering the Range and Value filter requirements, we have brought in the same experience in the Advanced Filter mode. In this mode, you can use the Filter Row section to filter for details displayed on the report and use the Calculate Value section filter vouchers that contribute to the values shown in the report.

For more information on Advanced Filter, refer to the Advanced Filter section of the Apply Filter in Reports topic.

In the Basic Filter mode of the report:

  1. Press F12 (Configure) > set Select specific field to apply Filter to Yes.
  2. In the Basic Filter screen
    1. Under Field, select Ledger Name.
    2. Under Condition, select containing.
    3. Under Look for, enter sales.
  3. Press Enter to apply the filter.

For more information, refer to the Basic Filter section of the Apply Filter in Reports topic.

When you apply filter on a report, TallyPrime looks for the vouchers/masters that match the filter conditions. Once the filtered results are displayed, TallyPrime provides the Filter Details option to display which filed of the voucher/master matched the details you provided.

Place the cursor on one of the rows in the filtered report, and press Alt+F (Filter Details).

TallyPrime displays the matching details for the selected row.

However, in certain specific situations, the Filter Details button does not display any details. It prompts you with relevant information.

  1. When the cursor is on any row that appears by default, even though you have applied the filter.
  2. When the cursor is on any row that is part of the secondary information that appears on viewing a report in Detailed format.

For more information, refer to the Filter Details section of the  Apply Filter in Reports topic.

If you are looking for any value or text on any of the fields in the vouchers or masters on which you are applying the filter, you can select Field > Any Field. On selecting this option, TallyPrime looks for all the applicable fields, and not in a specific field, to match your filter conditions.

Press F1 (Help) > Settings > Display > set Show masters under Look for, where applicable, to apply Filter to No.

Next time you will not see the list of masters. You will need to type the ledger name for an exact match.

  1. Press F1 (Help) > Settings > Display.
  2. Under Default Filter mode for reports, select the filter mode that you want as default, and save.

Next time you press Ctrl+F (Apply Filter) in a report, the filter mode that you had set as default appears automatically.

For more information, refer to the Set Default Filter Mode in Reports in the Apply Filter in Reports topic.

Currently, the filter option is applicable only on the primary rows in a report. The lines that appear in Detailed format are considered secondary rows and you cannot apply filter on such lines.

Currently, TRiB does not support using the Filter feature.  TRiB should primarily support F12 configurations and other button-related aspects similar to the TallyPrime application, so that Filter can be used to its fullest capability.

Once we have the architecture in place for TRiB to support these capabilities, will will plan to implement Filter in reports as well.

Yes, you can use Filter in columnar reports, such as Group Summary. You can select the column displaying masters or values depending on your business needs and apply the filter.

Once you apply Filter in a report, the results ae displayed in that report with the Filter Applied label on the top-right corner of the report.

Yes. In Filter, comparative conditions are used for numerical values. However, in certain cases, you can use such conditions for non-numeric fields.

For example, in Day Book, if you apply filter on vouchers having ledger names greater than AVN Traders, the details are filtered to show vouchers that includes ledgers names appearing after AVN Traders in an ascending order.

The Filter feature currently supports filtering of details specific to bills, vouchers and masters. Banking and Statutory reports do not include such details. However, we will consider including the Filter feature in all such reports in the future.

If you are using Multi-Filter or Advanced Filter mode, the “and” and “or” conditions allow you to add more than one set of filter conditions:

  • and: When you need to filter data matching more than one condition together.
  • or: When you need to filter data matching any of the given conditions.

For more information, refer to the  Apply Filter in Reports topic.

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