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Reset Tally.NET Password

You can reset Tally.NET password any time. This will strengthen the security and safeguard your Tally account and data.

  1. Start TallyPrime/TallyPrime Server.
  2. Press F1 (Help) > Settings > License > Manage License > press F6 (Activate).
    You can also reach the Manage License screen from anywhere in TallyPrime/TallyPrime Server, by clicking the Server icon on the top left corner, just below the TallyPrime/TallyPrime Server icon.
  3. Select any of the following options: Reactivate, Surrender, or Update.
  4. Press Alt+R (Reset Password). The Reset Password screen appears as shown below:
  5. Enter the Tally.NET ID. You will receive an e-mail with the link to reset the password.
  6. Click the link in the e-mail to change the password. The Reset My Password screen appears as shown below:
  7. Enter the New Password and Confirm New Password.
  8. Click Change to save the new password.

Reset Tally.NET Password on Browser

You can also reset your Tally.NET Password on a browser.

  1. Open the Tally Solutions website.
  2. Click Login.
  3. Follow the procedure provided under Access Control Centre from Portal.
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