Table of Contents



Virtual Computer Connection Installer – Errors & Resolutions

This topic provides a list of error messages that you may encounter while installing the Virtual Computer Connection client, along with their possible causes and solutions.

Error 0x800b0109 – Installation failed, try installing again


The error occurs when there is an issue with the root certificate.


  1. Update the Windows Root Certificate Program.
  2. Ensure that Microsoft .NET version is upgraded to 4.6.2, and the Microsoft Visual C++ 14.29 is installed.
  3. Install Virtual Computer Connection client.

Error 0x80070017 – Installation failed, try installing again


This error occurs, if:

  1. User tries to install Virtual Computer Connection client in Windows 7 system.
  2. Windows files are corrupted or that the hard drive is corrupted.


  1. Check the Windows version.
    • Open a command prompt > type msinfo32 and check the system details.
  2. Update your Windows to the latest SP1 if your OS is below WIN7.

Error 0x80072efd – Installation failed, try installing again


This error occurs, if:

  1. The installation of Microsoft.NET version 4.6.2 and Microsoft Visual C++ 14.29 fails.
  2. The Windows update are not up to date.


  1. Ensure that the Windows Update service is running.
    • Go to Run > type Services.msc > check the status of the Windows Update.
  2. In case the Windows Update is missing from Services, then click the link below:
  3. Install Virtual Computer Connection client Full installer (Offline installer).

Error 0x80070643 – Installation failed, try installing again


This error occurs when there is a problem with Windows updates.


  1. If you are using Windows 7, update to the latest Service Pack 1 (SP1) and then proceed with installing the Virtual Computer Connection client.
  2. In the case that SP1 is already installed in Windows 7 and the issue persists, update Windows and install the Virtual Computer Connection client Full installer (Offline installer).

Error 0x80070424 – Installation failed, try installing again


This error occurs, if:

  1. The installation of Microsoft.NET version 4.6.2 and Microsoft Visual C++ 14.29 fails.
  2. The Windows update are not up to date.


  1. Ensure that the Windows Update service is running.
    • Go to Run > type Services.msc > check the status of the Windows Update.
  2.  In case the Windows Update is missing from Services, then click the link below:
  3. Install Virtual Computer Connection Client Full installer (Offline installer).

Virtual Computer Performance

Virtual Computer is running slow


Using multiple instances of TallyPrime on Virtual Computer.


  1. Log in to the Computer & User Management portal using your Tally.NET IDTally.NET Password, and Secure PIN.
  2. Click the ellipsis sign () against the account name and select Open Virtual Computer.
  3. Click Start Help Task Manager and the CPU usage and Memory are used approximately 100%.
  4. Close the TallyPrime applications, which are opened multiple instances on Virtual Computer. We recommend you to use only one TallyPrime instance on Virtual Computer.

Memory Utilization


Virtual Computers are asking for restart again and again.


To fix the issue, ensure that no users are connected to the Virtual Computer, and restart the Virtual Office. To restart the Virtual Office and resolve the issue, follow below steps:

  1. Log in to the Computer & User Management portal using your Tally.NET IDTally.NET Password, and Secure PIN.
  2. Click Restart under the Action column.
  3. Select Restart Virtual Office.
  4. Once the Virtual Computer is restarted, check the memory utilization.
    1. To check the memory utilization, under Action, click the ellipsis sign () against the account name and select Open Virtual Computer.
    2. Click Start Help Task Manager.
  5. On Task Manager, if the CPU usage is approximately 100%, we recommend you use only one TallyPrime on Virtual Computer.
    If the issue persists, it is recommended to upgrade the plan. TallyPrime on AWS offers a wide range of user plans from which you can pick based on your business needs. These plans are available in different configurations, ranging from 4 GB to 32 GB RAM. Each user machine is configured to start with the minimum resourc (Memory and CPU) while maintaining a balance of performance and cost.
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