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Print Monthly Statement – ESI in TallyPrime (Payroll)

ESI Monthly Statement is an MIS report which provides the details of the Amounts contributed by Employees’ and Employer towards the ESI Account during the given month.

  • Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Payroll Reports > Statutory Reports > Employee State Insurance > Monthly Statement.
  • Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statutory Reports > Payroll Reports > Employee State Insurance > Monthly Statement.
    Press C (Configure) to specify the Print Configuration for the ESI Monthly Statement. The Print Configuration is as shown:
  • Specify the Period in the respective fields as shown above.
  • Select the required Employee Category, Employee/Group, Sorting Method and Display names for Employees, and press Enter.
    Press Esc and Press P (Print) to print, the printed Monthly Statement will appear as shown:
  • Name and Address of the Factory or Establishment: This field displays the name and address of the Company as specified in the Company Master.
  • Statement for the Period: This field displays the month for which the statement is printed as specified in the Print Configuration screen.

Column Details in table

Column Name


Sl. No.

Displays the serial no.

Employee No

Displays the Employee Number as entered in the Employee Master.

Employee Name

Displays the name of the Employees who are eligible for ESI.


Displays the unique ESI number allotted to each employee from ESIC as specified in the
Employee Master.

Worked Days

Displays the total number of days each employee was present during the given month.

Fixed Wages

Displays the Gross salary earned by each employee (which is considered for ESI calculation) for the given month.

Earned Wages

Displays the Net salary earned by each employee (which is considered for ESI calculation) for the given month

Employee’s Contribution

Displays the employee’s contribution towards ESI for each employee during the given month.

Employer’s Contribution

Displays the employer’s contribution towards ESI for each employee during the given month.


Displays the Total ESI contribution towards the ESI account for each employee during the given month.


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