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Service Purchase Ledger (Service Tax)

You can create a ledger for accounting the services received, under Purchase Accounts group.

  1. Gateway of Tally > Create > type or select Ledger > and press Enter.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Master > Ledger > and press Enter.
  2. Enter the ledger Name.
  3. Select Purchase Accounts as the group name in the Under field.
  4. Set Inventory values are affected? to No.
  5. Set the Rounding Method.
  6. Set the option Is service tax applicable? to Applicable.
  7. Enable Set/alter service tax details to view the Service Category Creations (Secondary) as shown below:
    1. Select the Service Category, if required. When the service category is selected, the related service tax details will be applied.
    2. Enter the Name of the category.
    3. Enter rate for Service tax.
    4. Enter rate of Education cess, if required
    5. Enter rate of Secondary education cess, if required.
    6. Enter rate for Swachh Bharat cess.
    7. Enter rate for Krishi Kalyan cess.
    8. Enter the Revised Rate Applicability date.
      The completed Service Category Creation (Secondary) screen appears as shown below:
      Service Tax Details in TallyPrime
    9. Press Enter to save details.
      Note: You can also view all changes in the "service tax details"  as Applicable From, Category Name, Service Tax, Swachh Bharat cess, and Krishi Kalyan cess. 
  8. To view the service tax details
  9. Press Alt+W on the Service Category Creation (Secondary) screen.
    The Ledger Creation screen appears as shown below:
    Service Purchase Ledger in TallyPrime
  10. Press Enter to accept.


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