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Record Sales to 100% EoUs (Excise for Manufacturer)

EOU stands for Export Oriented Unit. These units are engaged in manufacturing activity which are intended for exports.  Sales made to EOUs are treated as exports. To avoid duty on the raw materials to be procured from the manufacturers who are in DTA (Domestic Tariff Area), the EOU unit will execute a bond with its range officer and obtain CT-3 Certificates.  Later, this will be issued to the manufacturer along with the purchase order.  On receipt of CT-3, the manufacturer will record an excise sales order, in which he will specify the CT-3 number and date for dispatching the goods, when it is available with him.

Consider a company that sells 700 number of jute bags to a company which is an export oriented unit.

Stock Item



Jute Bags

700 nos.

Rs. 300/bag

To record export sales to 100% EOUs, follow these steps: 

  1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F8 (Sales).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) >type or select Create Voucher > press F8 (Sales).
  2. Press Ctrl+H (Change Mode) > select Excise Invoice
  3. Enter Supplier invoice no., if required.
  4. Select the required Tax Unit. The Excise Book Name and the Rule 11 Serial No are captured by default.
  5. Select the party ledger in the field Party’s A/c Name.
  6. In the Party Details screen,
    • Select Exempt in Nature of Removal.
    • Select CT3 in Certificate Type, and enter the other required details.
    • Press Ctrl+A to accept.
  7. Select a sales ledger where Set/Alter excise details is not enabled.
  8. Select the required stock items whose excise rates are specified either at the stock group level, or at the stock item level. Enter Quantity and Rate for each stock item.
  9. Enable Set/Alter ARE Details. Enter the details as required in the Form ARE Details sub-screen:
  10. Press Enter to save and return to Voucher Creation screen.
    The completed voucher appears as shown below:
  11. Press Enter to save.

Printing Rule 11 invoice

To print Rule 11 Invoice

  • Set Print ARE-3 to No in the Voucher Printing screen.
    The print preview appears as shown below:

The ARE-3 number and CT-3 number and date of issue of the CT-3 will be captured in Rule 11 invoice.

Printing Form A.R.E. 3

From the Voucher Alteration screen, press Ctrl+P.

To print ARE-3

  1. Set Print ARE-3 to Yes.
  2. Enter the other required options.
    Form A.R.E. 3 appears as shown below:
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