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Some of the commonly asked questions about repairing company data are answered here.

The time to repair the data will always depend on the data size. If your data size in Release 3.0 is the same as the data size in Release 2.1, the time required to repair the data will mostly be the same, with a seamless repair experience. For more information on the Repair feature in TallyPrime Release 3.0, refer to the Repair Company Data in TallyPrime topic.

During Repair, the progress bar displays the count by considering deleted vouchers/masters, internal master types (such as Income Tax Classification) and so on, which are not part of the Repair success screen.

If your company data is corrupted, then repairing your data will help in restoring the original information.

When your company data is corrupted, one of the following error messages might appear:

  • Error Tranmgr.1800 or Linkmgr.1800 or Manager.1800
  • Error: File/Size/Position/Chars/Error Code
  • Memory Access Violation
  • Debug location error
  • Data files damaged. Need to rewrite.
  • File damaged

To repair your company data, refer to the Repair Your Company Data in TallyPrime topic.


This error appears while opening TallyPrime, if

  • The Tally data files .tsf or .1800 file is locked by any other process such as third-party backup software or any other application is accessing Tally data files and at the same time Tally application tries to write to the Tally database and it fails.
  • The Antivirus software is blocking Tally data files because Ransomware protection feature is enabled.
  • Microsoft Windows Offline Sync feature is enabled.



  • Exclude .tsf and .1800 files from scheduled backup in the third party back up software running in any of the system on LAN.
  • Add Tally data files in the Exception list of Ransomware Protection feature of the Antivirus Software.
  • Enable read write access for the data folder.
  • Add Readretrycount=10 in Tally.ini file and save the file with changes. This command will try to write again in case there is a failure to writing or delay in writing (this parameter will impact the performance. This is because, the system will keep trying to write the data)

This error occurs while attempting to write to disk.


This error may occur when there is insufficient rights to write to the disk.


For more information on sharing and access rights of folders, click here.


This error may occur due to damaged or corrupted Tally files.


  1. Backup your data.
  2. Ensure that full access is given to the user, to access the files and folders available in the data folder.
  3. Open the required company’s data folder, and check if the size of the file CmpSav.1800 is 1KB.
  4. Cut the Company.1800 file from the data folder and paste it to the desktop.
  5. Create another copy of CmpSave.1800, and rename the file named copy of Cmpsave.1800 to Company.1800.
  6. Take the existing backup of the corrupted data and perform zero rewrite.
  7. It is also advisable to check the bad sectors in Hard disk.
  8. Restart TallyPrime and check. In case if still issue remains unsolved write to support@tallysolutions.com with the data backup of the company.
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