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Security Error Codes in TallyPrime

Here is the list of security error codes in TallyPrime that may occur when accessing or engaging in activities related to the security of company data.

Error Codes

Error Message

Possible Reasons

Possible Solutions

Error Code 82


This error occurs due to:

  1. Error while setting State.
  2. User does not have enough permissions
  1. Ensure that the user has sufficient permission (administrative rights).
  2. If the problem persists, contact Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


Error Code 2030

Security Level Already Exists

This error occurs when you provide a security level name that already exists.

You need to enter a unique security level name for your account.

Error Code 2035

User already exists.

This error occurs when you provide an e-mail ID that is already in use by another user.

You need to provide a different e-mail ID.

Error Code 2046

Cannot create more Tally.NET user/Tally.NET Auditor/Tally.NET Expert. You have already reached eligible limit.

This error occurs when you have created the maximum number of Tally.NET users allowed to access your company data for your license.

Delete one or more existing Tally.NET users who are not accessing the company data, to create a new Tally.NET user. The maximum number of Tally.NET users that can be created is 1 for TallyPrime Silver Edition, 10 for TallyPrime Gold Edition, and 50 for TallyPrime Server.

Error Code 2209

Tally.NET ID should be valid email address!

This error occurs when you provide an invalid or incorrect e-mail ID as your Tally.NET ID.

You must provide a valid e-mail ID as your Tally.NET ID to proceed. The Tally.NET password will be sent to the same e-mail ID.

Error Code 2210

Cannot delete! One/more user(s) are linked with Security Level, you are trying to delete.

This error occurs when you try to delete a security level which is assigned to one or more users.

To delete a security level, you must first assign a different security level to the users who are assigned this security level, and then delete. You can also alter a security level or create a new security level for Tally.NET users.

Error Code 2213

The Tally.NET ID, you gave as current administrator is incorrect!

This error occurs when you provide an incorrect or invalid administrator e-mail ID.

You must provide a valid administrator e-mail ID for changing the administrator e-mail ID of your Account. If you have forgotten your administrator e-mail ID, go to the Tally Solutions website and enter your Tally product serial number to view your administrator e-mail ID.

Error Code 2216

Security level ‘Standard User’ cannot be deleted.

This error occurs when you try to delete a predefined security level in TallyPrime.

You cannot delete a predefined security level in TallyPrime. You can create a new security level and assign the security level to the required Tally.NET users.

Error Code 2217

Account/Site administrator cannot be deleted.

This error occurs when you try to delete your account administrator or site administrator.

To delete or change an Account/Site administrator, you need to change the account or site administrator e-mail ID, and then delete it.

Error Code 2219

You cannot create a security level named ‘Owner’.

This error occurs when you try to create a security level with the name Owner.

Owner is a predefined security level in TallyPrime. You must provide a different name for the security level.

Error Code 2220

Security level ‘Standard User’ cannot be renamed.

This error occurs when you try to rename the predefined security level Standard User.

You cannot rename or delete a predefined security level. You can create a new security level and assign the security level to the required Tally.NET users.

Error Code 2221

Security level should have at least one rights/facility.

This error occurs when you try to create a security level without access rights associated to it.

You cannot create a security level without access rights associated to it. Every security level should have one or more access rights associated to it.

Error Code 6237


This error occurs due to an internal error. 

Contact Tally Solutions for assistance.

Error Code 6405

Incorrect password. Enter correct password to proceed.

This error occurs when you enter an incorrect password.

You must enter the correct password. If you do not remember the password, press Alt+R (Reset Password), a link will be sent to your e-mail ID to reset your password.

Error Code 11003

Internal License. No Action

This error occurs due to the presence of an antivirus software.

Open your antivirus settings and set all TallyPrime applications as exceptions.


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