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Sales with Additional Ledger (VAT)

You can record sales with additional ledger in TallyPrime by creating sales vouchers with the customer ledgers and VAT or CST details, as applicable.

  1. Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > press F8 (Sales).
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Voucher > press F8 (Sales).
  2. Enter the reference number in Reference no. field.
  3. Select the customer ledger in the field Party’s A/c Name.
    As always, press Alt+C, to create a master on the fly.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Master > type or select Ledger > press Enter.
  4. Select a common sales ledger in which the option Is VAT/CST Applicable? is set to Applicable.
  5. Set the option Set/Alter VAT Details? to No.
  6. Select the required stock items whose VAT rates are specified either at the stock group level, or at the stock item level. Enter the Quantity and Rate for each stock item.
  7. Select the expense ledger in which the option Include in assessable value calculation for is set as VAT and enter the value.
  8. Select the common VAT ledger. The ledger must be grouped under Duties & Taxes in which the options:
    • Type of duty/tax set to VAT (CST in case of interstate sales).
    • Percentage of Calculation (eg 5)? set to 0.
  9. To Display the Tax Analysis screen, press Ctrl+O (Related Reports) > select Voucher under Details of > type or select VAT Tax Analysis.
    Note: If you are on TallyPrime Release 1.1.3 or earlier, follow the step:
    To Display the Tax Analysis screen, press Ctrl+I (More Details) > select Voucher under Details of > type or select VAT Tax Analysis.
  10. Press Alt+F5 (Detailed) to view in detailed mode. The VAT Tax Analysis screen appears.
  11. Press Esc to return to invoice.
  12. Accept the screen.
    As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

If the State is selected as Bihar and Chhattisgarh in the Company VAT Details screen, you can account for discount allowed by entering the discount percentage or amount against each stock item (in F12 (Configure) of sales invoice, set the option Activate cash/trade discount to Yes), and select the discount ledger.

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