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Displaying MRP in Invoice in TallyPrime (VAT)

Maximum Retail Price (MRP) for a stock item can be enabled and VAT can be calculated on the MRP, if required. However, the MRP of a stock item can be displayed in the invoice whether VAT is calculated on MRP or not.

To display MRP in Invoice in TallyPrime, you need to define MRP of the stock item in the Stock Item master. Follow the steps given below. 

  1. Gateway of Tally > Create/Alter > type or select Stock Items.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) >Create/Alter Master > type or select Stock Item.
  2. Enable the option Set/Alter Statutory Details? to view the Statutory Details screen.(Need to check)
  3. Press F12 (Configure) to view the Configuration screen.
  4. Set the option Provide MRP Details to Yes as shown below:Set Provide MRP Details to Yes in Stock Item to Show MRP in Invoice in TallyPrime
  5. Press Ctrl+A to return to stock item creation/alteration screen.
  6. Enable the option Set/Alter VAT Details to Yes to view the VAT Details screen.
  7. Set the option Calculate VAT on MRP? to No, as shown below:Set Calculate VAT on MRP? to No in Stock Item Master in TallyPrime
    Note: Although MRP is displayed on the invoice, VAT will not be calculated on MRP. To calculate VAT on MRP, enable the option Calculate VAT on MRP.
  8. Press Ctrl+A to go to the Statutory Details screen.
  9. Enable the option Set/alter MRP details to view the MRP Details screen.
  10. Enter MRP Rate and the Date of Applicability. The MRP Details screen appears as shown below:Enter MRP Rate in Stock Item Master to Display MRP in Invoice in TallyPrime
  11. Press Enter to go to the Stock Item Creation/Alteration screen.
  12. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

The MRP for the stock item is now defined. From the date of applicability defined, this rate will be automatically captured in the invoice.

Recording an invoice

When the stock item with MRP details defined is selected in the invoice, the MRP details are displayed as shown below:

Invoice with MRP Details in TallyPrime

MRP of this stock item is Rs. 100.00/pcs. However, VAT is calculated @ Rs. 200.00/pcs, as defined in the invoice.

Note: To calculate VAT on MRP, enable the option Calculate VAT on MRP in the VAT Details screen.

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