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Print Income Tax Form 24Q Using TallyPrime (Payroll)

Form 24Q is a Quarterly statement which contains the details of the salary paid and tax deducted from the employees, that an Employer
needs to submit to the department in each Quarter.

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Payroll Reports > Statutory Reports > Income Tax > Form 24Q.
  2. Press C (Configure) to specify the Print Configuration details:
    • Select the Quarter period for which the TDS returns have to filed.
    • Details of Responsible Person: Specify the details of responsible person such as Name, Designation and Address for deducting the TDS along.
  3. Specify the Date, Place and Type of Deductor.
  4. Press Esc to return to print screen and press P (Print) to print Form 24Q.


Form 24Q – Page 1

Form 24Q – Page 2

Along with the Form 24Q, Annexure I and Annexure II are also required to be submitted. Annexure I is required to be filed with Form 24Q in all four quarters while Annexure II has to be filed only in the last Quarter.

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