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File VAT Returns

Different states in India use different methods for filing periodic VAT returns. The different methods used by commercial taxes departments across India are:

  • Print format
  • Online form update
  • Microsoft Excel template with macros
  • XML Format

File VAT Returns in Print Format

In this method, the return forms are printed in the format provided by the commercial taxes department of the respective state. The hard copy of the form, with return details, is then submitted at the commercial taxes department office.

To support this method of VAT returns, TallyPrime allows you to print the return forms in the format prescribed by the department, with all the details filled in from the transactions recorded by you in the reporting period.

To print VAT form or annexure of a state in TallyPrime

  • 1.Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statutory Reports > VAT Reports > VAT Forms.

Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select VAT Reports > VAT Forms > and press Enter.

  • 2.Press Ctrl+P to print the form.

The printed copy of the form with the signature of the authorized person can be submitted to the department.

Online Form Update

In this format, the return details are filled in the form hosted on the website of the state’s commercial taxes department. A registered dealer has to login to department’s website using his username and password, navigate and open the online form, and enter the return details for the period. After all the details have been entered, the form has to be saved.

To support this method of VAT returns, TallyPrime allows you to print the return form in the same format as the online form. All the fields, columns, and rows will be in conformity with the online form. Use the values in the printed copy to fill the form displayed on the commercial taxes department website.

To fill the values in the online form

  • 1.Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statutory Reports > VAT Reports > VAT Forms.

Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select VAT Reports > VAT Forms > and press Enter.

  • 2.Press Ctrl+P to print the form.
  • 3.Login to the website of the commercial taxes department.
  • 4.Navigate to the online form.
  • 5.Enter the values in the online form using the information from the copy printed in TallyPrime.
  • 6.Save the online form after entering all the information.

Microsoft Excel Template with Macros

In this method, the department provides an Microsoft Excel template with predefined fields for filling the VAT return details for a period. Dealers should fill in the values in the MS Excel template, validate the template, and upload the validated returns file. The upload file format can be excel or xml, which is generated by the MS Excel template after validation.

To support this method of VAT returns, TallyPrime has provisions to export the VAT return details to the MS Excel templates provided by the department. Both return forms and annexure details can be exported to the MS Excel templates from TallyPrime.

To file returns using the excel template

  • 1.Download the templates of the forms from the department website.
  • 2.Copy the template to local folder.
  • 3.Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statutory Reports > VAT Reports > VAT Forms.
  • Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select VAT Reports > VAT Forms > and press Enter.

  • 4.Press Ctrl+E to export the return details to the excel template. The Export Report screen appears.
  • 5.Enter the path of the folder containing the template in the field Export Location.
  • 6.Enter the name of the template in the field Output File Name.
  • 7.Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.
  • 8.Open the template after the export is complete.
  • 9.Validate the values updated in the template.
  • 10.Login to the department website and upload the validate file.

In case of states where the xml file has to be uploaded, the excel template creates a xml file after successful validation. The xml file thus generated has to be uploaded to the department website.

File VAT Returns in XML Format

In this method, the returns are generated and filed directly in xml format. The xml tags are provided by the department, and the dealers are expected to file return details using these tags. In case the xml return file does not comply with the tags and structure of the sample provided by the department, the uploaded file will be rejected.

To support this method of VAT returns, TallyPrime has provisions to export the VAT return details in the xml formats prescribed by the department. For each state that recommends xml filling of VAT returns, the export process in TallyPrime is designed to generate xml files using the tags provided by the respective commercial taxes department.

To file returns using xml files

  • 1.Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statutory Reports > VAT Reports > VAT Forms.
  • Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select VAT Reports > VAT Forms > and press Enter.

  • 2.Press Ctrl+E to export the return details. The Export Report screen appears with details of export location and name of the exported file.
  • 3.Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.
  • 4.Login to the department website and upload the xml file generated by TallyPrime.
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