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Data Management

Backup & Restore

Take Backup of Company Data in TallyPrime

Backup your company data periodically or at any point of time as per your requirement ♦ Avoid data loss due to malware/virus or hard disk crash. 

Restore Data in TallyPrime

Learn to restore backup of company data in TallyPrime. 

Schedule TallyPrime Company Data Backup Using Cobian Backup Software

Regularise TallyPrime company data backup using Cobian Backup Software ♦ Ensure that you do not lose your TallyPrime company data due to a virus attack or hard drive crash 



Configure Company Data Path for Single User

Configure company data path from within TallyPrime ♦ Configure company data path in Tally (.ini) file

Configure Company Data Path for Multi-User

Configure company data path in multiuser access in TallyPrime Gold ♦ Allow different users from multiple computers on a LAN to access data from a single location. 

Split Company Data in TallyPrime

Split company data to maintain separate data for each financial year ♦ Choose to split company for any period not only at the beginning of the financial year

Share your TallyPrime Company Data with TallyCare

Share your Company data with TallyCare for data rectification and root cause analysis ♦ Get TallyCare to perform activities such as data split, export, and import on your Company data by sharing your Company data

Resolve Exceptions in Import, Repair, Migration and Synchronisation

Resolve exceptions that occur during import, repair,migration, and synchronisation ♦ Identify the type of exceptions and resolve them accordingly. 

Avoid Error Code 0 in TallyPrime Company Data

Learn about Error Code 0 that occurs during the loading of data and take steps to avoid the error


Data Import

Import Masters and Transactions to Your Company Data

Learn how to import masters and transactions to a Company in TallyPrime ♦ Export ledgers and stock items from an existing company and import them in a newly created company to start with recording transactions immediately

Retain Voucher Number Sequence When Importing Vouchers

Import vouchers from one company to another by retaining the voucher numbering sequence from the source company


Data Migration

Migrate Company Data to TallyPrime

Learn the steps to migrate from Tally.ERP 9 to TallyPrime for single-user and multi-user editions

Migrate Company Data to TallyPrime Release 3.0

Learn the steps to migrate date from earlier releases of TallyPrime to Release 3.0 ♦ Learn about the changes to the migration process ♦ Track the progress of migration ♦ View migration summary report with statistics of masters and transactions ♦ Learn about the updates made to company data as a result of migration

Migrate Company Data to TallyPrime Release 2.0

Learn the steps to migrate date from earlier releases of TallyPrime to Release 2.0

Migrate Company Data from Tally.ERP 9 to TallyPrime

Migrate Company Data from Tally.ERP 9 to TallyPrime Release 3.0

Learn to move from Tally.ERP 9 to TallyPrime Release 3.0 and use the existing license of Tally.ERP 9 ♦ Learn to identify the companies that need migration using the number of digits in the company folder ♦ Learn the steps to migrate the data from Tally.ERP 9 to TallyPrime 3.0. 

Migrate Company Data from Tally 7.2 to Tally.ERP 9 and TallyPrime

Understand the process of migrating company data from Tally 7.2 to TallyPrime ♦ Learn about the tools to use and the process to migrate data from Tally 7.2 to Tally.ERP 9 before migrating to TallyPrime

Migrate Company Data to TallyPrime Release 3.0

Migrate company data from earlier releases of TallyPrime release 3.0 ♦ Track the progress of migration ♦ View migration summary report with statistics of masters and transactions ♦ Learn about the updates made to company data as a result of migration

Migrate Data from TallyPrime Release 2.1 or Earlier Versions to Release 5.1

Migrate data from TallyPrime Release 2.1 or lower versions to Release 5.1 ♦ Retain original voucher numbers for selected voucher types when a voucher is deleted or inserted ♦ Choose transactions to be included in HSN/SAC Summary

Move to New Financial Year in TallyPrime (India)

Learn to change the period of your books of accounts to new financial year ♦ Carry forward your balances and references along with masters by using the change period method to start books for new financial year

Migrate QuickBooks Data to TallyPrime

Check eligibility for migrating data from QuickBooks ♦ Enable Integration program ♦ Download data from QuickBooks ♦ Extract transactions and master from the downloaded data ♦ Import files into TallyPrime

Data Sharing

Send e-Mails from TallyPrime Using Gmail Servers

Generate e-mail password for Gmail account and use App password to send mail from TallyPrime using Gmail server ♦ Enable 2-step verification for your google account


Excel Export

How to Resolve When You Are Unable to Export to MS Excel in TallyPrime

Learn to resolve the issue stopping you from exporting data in MS Excel format


Import Excel

How to Import Data Using the Sample Excel File

Export sample excel file from TallyPrime ♦ Fill in your masters or transactions data in sample excel file ♦ Import the data into your company from sample excel file


Import Masters & Transactions into TallyPrime Using Your Own Excel Template

Import masters and transactions into TallyPrime using the data in your won excel template ♦ Map the columns in the excel template with the fields in Tally masters to import the data




Repair Company Data in TallyPrime Release 3.0

Import masters and transactions into TallyPrime using the data in your won excel template ♦ Map the columns in the excel template with the fields in Tally masters to import the data

Repair Company Data in TallyPrime Release 2.0

Import masters and transactions into TallyPrime using the data in your won excel template ♦ Map the columns in the excel template with the fields in Tally masters to import the data

Resolve Error Code 0

Restore a data backup taken before the error occurred

Resolve Record Insertion Failure Error

Learn the steps to resolve the Record Insertion Failure error

Resolve the Debug Location Error

Repairing the company data using Run or Command Prompt

Resolve the File Damaged Error

Repair the company data

Resolve the Manager/LinkMgr Error

Repairing the company data using Run or Command Prompt

Resolve the TranMgr Error

Repairing the company data using Run or Command Prompt


Synchronise Company Data in TallyPrime

Learn the benefits, prerequisites, and do’s and don’t’s for Synchronisation in TallyPrime ♦ Set up TallyPrime for Data Synchronisation ♦  Create Sync rules in the client machine Connect company through Tally.NET for synchronisation ♦  Send Client rules from the client machine to server ♦  Activate server rules ♦ Sychronise masters and transactions



Search and Navigate to Topics on TallyHelp

Learn to search and navigate to required topics on TallyHelp

Use TallyHelp to Resolve Errors in TallyPrime

Learn to search and navigate to required topics on TallyHelp 

Understanding the All-New TallyHelp Search Engine

Learn to search and navigate to required topics on TallyHelp 


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