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Carry Forward the Balance of Loans and Advances of Payroll from Previous Year

Depending on your business policy, you might have provided loans and advances to your employees for certain purposes. However, loans are advances are cleared based on regular deductions from the employees salary, or other modes. It is possible that not all such amounts get cleared on close of a financial year. Therefore, it is important that you carry forward the balance loan and advance amounts from previous year to the current financial year for tracking. You can create specific ledgers for such balance amounts, update the pay heads and make necessary adjustments in your transactions to capture the opening balance for loans and advances. Such amount can then be tracked and monitored in your reports.  

Create Ledger for Loans & Advances

  1. Gateway of Tally > Create > Ledger.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Create Master > Ledger.
  2. Set the option Use For Payroll to Yes.
    If you do not see this option, press F12 (Configure) and set the option Use Ledgers as Payheads in Payroll to Yes.
  3. Set the option Cost centres are applicable to Yes.
    Creation of Leader for Loans and Advances in TallyPrime
  4. Accept the ledger. As always, press Ctrl+A to save.

Modify Loans & Advances Pay Head

  1. Gateway of Tally > Alter > type or select Loans & Advances pay head.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > Alter Maser > type or select Loans & Advances pay head.
  2. Set the option Affect net salary to Yes.
  3. Set the Calculation type as required. For example, you can select Flat Rate.
    Alteration of Loans and Advances Pay Head with Affect net salary is set as Yes and Calculation type is set as Flat Rate in TallyPrime
  4. Accept the pay head. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

Create/Alter Salary Details for Employees

While creating salary structure with Pay Heads for Basic Pay, Conveyance, ESI, and so on, include the pay head ‘Loans & Advances’. Manually specify the amount that needs to be deducted from the employees’ monthly salary.
Creation of Salary Details for employees with Pay Heads for Basic Pay, Conveyance, ESI, Loans & Advances in TallyPrime

View Trial Balance

The Trial Balance will display the closing balance of Rs. 25,000/- for ‘Loans & Advances Adjustment’ account (ledger) which was used for maintaining employee loan account before implementing Payroll in TallyPrime. This must be transferred to the Loans & Advances ledger (Pay Head) by allocating the amount to the respective employees.

The Trial Balance report with closing balance displayed for Loans and Advances in TallyPrime

Create Journal Voucher for Adjustment Entry

Now allocate the amount taken by Mr. Ajay by recording an adjustment entry in a journal voucher. This is to transfer the opening balance to Loans & Advances pay head of Mr. Ajay, from the Loans & Advances Adjustment ledger.
Creation of Journal Voucher for adjustment entry in TallyPrime

The Trial Balance will now show a debit balance of Rs. 25,000 in the Loans & Advances account (Pay Head).

The Trail Balance with a debit balance in the Loans & Advances account (Pay Head).

Now when you press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select Employee Pay Head Breakup > Loans & Advances, the debit balance of Rs. 25,000 will appear for the employee, as shown below.

Display of debit balance for the employee in the Employee Breakup of Pay Head screen in TallyPrime

While recording the payroll voucher for Mr. Ajay, you will notice the opening balance of Loans & Advances being reduced from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 24,000. This is due to the monthly deduction of Rs. 1,000 which is defined in the salary details of Mr. Ajay.

Creation of Payment Voucher with monthly deduction defined in the Salary Details of employee in TallyPrime

Check Pay Slip Breakup and Other Reports

Now when you check the Pay Slip for the month of ‘April’, it will show you the amount deducted from Mr. Ajay’s Salary.

The Pay Slip for employee with deducted amount in TallyPrime

The ‘Employee Pay Head Breakup’ will show you the report as shown below.

The Employee Breakup of Pay Head report in TallyPrime

Consider a scenario where an employee is repaying a loan by paying the Employer in cash. The receipt entry for the same in the Employer’s book will be as follows:

The Receipt Voucher entry in the Employer's book in TallyPrime

Now press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select Pay Head Employee Breakup, to view the balance amount due from Mr. Ajay.

Display of balance amount due from employee in Pay Head Employee Breakup in TallyPrime

Record a payroll voucher for the month of May. You can check the difference by following the steps given below:

  1. Press Alt+A (Alter Column) > enter the period as 01-04-2021 to 30-04-2021.
  2. Select the name as Mr. Ajay with the group, Loans & Advances (Asset).
    Column Details for employee with Name of Group set as Loans and Advances (Asset) in TallyPrimeThis will display the details of Loans & Advances of Mr. Ajay for the month of April.Display of details of Loans and Advances of employee for the month of April in the Employee Breakup screen in TallyPrime
  3. Press Alt+C (New Column) > enter the period as 01-05-2021 to 31-05-2021.The Column Details of employee for the month of May with Name of Group is set as Loans & Advances (Asset) in TallyPrimeYou will see the deductions of Rs. 1,000 made in the month of April and May in two different columns.Deduction of amount for employee in the month of April and May in two different columns in Employee Breakup screen in TallyPrime
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