Print Invoices with or Without Tax in Arabic or Bilingual
As per government orders, printing sales and POS invoices in Arabic or bilingual is mandatory. With TallyPrime Release 6.0 & TallyPrime Edit Log 6.0, you can print sales and POS invoices in Arabic or bilingual for businesses in any country where tax is not applicable, for example, Kuwait and Qatar. In countries where tax applies, you can print invoices in Arabic or bilingual as usual, whether tax is enabled or not.
If you enable tax when printing invoices, you can select the invoice format. Otherwise, the system sets the invoice format to Format 1 by default, with no option to change it.
Provide company’s mailing details in Arabic
Enable language alias and add the name of ledgers/stock items in Arabic
- Press Alt+G (Go To) > Alter Master > type or select Ledger and press Enter.
Alternatively, Gateway of Tally > Alter > type or select Ledger and press Enter. - Press F12 (Configure) > Set Provide language aliases for Name as Yes.
- Press Ctrl+A to accept the configuration screen.
- In the Ledger Alteration screen, from the Name field, press Enter to select the language alias.
- Select Arabic (Saudi Arabia) (System) from the List of Languages and enter the name in Arabic.
- Enable Mailing details in local language to add the Name, Address and Region in Arabic.
- Press Ctrl+A to accept the screen.
- Similarly, enter the Stock Item name in Arabic.
- Press Alt+G (Go To) > Alter Master > type or select Ledger and press Enter.
Update the declaration in Arabic
- Press Alt+G (Go To) > Alter Master > type or select Voucher Type > Sales and press Enter.
Alternatively, Gateway of Tally > Alter > type or select Voucher Type > Sales and press Enter. - Add the Default title to print in Arabic and enable Set/alter declaration in Arabic.
- Provide the declaration in Arabic to print the invoices with the declaration in Arabic or bilingual.
- Press Alt+G (Go To) > Alter Master > type or select Voucher Type > Sales and press Enter.
Configure and print the sales or POS invoice in Arabic or bilingual
- Create/Alter the Sales Voucher or POS voucher and press Ctrl+P (Current).
- Press C (Configure) to configure the fields.
- Use Simple Invoice format: You can print the invoices in Arabic or bilingual in both simple invoice format and commercial format. By default, this option is set as No, letting you view the invoice in a commercial format.
- Print Type: By default, it is set to Single. You can change the Print Language in that case and select English or Arabic. You can also change it to Bilingual to print your invoice in bilingual.
- Show Amount in words in Arabic: Set it to Yes to see the amount in words in Arabic in the invoice.
- Show Numerals in Arabic: Set it to Yes to see the numerals in Arabic in the invoice.
- Press Ctrl+A to accept the Print Configuration screen.
- Press I (Preview) or P (Print).
After configuring the masters, you can now record your sales transactions as usual and print the invoices in Arabic or bilingual.