Symbols and Prefixes
In the topic Datatypes, Operators & Expressions we have discussed the various data types, operators and expressions used in TDL.
In TDL, few symbols are used for specific purposes and some symbols are used as access specifiers i.e., mainly used to access value of a method, variable, field, formula etc. Some symbols are used for a general purpose such as modifiers.Â
Access Specifiers/Symbol Prefixes
Symbols |
Usage |
@ | Used to access Local formula |
@@ |
Used to get the value of a System formula |
# |
Gives the value of the field, when prefixed to Field name |
## |
Used to get the value of a Global variable |
$ |
Used to access the value of an Object Method |
$$ |
Used to call a Function |
The Usage of @ and @@
In TDL, large complex calculations can be broken down into smaller simple calculations or expressions expressed as a Formula. The values computed using these formulae can be accessed using the symbol prefixes @ and @@.
Naming Conventions for Formula
- Case insensitive
- Only alphanumeric characters are allowed
- Space insensitive at Definition time. However, during deployment or usage of the same, spaces are not allowedÂ
Classifications of formula
- Local Formula
- Global Formula
Accessing a Local Formula using @
A Local Formula is one which can be defined and retrieved at any Interface Definition. The scope of the local formula is only within the current definition. A local formula is usually defined if the formula is specific to a definition and not required by any other definition.
The value of a Local Formula can be accessed by using the Symbol Prefix @.
[Field : CompanyNameandAddress]
Set as : âTally India Pvt Ltd, No 23 & 24, AMR Tech Park II, Hongasandra,Bangaloreâ
This code can also be written, using the Local Formula, as:
[Field : CompanyNameandAddress]
Company : âTally India Pvt Ltd, â
Address : âNo 23 & 24, AMR Tech Park II, Hongasandra, â
City  : âBangaloreâ
Set as : @Company + @Address + @City
Accessing a Global Formula using @@
A Global Formula is one which, when defined once, is available globally. In other words, the Global Formula value can be accessed by all the Definitions. A Global formula is defined when a formula is required at many locations. The value of a Global Formula can be accessed using the Symbol Prefix @@. A Global Formula can also be referred to as a System Formula. All the Global Formulae must be defined within the [ System: Formula ] Definition.
[System : Formula]
AmtWidth : 20
[Field : RepTitleAmt]
Width  : @@AmtWidth
[Field : RepDetailAmt]
Width  : @@AmtWidth
[Field : RepTotalAmt]
Width  : @@AmtWidth
In this example, all the Fields assume the same width. If the width of the fields needs to be altered, a change is made only at the [System: Formula] Definition Section. This change will be applied to all the Fields, using the Global Formula AmtWidth .
The Usage of # and ##
In TDL, the Symbol Prefix # can be used for:
- Referencing a field using #
- Modifying the existing definitions using #
Referencing a Field using #
The Symbol Prefix # is used to retrieve the value from another Field.
[Field : HW]
Set as : âHello Worldâ
[Field : HW1]
Set as : #HW
In this example, the value within the Field âHWâ is being set to the Field âHW1â. In other words, the Field HW1 is set to âHello Worldâ, by using #HW.
Modifying Existing Definitions using #
The Symbol Prefix # is also used to modify existing definitions. One can alter the attributes of the definition. For example, adding a new Field within a âLineâ definition.
[#Menu : Gateway of Tally]
Add  : Key Item : Hello World: H : Display : HWReport
Title : âTally Gatewayâ
[#Field : LedParticulars]
Width : 50
In this example, the existing Menu âGateway of Tallyâ (default Menu) has been altered to add the Item âHello Worldâ and the Title of the Menu has been changed to âTally Gatewayâ. The existing Field âLedParticularsâ has also been altered to set its attribute âWidthâ to the value of 50.
Accessing value from a Variable using ##
As the name suggests, a Variable is a named container of data which can be altered as and when required. In TDL, Variables can be classified as Local and Global Variables. Local variables retain their value only within a particular Report. Global variables, on the other hand, retain their values throughout the session or permanently, based on the âVariableâ Definition. We will learn more about Variables later.
The value of a Variable can be accessed using the symbol prefix ##. Both Local and Global Variables can be retrieved using ##. The local variable is being checked for first. In cases where the Local Variable is not found, the Global Variable value is assumed.
[Field : FGField]
Set as : ##RTitle
[Report : DBLedReport]
Title : if ##LedgerName = â â then âDaybookâ else âLedger Reportâ
The Usage of $ and $$
Accessing a Method using $
Any information from an Object can be extracted by using a Method or UDF. The $ Prefix is used to invoke or deploy the value from a Method or UDF of any Object, where the terms Method and Object are TDL-specific
[Field: My Field]
Set As: $Name
This code snippet displays the value of the method Name of the associated object.
Calling an Internal Function using $$
In TDL, functions are in-built and TDL Programmers can make use of the same. A function can accept zero or more arguments to perform a specific task on the arguments and return a value. While passing arguments to functions, spaces and special characters, except bracket (), are not allowed. If the function parameter requires an expression, it can be enclosed within bracket (), so as to return the result of the expression as a parameter to the Function.
[Field : Current Date]
Set as : $$MachineDate
[Field : Credit Amt]
Set as : if $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
[Field : StringPart Field]
Set as : $$StringPart($Email:Company:##SVCurrentCompany):0:5
General Symbols
Symbols |
Usage |
; ;; ;;; /* */ |
Used for adding comments in TDL |
+ |
Used as a line continuation character |
_ (underscore) |
Used to expose methods to ODBC SQL Procedure |
* |
Used to Reinitialize a Definition |
! |
Used to create an Optional Definition |
# |
Used as a definition modifier |
Commenting a Code using ;, ;; and /**/
We humans are in a habit to keep a note of everything, which remind us to keep a follow-up of all the things we need to keep a track off. In the same way, TDL gives us flexibility to put a comment inside the code at any place where there is a possibility of confusion. In TDL, comments can be given using symbol prefixes viz. ;, ;; and /* */. Symbol Prefix; is used for Part line commenting, ;; is used for Single Line Commenting and /* */ is used for Multi-Line Commenting. All the lines enclosed within /* and */ will be ignored by the TDL Interpreter as a comment.
A Single Semi-Colon (;) is allowed as a comment for single line commenting, but as a standard coding practice, it is recommended to use Double Semi-Colon (;;).
This code explains the usage of Multi-Line Commenting as well as Single Line Commenting.
;; Altering Menu âGateway of Tallyâ
[#Menu : Gateway of Tally]
Add : Key Item : Comment : C : Display: Comment
;; Menu Item alteration ends here
Line Continuation Character (+)
Line Continuation Character (+) is used to split a lengthy line into a number of shorter lines. By doing this, the programmer can see the entire line without scrolling to the left or right. This can also help in understanding and debugging the code faster.
This code explains the mechanism of breaking a line into Multiple Lines using + */
;; Altering Menu âGateway of Tallyâ
[#Menu: Gateway of Tally]
Add : Key Item : Before : @@locQuit : LineCtn : C : Display : +
LineCtn : NOT $$IsEmpty:$$SelectedCmps
When you concatenate strings using the operator + and the size of the resultant string exceeds 2048 bytes or characters, the operation using the line continuation character + terminates. In such cases, you can use the function $$SPrintf for concatenation.
Exposing Methods and Creating Procedures (_)
Exposing Methods using using ( _)
The Symbol prefix (_) is used to expose methods to ODBC. Thereafter these methods will be available in the list of methods when Tally database is accessed through ODBC interface.
;; Exposing Methods within the Objects to ODBC
[#Object: Ledger]
_Difference: $ClosingBalance – $OpeningBalance
Creating SQL procedures using ( _ )
By prefixing _ to a Collection Name, it turns into a procedure which can be referenced externally by passing the parameter as a Variable.
Creating Procedures to be referenced externally.
[Collection: _LedBills]
Type    :Bills
Child of  : #UName SQLParms : UName
SQLValues : Bill No : $Name
SQLValues : Bill Date : $$String:$BillDate:UniversalDate
Optional Definitions (!)
The Symbol Prefix ! is used to define optional definitions. Switch and Option are attributes which can be used by various definitions like Menu, Form, Part, Line, Field, Collection, Button, Key, Import File and Import Object to provide a conditional result in TDL. However, they cannot be used with Report, Color, Style, Variable, System Formula, System Variable, System UDF, Border and Object definitions.
The attributes of the original definition are overridden by the attributes of the optional definition only if the Logical Condition is satisfied. In other words, if the Logical Condition returns TRUE, the attributes of the optional definition become a part of the original definition, else they are ignored, leaving the original definition intact.
Option : <Optional Definition> : <Logical Condition>
Switch : Label : <Optional Definition> : <Logical Condition>
The difference between Switch and Option is that âSwitchâ statements bearing the same label are executed till a satisfying condition is found. On the contrary, âOptionâ executes all the Option statements matching the given conditions sequentially. Switch statements bearing different labels are similar to Option statements, as all Switch statements will be executed for the given conditions.
Example â Option
[Line : MFTBDetails]
Fields : MFTBName
Right Fields : MFTBDrAmt, MFTBCrAmt
Option : MFTBDtlsClsgG1000 : $ClosingBalance > 1000
Option : MFTBDtlsClsgL1000 : $ClosingBalance < 1000
[!Line : MFTBDtlsClsgG1000]
Local : Field : MFTBDrAmt : Style : Normal Bold
Local : Field : MFTBCrAmt : Style : Normal Bold
[!Line : MFTBDtlsClsgL1000]
Local : Field : MFTBDrAmt : Style : Normal
Local : Field : MFTBCrAmt : Style : Normal
In this code snippet, the condition specified in both the options will be checked, and the option satisfying the given condition will be executed. In this case, there is a possibility that more than one condition might be satisfied and get executed.
Example â Switch
[Line : MFTBDetails] Fields : MFTBName
Right Fields : MFTBDrAmt, MFTBCrAmt
Switch : Case 1 : MFTBDtlsClsgG1000 : $ClosingBalance > 1000
Switch : Case 1 : MFTBDtlsClsgL1000 : $ClosingBalance < 1000
[!Line : MFTBDtlsClsgG1000]
Local : Field : MFTBDrAmt : Style : Normal Bold
Local : Field : MFTBCrAmt : Style : Normal Bold
[!Line : MFTBDtlsClsgL1000]
Local : Field : MFTBDrAmt : Style : Normal
Local : Field : MFTBCrAmt : Style : Normal
In this code snippet, the condition specified in the switch statements will be checked one after another. The first statement satisfying the given condition will be executed, and all other statements grouped within the label âCase 1â will not be executed further, unlike âOptionâ. The behaviour similar to âOptionâ can be achieved by specifying different labels, if required.
Reinitialize Definitions (*)
his is similar to operators such as â#â (Modify) and â!â (Option). When â*â is used for an existing definition, all the attributes of the definition are overridden. This is very useful when there is a need to completely replace the existing definition content with a new code.
[*Field : MyField]
Width : 20% Page
Set as : âThis Field has been reinitializedâ