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Update Party PIN for eTIMS

The Update Party PIN report simplifies the bulk updating of PIN details for parties in TallyPrime. It provides a quick and efficient way to update the PIN details for party groups or individual party ledgers. 

  1. Press Alt+G (Go To) > eTIMS Utilities > Update Party PIN
    Alternatively, Gateway of Tally > eTIMS Utilities > Update Party PIN
  2. From the List of Groups, select the Name of Group for which you want to open the report. 
  3. Similarly, from the List of Ledgers, select the Name of Ledger.  
  4. In the Update Party PIN screen, press F9 (Update Details) and make the changes as required.
  5. From the List of Effective Dates, select the Effective Date for mailing the updated details. 
    You can also set a New Effective Date.
  6. Press Ctrl+A to save the changes.

By default, the report displays the Party PIN details for all ledgers. 

  • Press F8 to switch between all ledgers and ledgers with missing details. 
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