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What’s New in TDL with Regards to WhatsApp Integration?

With TallyPrime Release 4.0 and beyond, users now have the capability to seamlessly share invoices and reports with their customers through WhatsApp. This enhancement is accompanied by an upgrade in our TDL to effortlessly support this feature. Building on the existing functionalities for export, print, and mail, we’ve introduced parallel capabilities in TDL specifically tailored to facilitate smooth integration with WhatsApp.

TDL Enhancements

Action – WhatsApp

This action helps the developer to share the specified report through WhatsApp.


WhatsApp: <Name of the Report>[: <Logical Expression>]


<Name of the Report> is an expression which evaluates to Name of Report.

<Logical Expression> is an expression when evaluated to TRUE suppresses the configuration window. This is an optional parameter.


WhatsApp: DayBook: Yes

Action – WhatsApp Report

This action initiates the sharing of the current report through WhatsApp.


WhatsApp Report: <Name of the Report>[: <Logical Expression>]


<Name of the Report> is an expression which evaluates to Name of Report.

<Logical Expression> is an expression when evaluated to TRUE suppresses the configuration window. This is an optional parameter.


WhatsApp Report: DayBook: Yes

Action – WhatsApp Collection

This action is used to share the collection of objects through WhatsApp.


WhatsApp Collection: <Name of the Collection>[:<Expression 1>:<Expression 2>:<Expression 3>]


<Name of the Collection> is an expression which evaluates to name of the collection.

<Expression 1> is an expression which evaluates the name of a selected object. This optional parameter can be used as an object identifier.

<Expression 2> can be any expression. It checks whether to display the trigger report when the specified object is not found in the collection. This is an optional parameter.

<Expression 3> can be any expression. It checks whether to display the trigger report when the specified collection is empty. This is an optional parameter.


WhatsApp Collection: ExtractLedger Vouchers

Action – WhatsApp Current Report

This action executes a WhatsApp action on the Report defined at the object level. This action does not take any parameters.


WhatsApp Current Report


Action    : WhatsApp Action : WhatsApp Current Report 

Action – WhatsApp Current Collection

This action executes a WhatsApp action on the collection defined at the object level. 


WhatsApp Current Collection[:<Expression>: <Logical Expression>]

where <Expression> can be any expression which evaluates the name of the selected object.

<Logical Expression> can be any logical expression. This parameter checks whether the trigger report or error message is displayed when the specified object is not found in the collection.


Action: WhatsApp Action: WhatsApp Current Collection

Function – $InWhatsAppAction

This function returns ‘Yes’ only when the selected mode is WhatsApp.



Function – $InWhatsAppMode

This function returns Yes, only when the selected action is WhatsApp.



Customize Your Experience: User-Defined Templates in TallyPrime

One of the recent features of TallyPrime is the ability to seamlessly share customized invoices and reports with your clients and partners using WhatsApp. With the built-in TallyPrime templates, you can efficiently generate and share documents in a format that suits your business needs. To facilitate the sharing of customized invoices/reports via WhatsApp users can make use of the default templates from TallyPrime or they can create their own user-defined templates in the Interakt portal. Following are a few concepts you should know while using templates. 

Customized Invoice/Report via WhatsApp using TallyPrime Templates:

Before you begin, ensure you have access to TallyPrime and a WhatsApp business account. You should also have a basic understanding of TallyPrime customization. 

  1. Open TallyPrime and open the customised invoice or report. 
  2. Click Share Current > enter the required details and send to the recipient.

Customized Invoice/Report via WhatsApp using User-Defined Templates:

To create a user-defined template on the Interakt portal,

  1. Open TallyPrime. Go to Share >Inbox. It will take you to the Interakt portal. Select the Templates tab.
  2. Create your own template in the Interakt portal with/without variables.
  3. Once the template is created, use the user-defined template in TallyPrime to share the invoice/report through WhatsApp.


Scenario 1: When a user wants to create a template with his own personalized information, like “Dear <Customer>, Please find the details of Invoice No.<Voucher Number>, dated <Date>, for value <Amount>”. This you can achieve in two steps.

  1. Creates a template in the Interakt portal by specifying the required variables.
  2. Create a collection in TDL to fetch these four variable values as given below:

[*Collection: WATemplateValues]

Switch : Templates : WA Template Voucher Party11 : @@WAPartyTemmlForVouchers

Switch : Templates : WA Template Var With Button : @@CustomerTemplate

[!Collection: WA Template Voucher Party11]

Objects : WA Party Name Obj11, WA Voucher Number Obj12, WA Voucher Date Obj13, WA Ledger Amount Obj14

[Object: WA Party Name Obj11]

Value : “Customer”

[Object: WA Voucher Number Obj12]

Value : “000010-23/24”

[Object: WA Voucher Date Obj13]

Value : “04-09-23”

[Object: WA Ledger Amount Obj14]

Value : “20000.00”

[System: Formula]

CustomerTemplate : ##SVShareTemplateDispName = “Customer_CallToAction”

Scenario 2:  When a user wants to send a message to a customer by creating a personalised template including a payment URL and phone number.

In this scenario, the user can follow the below steps:

  1. Create a template using the button Call to Action in the Interakt portal and add the variables based on the requirement.
  2. Modify the Collection WAButtonValues to fetch the values from the templates as mentioned in the below code:

[*Collection: WAButtonValues]

Switch: Templates: WAButtonValues Customer: @@CustomerTemplate

Switch: Templates: WAButtonValues Default: Yes

[!Collection: WAButtonValues Customer]

Object: WA Payment Customer Link Object

[Object: WA Payment Customer Link Object]

Value: “download/”

[!Collection: WAButtonValues Default]

Object: WA Payment Link Object

[System: Formula]

CustomerTemplate: ##SVShareTemplateDispName = “Customer_CallToAction”

When you need to add the dynamic URL with a variable in the template, mention that variable first after that you can add other variables like phone number.

Points to Remember

  • You can share customised invoices/Reports via WhatsApp using the templates provided in TallyPrime or using the templates created by the user at the Interakt portal.
  • You can also share default invoices/Reports via WhatsApp using the templates provided in TallyPrime or using the templates created by the user at the Interakt portal.
  • Users can create templates in various formats with and without variables, covering utility and marketing categories. Formats include Document, Image, and Text types. Only ‘Document’ and ‘Image’ templates under the ‘Utility’ category are allowed in TallyPrime by default. Users can customize the format selection list in TallyPrime through TDL by modifying the filter in the collection. This customization enables the inclusion of both Utility and Marketing templates of all types – Document, Image, and Text.
  • User needs to refresh the templates once the template is modified at Interakt portal to get the templates in TallyPrime.
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