HomeTallyPrimeRelease Notes 1.1-1.1.4


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Release Notes for TallyPrime Releases 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3 & 1.1.4

You can count on us for a delightful journey with TallyPrime, as we work to release new features and fix issues.

Highlights – Release 1.1.4

TCS Budget Changes 2020

Calculate TCS on either realisation or accrual

Depending on your business practice, you can now make a choice to:

  • Calculate TCS on realisation/receipt of the Invoice value.
  • Calculate TCS directly in the Invoice through the accrual method.
  • Override method of TCS calculation from realisation to accrual in transactions or in party ledgers.

TCS exemption for buyers deducting TDS

If your business has buyers who deduct TDS while making payments, then you do not have to collect TCS from them.

In TallyPrime, you can now:

  • Set exemptions for such buyers while recording transactions.
  • Update Challan number and date of the buyers using the TDS Challan Details of Buyer report.

TCS exemption for government-listed buyers

If you have any government-listed buyers, who are exempt from TCS payment, then TallyPrime will help you:

  • Configure the exemption in the ledgers of government-listed parties.
  • Calculate the tax component appropriately in the transactions.

Form 27EQ for TCS

You can now generate the Form 27EQ text file in alignment with the TCS budget changes.

Ledgers Without PAN

Ledgers Without PAN report is now available for TCS, using which you can:

  • Easily cross-check the list of buyers without PAN details.
  • Update the required details in the party ledger.

Flexibility to configure TCS in sales ledger or stock item 

You can choose to configure TCS in either stock item or sales ledger, which will help you calculate TCS with great ease and accuracy.

This flexibility will especially come in handy if you have plenty of stock items. Configuring TCS in the sales ledger will save a great deal of time as you will not have to configure TCS for each stock item.

Introduction of e-Invoice Sandbox experience

TallyPrime provides you with a delightful e-Invoicing experience through e-Invoice Sandbox, which will enable you to:

  • Get familiar with how e-Invoicing works on the live IRP.
  • Generate e-Invoice at the time of Voucher creation.
  • Generate, Cancel, or Get e-Invoices in bulk.
  • Experience e-Invoicing without any impact on your GST Returns.

What’s more!

You can also experience the e-Invoice Sandbox feature even without an active TSS or in the Educational mode.

Product Improvements – Release 1.1.4

TCS Calculation in Sales Invoice recorded against an Advance Receipt

Previously, TCS was not getting calculated when you recorded a Sales Invoice against an Advance Receipt, despite the amount exceeding threshold limit.
This issue is resolved.

Print, Export, and E-mail

Right button bar for quick configuration

With the newly introduced right button bar for Print, Export, and E-mail, you can easily find the frequently used configurations, thereby saving a great deal of time.

Preview before Printing

You can now set Preview as default instead of printing directly, so that you will:

  • Always see a Preview of the voucher.
  • Prevent accidental printing.
  • Identify errors and make corrections, if any.
  • Save overall time, paper, and cost of printing erroneous vouchers.

Print company logo on Payments and Receipts

Previously, the company logo did not appear when you printed Payments and Receipts through the multi-voucher printing option.
This issue is resolved.

TallyPrime Soft Display mode and impact on Print, E-mail, and Export

The reports appeared to be darker when you printed, e-mailed, or exported them.
This was happening when you had set Display mode as Soft under Display settings in TallyPrime.
This issue is resolved.

Quick access to Tax Analysis and Stock Query

You can now navigate to Tax Analysis and Stock Query reports from transactions using the Related Reports button. This will lead to easy discoverability and quick access.

Day-Wise breakup for Voucher Register

In Voucher Register reports, you now have a day-wise breakup for ledgers, which will help you to:

  • Track changes in daily balance.
  • Perform day-wise analysis.

Negative Cash in Cash Book report

When you open the Cash Book report for a particular period, you will now have a Show Negative balance only option under Basis of Value, using which you can:

  • Identify exceptions regarding negative cash.
  • Take necessary actions to correct them.

License switching to Educational mode

In TallyPrime Release 1.1.3, the license was switching to Educational mode due to Gateway Server issues. This is resolved.

This issue is resolved.

Highlights – Release 1.1.3

Section-Wise JSON export of GSTR-1 to support IFF filing

If you have opted for the QRMP scheme, then you can export section-wise JSON files in GSTR-1 using TallyPrime.

Thereafter, on the GST portal, you can upload JSON files of B2B Invoices and Credit/Debit Notes (Registered) for the first and second months of a quarter using the Invoice Furnishing Facility.

Introduction of Oman VAT 

TallyPrime supports Oman VAT from 16-April-2021 for all kinds of transactions. 

Using TallyPrime, you can

  • Enable VAT
  • Set VAT registration details
  • Configure tax rates for VAT
  • Create duty masters for VAT
  • Charge VAT in transactions

Product Improvements – Release 1.1.3


Printing of logo in the Simple Invoice Format

The logo was not printed when you had set the following configurations:

  • The Use Simple Invoice format option was set to Yes in the print configurations for an Invoice.
  • The e-Invoicing applicable option was set to No in the GST Details undeF11 features.

This issue is resolved.

Display Modes in TallyPrime

TallyPrime now offers two Display Modes – Bright and Soft. While Bright is the default display mode, you can enable Soft display mode, as per your preference, by going to F1 (Help) > Settings > Display > Colour & Sound > Display Mode.


Undo IRN Cancellation in TallyPrime

If you have mistakenly cancelled an e-Invoice in TallyPrime, then the Undo IRN Cancellation button will help you undo the cancellation.

This will

  • Remove the reasons and remarks of cancellation from the voucher.
  • Update the status of an Invoice as not cancelled in TallyPrime – in alignment with the e-Invoice system.
  • Help you keep the e-Invoice report up to date.

Transporter Name in e-Way Bill

When you generated the e-Way Bill along with e-Invoice, the Transporter Name was not appearing in the e-Way Bill printed from the e-Way Bill portal.
This issue is resolved.

Product Description in e-Invoice

When you verified an e-Invoice using the acknowledgement number, the Product Description was appearing blank. This happened when e-Invoices were generated by uploading Invoice details to the portal directly using TallyPrime.
This issue is resolved.

Rejection of e-Invoice because of negative free quantity

e-Invoices were rejected by the e-Invoice System, with the reason given as negative free quantity, even when no free quantities were entered in the invoice.
This happened when UoMs with 4 decimals were rounded off to 3 decimals for a few stock items in the Invoice.
This issue is resolved, and now you can continue to use UoM with 4 decimal places.

Experience Improvement

TallyPrime Release 1.1.3 also comes up with stability improvements for a seamless e-Invoicing experience.

Accounting & Finance – Accounting Reports

Bill-wise details in Ledger Vouchers report

When you printed the Ledger Vouchers report in the condensed format, bill-wise details did not appear.
This issue is resolved.


Occurrence of Any@0% in TCS sales transaction

When you printed a sales transaction with TCS, the TCS Category for value appeared as Any@0% below the stock item. This happened when you had selected Any as TCS Nature of Goods in the Sales or Income ledger.
This issue is resolved.

TCS rate printed in the Invoice

The TCS rate printed in the invoice was incorrect when different rates were set for Individuals and Other Collectee Types in the same Nature of Goods.
This issue is resolved.


Bank Reconciliation statement (Kotak Mahindra Bank)

When you used the Reconcile All Unlinked feature after importing a bank statement, an MAV error occurred in the Bank Reconciliation statement.
This issue is resolved.

Printing of cheques in vertical mode

Cheques were getting printed in landscape mode even when you had set the alignment as Vertical Centre in the bank ledger.
This issue is resolved.

Unable to save Contra voucher opened from BRS

The Voucher totals do not match message appeared while saving a Contra voucher from the Bank Reconciliation statement.
This happened when you created a Payment voucher from BRS after importing a bank statement, and then changed the voucher type to Contra.
This issue is resolved.


e-Payments for Bank of Baroda

  • Export payment instruction files in encrypted format.
    You can do this by setting the format in the e-Payment Configuration screen, and then upload the files on the bank portal.
  • Import Intermediate/Reverse files shared by the bank in encrypted format.

e-Payments for Yes Bank

You now have the option for selecting Delimited (|) – Corporate Net Banking format in addition to the Fixed Width – Corporate Net Banking format in the e-Payment Configuration screen.

Release 1.1.2

In this release, we have addressed the case of QR code not appearing in e-Invoices after splitting the company data. If your business is based out of Kenya, then it will help you align with the latest VAT e-returns requirement.

Support to export in the latest Kenya e-VAT Return template

You can now export VAT Form-3 to the new VAT template with the latest tax rate of 16%, which is applicable from 1st January, 2021.

QR code in e-Invoices

QR code did not appear in e-Invoices after splitting the company data. Now all the IRN information, including QR code, will be carried forward seamlessly after splitting.

Product Improvements – Release 1.1.1

TallyPrime allows you to link vouchers using link masters, such as Tracking No., Order No., and Cost Category, and keep a track of stock movement and cost allocation.

This linking between vouchers was lost when:

  • Data was repaired for companies created in TallyPrime.
  • The Maintain Inventory feature was disabled and re-enabled for companies migrated to TallyPrime, and company data was repaired.
This issue is fixed in TallyPrime Release 1.1.1.

If your TSS was valid as in November 2020, you can upgrade to TallyPrime Release 1.1.1.

Important: For compatibility with TallyPrime Release 1.1.1, download and install TallyPrime Server Release 1.1.1 exe. 

Highlights – Release 1.1

TallyPrime brings in the flexibility of simple-to-use e-Invoicing and e-Payments features, to cater to your increasing business needs. 


TallyPrime supports truly connected e-Invoice experience for all taxable sales by GST Regular Dealers. The feature is:

  • Simple to setup, with an option to enable e-invoice from a specific date.
  • Flexible to generate e-Invoices real time or as bulk at regular intervals or at the end of the day along with e-Way Bill, if needed.
  • Capable of updating IRN information in the invoice with a single-step online process.
  • Able to print IRN and QR code on the invoice, and moving from the current invoice printing to e-invoice printing is effortless.
  • Equipped to handle e-invoice in offline mode, if a need arises.

There are reports that allow you to take care of e-invoice related pending activities, and keep track of the e-Invoice statuses.
You can also cancel e-Invoices, if you want to.


e-Payments in TallyPrime has been enhanced to manage the offline payment instructions in a simplified manner.

  • If you are using bulk e-Payment for the first time, contact your bank relationship manager to activate bulk upload facility for your account.
  • After the bulk upload facility is activated, you can enable e-Payments in TallyPrime by selecting the respective bank name in the bank ledger.

You can export completed e-payments transactions from the voucher level or from the e-Payments report.

TallyPrime provides e-payment support for the banks DBS Bank (India), Standard Chartered Bank (India), Standard Chartered Bank (UAE), Kotak Mahindra Bank (India), YES Bank (India), ICICI Bank (India), Tokyo & Mitsubishi (India), HDFC Bank (India), Bank of Baroda (India), and Citi Bank (India).

Product Improvements – Release 1.1

  • A provision is made to print consignee contact number entered in Party Master created for the consignee.
  • The printed and other output formats for accounting invoice have serial numbers listed for duty ledgers also. The serial numbers should only be shown for service ledgers and other additional ledgers selecting in the invoice but not for the duty ledgers. This issue is resolved.
  • A provision is made to print the bank’s Swift Code under Company’s Bank Details in Sales Invoice and Quotation.
  • A provision is made to print company’s bank details in Debit / Credit Notes.
  • A provision is made to allow extraction of HSN code, Party GSTIN and Company GSTIN to MS Excel through ODBC.
  • A provision is made to extract bank details such as Favouring Name, Transaction Type, A/c No., IFSC and Bank from party master ledgers using ODBC.
  • The bank details in party ledgers were not sent to MS Excel when data was extracted using ODBC.
  • A provision is made to send alias names for ledgers and stock items when data is extracted using ODBC.
  • A provision is made to allow printing account holders name in sales invoice.
  • You can now specify Number of Copies and select Type of Copy while exporting vouchers.
  • The error message as “Error in TDL” part: EXPINV Top left, insufficient height to allocate! was appearing while exporting sales order to MS Excel. This was occurring when,
    • The option Provide separate buyer and consignee names was enabled in the Sales Order F12 Configuration.
    • The option Show contact details was enabled in the sales order printing configuration.
      This issue is resolved.

Release Notes – TallyPrime Release 1.0

Click here for Highlights and Product Improvements in Release 1.0. 

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