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Release Notes for Kenya eTIMS Release 5.0.6 | What’s New!

Enhanced eTIMS Overview Report

Previously, the eTIMS Overview Report did not include changes made in the transactions details that were sent to the eTIMS portal. Modifications made to transactions in TallyPrime after being sent to the eTIMS portal, will appear under Modified after Sending to eTIMS > Transactions in the eTIMS Overview Report. While you can view detailed modifications in transactions, changes made in masters will not be displayed.

Update Party PIN

The Update Party PIN report provides a consolidated list of all PINs linked to a party, making it easier to manage and review PIN details. 

Tax Rate Setup

The Tax Rate Setup report provides a detailed view of all the tax rates associated with stock items and service ledgers in one place. 

Quick Access to eTIMS Utilities Report

Accessing the eTIMS Utilities Report is now faster and easier. Simply press Alt+G (Go To) > eTIMS Utilities Report and open the report directly.



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