Quick Start with TallyPrime
Get Started with TallyPrime
Install TallyPrime ♦ Activate license ♦ Create a Company ♦ Record first transaction ♦ View reports
Navigate Using Go To in TallyPrime
Handle interruptions by easily accessing any report or transactions ♦ Create a new voucher or master from any screen
Use the Right Buttons in TallyPrime to Work Faster
Improve accessibility to features across product with right buttons ♦ Work faster with common buttons across product ♦ Additional functionalities of right buttons
Use More Details in TallyPrime
Add specific information in selected transactions ♦ Capture information specific to certain vouchers without enabling features permanently
Use Buttons in TallyPrime
Understand the pattern and behavior of buttons ♦ Learn to use buttons across transactions and reports ♦ Learn about double and single underlining under shortcut keys
Use Keyboard Shortcuts in TallyPrime
Keyboard shortcuts to increase work efficiency ♦ Access the dedicated page in TallyHelp for keyboard shortcuts
Use TallyPrime Features for Your Business
Understand the layout of the product ♦ Learn about Gateway of Tally and its menu | Configure transactions and reports to handle business ♦ Use shortcut keys to navigate
Set Up TallyPrime to Work from Home
Set up TallyPrime to work from anywhere at any time | Reactivate license at your home set up ♦ Restore data backup and configure data path ♦ Multi-user set up to access data remotely ♦ Host Tally license on virtual environment