Kenya Compliance Simplify tax compliance in Kenya with TallyPrime! From seamless integration with eTIMS for real-time invoice management to effortless VAT setup and compliance, TallyPrime ensures your business stays ahead of the curve with the Kenya Revenue Authority’s requirements. Kenya eTIMS Managing taxes in Kenya just got simpler! With TallyPrime Edit Log, you […]
Release Notes for Kenya eTIMS Release 5.0.6 | What’s New! Enhanced eTIMS Overview Report Previously, the eTIMS Overview Report did not include changes made in the transactions details that were sent to the eTIMS portal. Modifications made to transactions in TallyPrime after being sent to the eTIMS portal, will appear under Modified after Sending […]
Use the eTIMS Solution in TallyPrime Edit Log If you run a business in Kenya, keeping up with your taxes is more crucial than ever. With the new rules for taxes and e-invoicing in Kenya, the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) requires all businesses to connect their invoicing systems to the Electronic Tax Invoice […]
Kenya – Compliance and Taxation Send Transaction Details to the eTIMS Portal Update transaction details in the eTIMS Portal directly while recording a transaction in TallyPrime Edit Log ♦ Send master details, such as Ledgers, Stock Items, and more, to the eTIMS Portal ♦ Send transaction details to the eTIMS Portal