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India – Compliance and Taxation


Generate e-Invoices Online

Enjoy easy and seamless e-invoice generation ♦ Generate e-invoices while saving your voucher ♦ Generate e-invoices from the e-invoice report ♦ Fetch details directly from the portal


Generate e-Invoices Offline

Generate e-invoice files and upload them to the department portal manually ♦ Decide your upload routine based on your convenience


Generate e-Invoices Through Sandbox API System

Experience the process of e-invoicing using the Sandbox API system ♦ Learn how to set up, generate e-invoices both online and offline ♦ Resolve issues when e-invoices are rejected by the system

Register and Choose TallyPrime as Your GSP for e-Invoicing

Partner with a GSP to upload e-invoices ♦ Learn the steps to choose Tally as your GSP for seamless e-invoice generation and submission


Set Up TallyPrime for e-Invoicing

Start your e-invoicing journey with TallyPrime by setting up the process ♦ Choose the applicable date, period for the e-invoice report, and other relevant settings


Upload Multiple e-Invoices in Bulk

Upload all vouchers created in a day for e-invoicing at once in TallyPrime ♦ Use the e-Invoice report to select and send all vouchers ready for e-invoicing in a single action


Cancel e-Invoice in TallyPrime

Cancel an invoice easily in case of mistakes or duplicate entries and send the cancellation details to the system

Undo IRN/e-Invoice Cancellation in TallyPrime

Undo the cancellation of an e-invoice in TallyPrime if the cancellation request has not been sent to the system

Use e-Invoice Report in TallyPrime

Use the e-Invoice report to get real-time status of your e-invoices, including IRN details ♦ View vouchers ready for export, exported, rejected, cancelled, and uncertain transactions directly in the e-invoice report

Generate e-Invoices for Export Sales

Generate e-invoice for export sales effortlessly in TallyPrime ♦ Generate e-invoice without a tax ledger, using foreign currency, and for parties with LUT Bond ♦ Record all necessary export sales details while creating the voucher

Generate an e-Invoice for Export Sales

Generate e-invoice JSON files for export sales with code 96 using TallyPrime

Generate an e-Invoice for Export Sales to Other Territory

Generate e-invoice JSON files for export sales to other territories with code 97 using TallyPrime

Generate an e-Invoice for Sales in TallyPrime Under Section 7 of IGST Act

Generate e-invoice for sales under Section 7 of the IGST Act for intrastate sales ♦ Override the GST details in the transaction as needed

Resolve e-Invoicing Errors in TallyPrime

Identify vouchers where e-invoices are not generated due to missing or incorrect mandatory details ♦ Locate these vouchers in the e-invoice report ♦ Make the necessary corrections and generate the e-invoice

Resolve e-Invoice Rejections when UQC is Not Selected in Stock Item

Identify vouchers rejected by the system when UQC is not selected for the stock item ♦ Review such vouchers in the e-invoice report ♦ Update the necessary details

Generate e-Way Bill and e-Invoice for Export Invoices

Generate e-Way bill and e-Invoice for Export Invoices ♦ Resolve vouchers appearing under Missing/Invalid Information

e-Way Bill

Prerequisites to Generate e-Way Bill Directly from TallyPrime

Register for e-Way bill by choosing Tally as your GSP ♦ Create API user to access the portal directly from TallyPrime to generate e-Way bill without manual intervention


Generate e-Way Bill Online

Generate e-Way bill for the movement of a consignment without manual intervention with the fully connected e-Way bill experience


Generate e-Way Bill Online for Multiple Vouchers

Generate multiple e-Way bills online in bulk from TallyPrime Update e-Way bill part for all invoices and generate them online at once Disable the option to generate e-Way bill generation at the time of voucher saving to generate them in bulk

 Get e-Way Bill Info, Update Part B/Transporter ID & Extend Validity

Use the e-Way Bill report in TallyPrime to get the latest e-way bill information ♦ Update part B, transporter ID, and extend e-way bill validity Cancel the e-Way bill using the connected e-Way bill setup for a seamless experience.  

Use e-Way Bill Report & e-Way Bill Register for e-Way Bill Updates

View e-Way Bill report and e-Way Bill Register in TallyPrime  Identify completed and pending transactions and take necessary actions

Cancel e-Way Bill

Cancel and undo cancellation of e-Way Bill in TallyPrime ♦ Upload the cancellation details to cancel it on the department portal


Generate e-Way Bill  for Export Invoices

Generate e-Way bill for Export Invoices ♦ Resolve vouchers appearing under Missing/Invalid Information


Generate e-Way Bills in TallyPrime

Generate e-Way bill for the movement of a consignment without manual intervention with the fully connected e-Way bill experience

GST – Multi

Use Multiple GST Registrations Feature

Create multiple GST Registrations in a single company in TallyPrime Set default GST registration for voucher type. Record transactions for any registration Change registration in vouchers, reports and masters View and export GST Returns for single or all registrations ♦ Understand voucher numbering series and common voucher numbering for all registrations. 


GST Calculated

Possible Reasons for GST Not Getting Auto-Calculated in Invoices

Understand why GST is not calculated automatically using the GSTR-1 report ♦ Make the necessary corrections to ensure accurate GST amounts in invoices ♦ Upload the corrected data to GST returns


GST e-Com

Add E-commerce Sales Details on the GST Portal by Referring to TallyPrime

Identify e-commerce sales using the e-commerce summary ♦ Enter the e-commerce details, along with respective taxable value and tax amount on the GST portal


Resolve Uncertain Transactions in GSTR-1 Due to Invalid/Missing HSN/SAC

Update missing or invalid HSN/SAC details in stock item/group, company level, or using a GST classification to resolve uncertainty in GSTR-1 ♦ Prevent transactions from being marked as uncertain after migrating accounts-only company data to TallyPrime 3.0 and allow you to upload the corrected data to returns



Stop Kerala Flood Cess (KFC) Calculation

Disable the calculation of Kerala Flood Cess in your books if it has been previously enabled and configured for your GST transactions


GST Master

Configure Ledgers for GST

Learn about the enhanced  GST master configuration for calculating GST Configure ledgers to include in assessable value calculation ♦ Learn about simplified appropriating tax values of additional costs incurred during purchase

Use GST Rate Setup Report for Masters

Use GST Rate Setup Report to update GST rate and HSN/SAC details in Groups, Ledgers, Stock Items and Stock Groups in bulk ♦ Use to report to get details of reverse charge and input tax eligibility 

Set up GST Rate Details at Different Levels

Define GST Rate and HSN/SAC details at different levels in TallyPrime ♦ Select the source of GST to check and apply in vouchers ♦ Choose to enter details manually in vouchers or override the default values

Update HSN Codes for Stock Items

Ensure HSN/SAC details are captured in the invoices by updating these details in respective stock item masters

Specify Slab-Based GST Rate Details in Masters

Specify slab-based GST rates for stock items or ledgers Define the slab based on the value of the commodity Learn about the effect of these slabs during voucher creation

Update Party GST Registration in TallyPrime without Affecting Earlier Returns

Retain the GST status of your current transactions of a party while updating the GST registration details for the respective party Ensure that new GST details are applicable from a fixed date.  

Create or Alter Ledgers Using Party GSTIN/UIN

Create party ledgers merely by using GSTIN/UIN with connected GST experience ♦ View the party’s GST return filing history


Create Multiple Ledgers Using GSTIN/UINs

Fetch the information about a party(s) merely by using the GSTIN/UIN with the connected GST experience ♦ Enter the GSTIN/UINs manually or import from an Excel file Get all the vital information required for ledger creation, such as Name, Address, GSTIN/UIN Status, Registration Type, PAN, and others ♦ Compare the information on the GST portal and that in the ledger from the Ledger Alteration screen


Fetch Party details using GSTIN/UIN During Voucher Creation

Validate the status of GSTIN/UIN during voucher entry or fill party details using GSTIN/UIN ♦ Create a voucher with all the information required for GST Returns, e-Invoice, and e-Way Bill Fetch real-time information available on the GST portal


Validate GSTIN/UIN of Parties Before Uploading/Filing GSTR-1

Validate GSTIN/UIN before uploading GSTR-1 from TallyPrime Ensure that the party details are updated, as per that on the GST portal Upload or file GSTR-1.


Merge Companies with Different GSTIN/UINs

Merge data of existing GST registrations maintained in different companies into a single company Create unique voucher numbering series for each company to avoid duplication after merging Export masters and transactions from both companies and import them in a new company created to merge both these companies.


Validate GSTIN/UIN Online

Validate parties GSTIN/UIN and other information such as Trade Name, Mailing address, EWB status and so on directly from TallyPrime.

Validate HSN/SAC Info Online

Validate HSN/SAC Details from within TallyPrime to avoid trouble during return filing and in claiming of input credit.

GST Reconciliation

Reconcile GSTR-2 Transactions

Reconcile GSTR-2 transactions in the book with transactions on the portal Identify mismatches, make corrections, and after comparing with online data, mark transactions as accepted, rejected, or pending ♦ Download GSTR-2A from portal to do the reconciliation


Reconcile GSTR-2A Transactions

Viewing GSTR-2A Reconciliation Report Import Supplier’s Transactions Use GSTR-2A Reconciliation to Identify the Exceptions in Unreconciled Transactions and Resolve Handle Exceptions related to document number, and uncertain, deleted or excluded transactions Identify Potential Matches to Unreconcile Transactions.

Reconcile GSTR-2B Transactions

View GSTR-2B Reconciliation Report Import supplier’s transactions Use GSTR-2B Reconciliation to Identify the Exceptions in Unreconciled Transactions and Resolve

Update/Copy Doc No. and Date from GST Portal for GSTR-2A/GSTR-2B Reconciliation

Update or copy the Doc No. and Date from the voucher downloaded from the GST portal to the voucher recorded in the Books for GSTR-2A or GSTR-2B reconciliation in TallyPrime ♦ Correct mismatches caused by prefix or suffix issues, special characters, or data entry errors ♦ Copy the Doc No. and Date directly from the supplier’s invoice on the GST portal to your voucher for seamless reconciliation.


 Reconcile Purchase Vouchers with Invoice Amount Differences from TDS/TCS

Ignore the difference in invoice amount caused by TDS or TCS in TallyPrime ♦ Reconcile vouchers marked as mismatched due to the difference in invoice amounts seamlessly.


Reconcile Purchase Vouchers while Ignoring Round Off

Reconcile purchase vouchers while ignoring round-off differences in TallyPrime ♦ Allow vouchers to reconcile automatically, eliminating the need for manual reconciliation


Exclude Irrelevant Transactions from GSTR-2B Reconciliation

Exclude transactions not applicable to you from GSTR-2B reconciliation in TallyPrime ♦ View such transactions in the Available Only on Portal section of the GSTR-2B Reconciliation report ♦ Set the GST Status of these transactions to exclude them from the reconciliation report.


Export GSTR-2 in Old Format from the GSTR-2B or GSTR-2A Reconciliation Report

Export GSTR-2 in the old format as an Excel file for reconciliation ♦ Use the As per old format option in export configurations to export GSTR-2A and GSTR-2B


GST Reset

Reset GSTN Data

Reset GSTN data imported from the portal if the data is corrupted or altered during reconciliation adjustments

GST Return

Upload GSTR-3B Returns After Exporting MS Excel File from TallyPrime

Download GSTR-3B offline utility ♦ Export GSTR-3B in the format required by utility template Generate JSON using the utility Upload the GSTR-3B JSON on the portal to file returns

View GSTR-3B with Values as per the Portal Data

View GSTR-3B summary as per books and as per downloaded portal data ♦ Download GSTR-3B from the portal and compare it with book values


File GSTR-1 from TallyPrime

File GSTR-1 right from TallyPrime Upload the vouchers and summaries on the portal and select the preferred mode of filing GSTR-1 Complete GSTR-1 filing within seconds.


Export GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B from TallyPrime

Export GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B from TallyPrime in the format of our choice Export GSTR-1 with separate JSON files for each section Export GSTR-3B as an Excel spreadsheet identical to the Excel utility provided on the portal

Export GSTR-1 for Multiple Return Periods into a Single Excel File

Export the GSTR-1 return for multiple periods into a single Excel file. If there are multiple GST registrations in a single company, you can select a specific GST registration or all registrations and export the return at one go.

Export GSTR-1 Section-Wise from TallyPrime

Export different sections of GSTR-1 to separate JSON files for filing GSTR-1 e-returns section-wise ♦ Select the required configuration in Company F11 to enable section-wise export ♦ Use the export option to upload transactions for each month of the quarter and file returns at the end of the quarter when opting for the Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF)

Export Separate JSON for Each Section of GSTR-1 From TallyPrime

Learn how to export separate JSON files for each section of GSTR-1 ♦ Enable QRMP dealers using IFF to upload B2B invoices and credit/debit notes for each month of the quarter ♦ File returns seamlessly at the end of the respective quarter

Upload vouchers to GSTR-1 under IFF Scheme Directly from TallyPrime

Understand the provisions of the IFF scheme under GST ♦ Upload returns for each month of a quarter without including the summary sections ♦ Upload the summary section seamlessly at the end of the quarter


File GSTR 1 using JSON Created from Tally.ERP 9

Check GSTR-1 return details and export the return in JSON format from Tally.ERP 9

File GSTR-1 after exporting it from TallyPrime

Generate GSTR-1 return file using TallyPrime and upload the file on GSTN portal Make necessary corrections to the returns before generating the return file

 Use GSTR-1 in TallyPrime

Use GSTR-1 report in TallyPrime for various GST return related activities Move vouchers to different return period Move vouchers to different return period ♦ Identify deleted or modified vouchers ♦ Identify vouchers to be reuploaded ♦ Sign return to freeze values ♦ Amend vouchers from a signed return to a subsequent return period

Download GST Returns in TallyPrime for Reconciliation

Download GST Returns right in TallyPrime  Download all the required return types for any GST registration Choose to make return types as default choices while downloading GST Returns


 Convert Transactions from B2B to B2C in Bulk when GSTIN/UIN Is Inactive

Transactions rejected due to an inactive GSTIN can now be bulk converted from B2B to B2C with a single click.

Upload GSTR-1 Returns Directly from TallyPrime

Directly connect to the GSTN portal and upload transactions to update your GST returns from within TallyPrime


 Resolve Vouchers Rejected by GST Portal While Uploading from TallyPrime

Resolve the vouchers rejected by the GST portal when you upload them from TallyPrime  Identify rejected vouchers in GSTR-1 and take actions to resolve them Upload them right from TallyPrime Learn using examples in the video


 Refresh Vouchers for Which Upload on GST Portal is in Progress

Refresh the GST status of vouchers stuck in the Upload in Progress section of GSTR-1 ♦ Address issues caused by high traffic on the GST portal, simultaneous activities, or server-related problems ♦ Use the two methods provided in TallyPrime Release 5.0 to refresh the GST status efficiently


Use Online Upload/Download Tracker

Access information about any online activity performed for your GST needs ♦ View details of uploaded or downloaded GST returns ♦ Open the Online Upload/Download Tracker for quick reference of your GST return activities ♦ Check errors and failures related to online activities in the tracker


Use Track GST Return Activities Report

Use Track GST Return Activities report to verify corrections, export transactions, reconcile transactions and sign returns

Upload Vouchers of GSTR-3B

Connect with the GST portal to upload GSTR-3B in seconds using the button under the Exchange menu in TallyPrime ♦ Avoid the need to open the GST portal and complete the entire process of uploading GSTR-3B, GSTR-1, and CMP-08 directly from TallyPrime


Upload Vouchers of CMP-08

Connect with the GST portal to upload CMP-08 in seconds using the button under the Exchange menu in TallyPrime ♦ Skip the need to open the GST portal and complete the entire process of uploading GSTR-3B, GSTR-1, and CMP-08 directly from TallyPrime.


View CMP-08 and GSTR-4

View CMP-08 for quarterly returns and GSTR-4 for annual returns in TallyPrime

Enable API Access for Connected GST

Enable API access for your login on the GSTN portal to allow direct upload of returns from any software


Remove Vouchers Marked for Deletion on the Portal in GSTR-1

Learn why vouchers are marked for deletion on the portal in GSTR-1 Remove the vouchers marked for deletion Reset the delete requests


GST Trans

Record a Sales Invoice for Stock Items with Different GST Rates

Create stock items to specify GST Rate Record sales invoice with stock items having different GST rates Record sales invoice with GST ledgers for different GST rates

Record GST Adv Receipt & Adjust the Amount in Sales Invoice

Record GST advance receipts and adjust the advance against the supply of services in the sales invoice


Record GST Purchase with TCS

Record GST purcases with TCS in TallyPrime Create TCS ledger under Current Assets Configure the ledger to behave as duties and taxes

Record GST Sale of Goods with TCS

Learn about Accrual and Realisation method of TCS levy Record GST sale of goods with TCS

Learn about the effect GST-related changes in masters have on the GST status of vouchers

Record RCM Purchase Vouchers in TallyPrime

Set up stock item or service ledger for reverse charge mechanism ♦ Record vouchers for purchase of RCM goods ♦ Raise tax liability against RCM purchases using journal voucher ♦ Record debit note for purchase returns of RCM goods or services ♦ Record purchase voucher for import of services under reverse charge


GST – Conflict Resolution

 Check Conflicts Between Masters and Transactions while Exchanging Data

Resolve GST Related Details Conflicts in Masters and Transactions.


Resolve Conflicts Due to GST Details Source Change

 Review GST transactions if the source of the GST details change after recording the transaction. 


Resolve Conflicts in Transactions Due to Changes in GST Details in Masters

 Review GST transactions if the required GST details in Masters change after recording the transaction. 


Check Conflicts in Transactions for Current and All Return Periods

Review conflicts between masters and transactions for the current period or any past periods.



Specify MSME Registration Details for the Company

Specify MSME Registration details such as the MSME registration number (UDYAM no.), registration type and status in TallyPrime

Update UDYAM Registration Details and View Pending Bills of MSME Parties

Update UDYAM registration numbers of your MSME parties View bills pending of MSME parties based on overdue days

Get the List of Disallowed MSME Bills for 43B(h) of Income Tax Act

View the list of overdue MSME bills for which you cannot claim income tax exemptions

View MSME Form 1 Statement

Generate and view MSME Form 1 statement to get details for filing MSME Form 1 periodically



Enable TCS

Create different type of masters with TCS details ♦ Create and use nature of payment in masters ♦ Set threshold limits for TCS exemption in masters

Set up TCS masters

Record Transactions with TCS

Record sales transactions with TCS levy Ensure TCS is levied on amount above the threshold limit Collect TCS in receipt voucher based on realisation method. 

Record Advance Receipts and Sales Transactions with TCS

Learn about different advance receipt transactions involving TCS applicable goods  Record TCS advance receipt transactions Record TCS sales transaction against the advance receipt with tax on realisation and accrual methods

Generate TCS Reports and Returns

Learn about changes made to TCS Reports in TallyPrime release 1.1.4 Understand how to generate TCS Returns in TallyPrime

Make changes in TDS/TCS e-Return Files Exported from TallyPrime for FVU Tool 8.2

Update exported TDS/TCS text files for successful validation using the utility tool version 8.2 ♦ Learn about the additional fields introduced by the department in the utility tool and the fillers required to complete the e-return file validation ♦ Update deductee and collectee codes in e-return files for accurate processing


Record TDS Under Section 194Q on Purchase

Manage TDS deductions on purchases under Section 194Q in TallyPrime Release 5.0 ♦ Create TDS Nature of Payment with threshold limit and configure to deduct TDS as per the limit


Learn how to exempt TDS under Section 194Q in TallyPrime Release 5.0 Create the party master with the exemption to not deduct TDS on Government, e-commerce operators, Sellers charging TCS, and NRIs



Update the Natures of Payment for transactions directly from Form 26Q


GST Reports

Know Input Tax Credit (ITC) at Risk in Bills Payable

Know the Input Tax Credit or ITC at risk in the Bills Payable report in TallyPrime Learn what to verify if the supplier has reported on the GST portal Configure Bills Payable report to know the GST Status, based on the voucher uploaded by the buyer Bridge the gap between identifying and follow up with vendors for small tax amounts to be uploaded by knowing the ITC at risk


 Settle Bills Using Ledger Outstandings While Considering ITC at Risk

Settle bills using the Ledger Outstandings – GST report in TallyPrime  Do not pay your vendors without verifying if the supplier has reported on the GST portal Use the Ledger Outstandings – GST to know about the ITC at risk against the bills recorded for a supplier and take data-driven decision before you settle the bill


Know Input Tax Credit (ITC) at Risk for Vouchers Using Ledger Vouchers

Use Ledger Vouchers and Ledger Vouchers – GST reports to know the ITC at risk  View the GST status of vouchers along with the difference in the Amount


Know the Tax Liability at Risk in Bills Receivable Report

Know tax liability at risk in the Bills Receivable – GST report in TallyPrime  Avoid delay in outstanding receivables when you miss to report one or more invoices in GSTR-1 resulting in affecting the Input Tax Credit of the buyer due to unreported invoices  Resolve claims by the buyer of missing vouchers


Identify the ITC to be Reversed in Bills Payable

Identify the Input Tax Credit or ITC to be reversed in the Bills Payable – GST report in TallyPrime Identify bills that are pending for more than 180 days to reverse the ITCS amount claimed


View GSTR-3B with a breakup of ITC from the Current and Other Periods

View GSTR-3B with the breakup of Input Tax Credit Identify the vouchers for which the return periods are different in your books and on the portal


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