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Create Tax Units in TallyPrime (Excise for Manufacturer)

Excise manufacturers have to maintain excise tax units as per the CENVAT rules, and stock moving in and out of the stock unit has to be taxed. You can create Tax Units in TallyPrime and same can be linked to godowns and excise units.

To create Tax Units in TallyPrime in case of excise for manufacturer, follow the steps given below.

Create Tax Unit in TallyPrime

  1. Gateway of Tally > Create > type or select Tax Units.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) >type or select Create Master > type or select Tax Units.
  2. Enter Tax Unit Name.
  3. Enter the Address, State, Pin Code, and Telephone.
  4. Select Excise in the field Registered for.
  5. Enable the option Set/Alter Excise details. Press Backspace to change the tax Unit Name, if required.
    1. Select the Registration Type.
    2. Select Manufacturer as the Type of Registration.
    3. Select the Type of Manufacturer, as required.
    4. Enter ECC No.
  6. Press Enter. The completed Tax Unit Creation screen appears as shown below:
  7. Press Enter to save.


Delete an Excise Tax Unit

Excise tax units can be deleted when they are no longer in use or to avoid duplicates. However, you cannot delete an excise tax unit under the following conditions:

  • If the excise tax unit is created at the company level (while enabling excise).
  • If the excise tax unit is configured in the stock item master under the option Set/Alter additional info.

You have to ensure that a tax unit has to be removed from the relevant masters and transactions before deleting it.

  1. Gateway of Tally > Alter > type or select Tax Units.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select Alter Master > type or select Tax Units.
  2. Select the tax unit.
  3. Press Alt+D. The Tax Unit Alteration screen appears as shown below:
  4. Press Enter to save.
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